All 50 Scadutree Fragment locations in Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree
Here's where to find all 50 Scadutree Fragments in the Land of Shadow.
Scadutree Fragments are an important collectible item in Elden Ring's Shadow of the Erdtree DLC, helping to increase your character's attack power and defence stats to make you more powerful. There are a total of 50 Scadutree Fragments to find in Shadow of the Erdtree, and we've got the location details for all of them below.
Scadutree Fragments (pronounced "Shadowtree") are one of two new stat-boosting items in Shadow of the Erdtree, with the other being Revered Spirit Ashes. Collecting Scadutree Fragments isn't enough, however, as you'll need to apply them to your character before you can take advantage of their stat boosts. To do this, simply visit any Site of Grace within the Shadow Realm and select the 'Shadow Realm Blessing' menu option.
Happily, most Scadutree Fragments can be found alongside Sites of Grace that double up as Miquella's Cross locations, but there are many more that you'll need to track down out in the world itself. So to help you find every Scadutree Fragment in Elden Ring's DLC, we've listed all 50 Scadutree Fragment locations below, telling you how to find them and where they appear on the map.
On this page:
- Scadutree Fragment locations in Gravesite Plain
- Scadutree Fragment locations in Scadu Altus
- Scadutree Fragment locations in Scaduview
- Scadutree Fragment locations in Cerulean Coast
- Scadutree Fragment locations in Charo's Hidden Grave
- Scadutree Fragment locations in Jagged Peak
- Scadutree Fragment locations in Stone Fissure Coffin
- Scadutree Fragment locations in Ancient Ruins of Rauh
- Scadutree Fragment locations in Abyssal Woods
- Scadutree Fragment locations in Enir-Ilim
Scadutree Fragment locations in Gravesite Plain
There are a total of 10 Scadutree Fragments in the Gravesite Plain area of Shadow of the Erdtree, including Castle Ensis and Belurat, Tower Settlement, and you'll find all of their locations listed below:
#1-2: Church of Consolation (x2)

You'll find your first two Scadutree Fragments at the Church of Consolation, just down the hill from where you emerge onto Gravesite Plain at the start of the expansion. Head east and follow the road down the hill, and you'll soon see the Church on your left. Interact with the item at the bottom of the statue and you'll gain two Scadutree Fragments.
#3: North-east of Scorched Ruins (Pot Shade in graveyard)

In a small graveyard to the north-east of the Scorched Ruins in Gravesite Plain, you'll come across a group of shades all digging around in the dirt. Among them is a special shade holding a pot above its head. Defeat this Shade to earn yourself another Scadutree Fragment, but be warned: if you're too slow to take it down, it will disappear into thin air, meaning you'll have to reload the area and try again if you miss it.
#4: Three-Path Cross

This Scadutree Fragment can be found next to the Miquella's Cross, which itself sits by a Site of Grace found near the main road to the northwest of the Scorched Ruins.
#5: Pillar Path Cross

You can find this Scadutree Fragment next to the Miquella's Cross near the 'Pillar Path Cross' Site of Grace just off the road by a cliff southeast of Castle Ensis.
#6: Main Gate Cross

Head to the Site of Grace in front of the entrance to the Belurat Tower Settlement to find a Scadutree Fragment next to a Miquella's Cross.
#7: Prospect Town (Pot Shade in graveyard)

This Scadutree Fragment is found by defeating the Pot Shade in the graveyard to the west of Prospect Town. Like the Pot Shade near the Scorched Ruins, you'll need to take down this Shade quickly to obtain the Scadutree Fragment, otherwise it will vanish into thin air and you'll need to reload the area by visiting a Site of Grace to try again.
#8: Castle Front, outside Castle Ensis

This Scadutree Fragment can be found in front of the Marika statue in the middle of the encampment on front of the Castle Ensis entrance.
#9: Castle Ensis Checkpoint

You'll find this Scadutree Fragment near the Miquella's Cross, which itself can be found near the Site of Grace 'Castle Ensis Checkpoint'.
#10: Belurat Tower Settlement

The Scadutree Fragment in the Belurat Tower Settlement is located in the upper town section of this dungeon, near the base of the tower that leads up to the boss fight with Divine Beast Dancing Lion. To reach it, you first need to climb over the rubble near the entrance to tower (the one with the giant scorpions). There's a small doorway hidden from view to your left, and if you go inside, you'll see the fragment next to the Miquella's Cross site.
Scadutree Fragment locations in Scadu Altus
There's a total of 18 Scadutree Fragments in the Scadu Altus region of Shadow of the Erdtree, including those found in the Shadow Keep. You'll find all their locations below:
#11: Highroad Cross

This Scadutree Fragment can be found the Miquella's Cross near the Highroad Cross Site of Grace. You'll come across it immediately after beating Rellana, Twin Moon Knight at the end of Castle Ensis.
#12: Moorth Ruins Cross

You can find this Scadutree Fragment near the Miquella's Cross close to the Moorth Ruins Cross Site of Grace.
#13: West of Moorth Ruins

Just to the west of the Site of Grace 'Moorth Ruins Cross', you'll find a small soldier camp with a statue by a fire. The Scadutree Fragment can be found at the base of this statue.
#14: Northeast of Moorth Ruins

You'll find this Scadutree Fragment in front of a statue in an underground tunnel leading off the lake northeast of the Site of Grace 'Moorth Ruins Cross'.
#15: South of Moorth Ruins (Pot Shade)

The Moorth Ruins area is seemingly rife with Scadutree Fragments, and the final one you can find here belongs to another Pot Shade. You'll find this Shade scurrying about on the back cliffs, near the large hole in the ground. Be careful, though, as there's a Curseblade nearby to distract you - make sure to go for the Pot Shade first, though, as they'll disappear if you don't take them down quickly.
#16: Encampment south of Shadow Keep

This Scadutree Fragment sits at the bottom of a statue on the southern edge of the soldier encampment in front of the Shadow Keep. It's easy to grab, but you'll need to mind the giant Furnace Golem that also makes this camp its home!
#17-18: Church of the Crusade (x2)

Sitting to the north-west of the Site of Grace 'Highroad Cross', there are two Scadutree Fragments that can be collected from the base of the statue inside the Church of the Crusade. You'll need to be prepared to fight the NPC invader Fire Knight Queelign here, though, so make sure you're prepared when you enter the church.
#19: Scaduview Cross

Find the 'Scaduview Cross' Site of Grace to locate both a Miquella's Cross and Scadutree Fragment. To reach it, you'll need to head south from Moorth Ruins toward the Fort of Reprimand. Before you go into the tunnel that leads to the fort, however, you'll need to unlock the Sealed Spiritspring located on the eastern side of the cliff. Use Torrent to jump up onto the cliff top once it's been unsealed, and you'll find the Scadutree Fragment next to the Miquella's Cross site.
#20-21: Shadow Keep, defeating Golden Hippopotamus

You can find two Scadutree Fragments after beating the Golden Hippopotamus boss near the front entrance of the Shadow Keep.
#22: Shadow Keep, Sunken Chapel statue

Once you've drained the Church District of the Shadow Keep, you can now reach the Scadutree Fragment at the top of the large statue near the Storehouse back entrance. You'll need to jump from the upper platform to grab it, as it's inaccessible from the ground floor.
#23: Shadow Keep, Storehouse Fourth Floor

A Scadutree Fragment can be found at the Site of Grace 'Storehouse, Fourth Floor' in the Shadow Keep, next to the Miquella's Cross site.
#24: Shadow Keep, before Messmer's Dark Chamber

This Scadutree Fragment can be found just before you fight Messmer the Impaler, the boss of Shadow Keep.
#25: Shadow Keep Back Gate, near the Statue of Marika

Once you've made it to the Shadow Keep's Back Gate, you'll find a Scadutree Fragment at the foot of a statue of Marika in the room to the left of the Site of Grace 'Shadow Keep, Back Gate'.
#26: Ruins of Unte, bottom of the waterfall

To find this Scadutree Fragment, you first need to visit the 'Castle Watering Hole' Site of Grace, which you can only get to by using the hidden coffin inside the Shadow Keep (where you find one of its collectible Erdtree Paintings). From there you'll be able to enter the Ruins of Unte and follow the cliffs downwards until you enter a wetlands area. If you follow the river back up to the waterfall, you'll find a Scadutree Fragment inside a coffin right at the end of it past two large Miranda Sprouts.
#27-28: Recluses' River Downstream, Hippos (x2)

Keep heading down the cliffs from the Ruins of Unte until you reach the Site of Grace 'Recluses' River Downstream'. Here, you'll need to defeat two hippo-like monsters to obtain another two Scadutree Fragments, one from each hippo.
Scadutree Fragment locations in Scaduview
There are just 5 Scadutree Fragments to find in this section of Scaduview, and luckily they're all in the same location:
#29-33: Scaduview Chalice (x5)

After you beat Commander Gaius outside the Shadow Keep's Back Gate, you can ride up to the Scaduview Chalice to claim a whopping five Scadutree Fragments all at once.
Scadutree Fragment locations in Cerulean Coast
There is a total of 2 Scadutree Fragments to find in the Cerulean Coast area of Shadow of the Erdtree, and we've listed their locations below:
#34: Cerulean Coast Cross

You can find this Scadutree Fragment near this Miquella's Cross in the Cerulean Coast.
#35: In a cave leading to Demi-Human Queen Marigga

Another Scadutree Fragment can be found in the cave on the way to Demi-Human Marigga in the western side of the Cerulean Coast. If you're having trouble finding it, look for the monster on the right-hand side of the left screenshot as it won't be far away.
Scadutree Fragment locations in Charo's Hidden Grave
There's only one Scadutree Fragment to find in Charo's Hidden Grave, and once again, it involves beating a giant hippo.
#36: Defeating the Hippo

What is it with hippos and Scadutree Fragments, eh? In any case, you'll find another giant hippo in the southern section of Charo's Hidden Grave. Defeating it will earn you one more Scadutree Fragment for your collection.
Scadutree Fragment locations in Jagged Peak
There's just a single Scadutree Fragment to find in Jagged Peak, which we've listed below:
#37: On a cliffside heading towards Jagged Peak after meeting Igon

After defeating two Jagged Peak Drakes at the same time, Igon will send you on a quest further up the mountain to defeat Bayle the Dread. After using the second Spiritspring you come across after Igon, you'll find a Rune of an Unsung Hero item on the ground in front of you. The path splits here - take the right hand path to the south, and you'll find this Scadutree Fragment nestled into the cliff face at the end. Be careful of the boulders rolling down the hill!
Scadutree Fragment locations in Stone Fissure Coffin
Once again, there's just a single Scadutree Fragment to find in Stone Coffin Fissure, and it's a nice easy one for once:
#38: Fissure Cross

You'll find this Scadutree Fragment next to the Miquella's Cross site partway through the Stone Coffin Fissure dungeon. You'll come across it naturally on your journey through this underground region, which you'll need to access from the large fissure in the southern peninsula of the Cerulean Coast.
Scadutree Fragment locations in Ancient Ruins of Rauh
There's a total of 5 Scadutree Fragments in the Ancient Ruins of Rauh, and they're some of the trickest to find due to the maze-like structure of its titular ruins. To help you track them down, we've listed them all below:
#39: Defeating the Hippo south of Viaduct Minor Tower

You can find this Scadutree Fragment after defeating a Hippopotamus just to the south of the Viaduct Minor Tower in the Ancient Ruins of Rauh.
#40: Pot Shade in ruins west of Viaduct Minor Tower

The maze of ruins before you arrive at the 'Rauh Ancient Ruins Cross' Site of Grace contains multiple pot shades in its corridors (we've counted four in total so far), but only one has a Scadutree Fragment to collect. We found it separate to the other three (which are all located in the same room inside the ruins), near the large, open area near the exit where you fight a Curseblade monster.
#41: Rauh Ancient Ruins Cross

Like previous Miquella's Cross locations, the Rauh Ancient Ruins Cross holds its own Scadutree Fragment here, too.
#42: By a statue in the western ruins

Your next destination after the Rauh Ancient Ruins Cross is crossing the large stone bridge to the other side of the ruins, dodging the Furnace Golem waiting for you on the other side. Like the Pot Shade in the northern ruins, this one is located within another maze-like structure in the western ruins - happily, you'll find it at a fixed statue (pictured above) rather than another scurrying pot shade.
#43: Temple Town Ruins

To obtain this Scadutree Fragment, you'll need to get to Temple Town Ruins, which is acccessed via the Rauh Base part of this region. You can get here by riding through a small cave to the north east of Moorth Ruins in Scadu Altus, and following the route round to the west, past Taylew's Ruined Forge and the Rauh map fragment stele. You'll find the Scadutree Fragment at the top of the ruins on a corpse - just find the hole in the wall to enter the ruins proper, and work your way up to the top levels to claim the fragment.
Scadutree Fragment locations in Abyssal Woods
There are three Scadutree Fragments to find in the Abyssal Woods of Shadow of the Erdtree, which we've listed below:
#44-45: Abandoned Church

One of the few shining lights in this dark forest, the Abandoned Church lying to the far east of the Abyssal Woods has two Scadutree Fragments to claim in front of its altar. The nearby Site of Grace is called 'Church Ruins'.
#46: North of the Abyssal Woods, on a corpse

Located on a corpse near the Site of Grace 'Abyssal Woods', you can reach this Scadutree Fragment by following the northern edge of the Abyssal Woods as you head west into its depths. It's located on a corpse in a small clearing where Rune Arc sorcerers linger, tucked away from the main route with the Frenzied eye monsters along it.
Scadutree Fragment locations in Enir-Ilim
The final 4 Scadutree Fragments are located in Enir-Ilim, which you can only access once you've beaten Romina, Saint of the Bud at the end of the Ancient Ruins of Rauh and burned the sealing tree on the other side of her boss arena. Here are their locations below:
#47: Spiral Rise

Follow the main path through Enir-Ilim and you’ll soon reach the 'Spiral Rise' Site of Grace. Just like previous Miquella’s Cross locations, this has its own Scadutree Fragment next to it.
#48: Belurat Statue Base

This next one is very tricky to get, as it involves a lot of dangerous platforming. Head back the way you came from Spiral Rise until you reach an area where a priest is kneeling. Then go right and down the staircase and follow the (very precarious) route round the edge of the building. If in doubt, follow the trail of glinting corpses and trust your gut - yes, at the end of this path, you will have to jump across a large gap to a very narrow window, but it is possible! Once you're on solid ground, you'll find a Scadutree Fragment at the base of the statue pictured above (and you're also a very short distance away from uncovering Belurat's secret treasure, the Euporia twinblade).
#49: Rooftop Altar Room

This time, head up the stairs from the Site of Grace 'Spiral Rise' and out onto the rooftops. Follow the path round, and you'll come to smaller stone staircase that leads up to the second section of the outer rooftops. At the start of this second section, head right immediately and you'll find a small room (the entrance has a tree next to it) with an altar inside it. A Scadutree Fragment sits in front of the altar.
#50: Cleansing Chamber Anteroom

Right on the path to the final boss of Shadow of the Erdtree, you simply can't miss this one, as it's right next to the Site of Grace 'Cleansing Chamber Anteroom'. Make sure you rest up and apply your final Shadow Blessing after collecting all 50 Scadutree Fragments, and good luck beating the big boss!
Need more help? Improve your stats by finding all of Shadow of the Erdtree's Scadutree Fragment locations and Revered Spirit Ash locations. Alternatively, see which Erdtree bosses you've still got left to beat, and track down some great new early weapons to help you on your adventure.