Fort of Reprimand walkthrough: Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree
Here's how to get through this small fort in Scadu Altus.
The Fort of Reprimand is an optional dungeon in Elden Ring's Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. It's located on the southern edge of Scadu Altus, and forms part of the hidden route into the area if you want to skip Castle Ensis and the Rellana, Twin Moon Knight boss fight at the end of it in Gravesite Plain.
You can also approach it as a regular dungeon after completing Castle Ensis if you prefer, as there are some important items to get here, including a new Ash of War and Talisman. We'll cover both ways you can approach it in our Fort of Reprimand walkthrough below.
On this page:
- Fort of Reprimand walkthrough (approaching from Scadu Altus)
- Fort of Reprimand walkthrough (approaching from Gravesite Plain)
Fort of Reprimand walkthrough (approaching from Scadu Altus)
After battling your way through a fight with Scadu Altus' Ghostflame Dragon, the sight of the Site of Grace 'Moorth Highway, South' will probably come as a deep relief to you. Activate it and rest up, then head into the fort entrance in front of you.
Inside the main courtyard, you'll find a fearsome masked knight with two very large swords that can deal blood loss damage. He can also breathe fire, just for good measure, just in case the trauma of the Ghostflame Dragon hasn't worn off yet. I found the best way to defeat him is to stay close and dodge roll into his attacks, giving you vital breathing room to get some good hits in. Stick to these tactics, and he should go down without too much fuss.

In the rest of this area, there are six corpses to visit and loot items from, including:
- 3x Grace Mimic
- 1x Broken Rune
- 1x Broken Rune
- 8x Throwing Daggers
- 1x Furlcalling Finger Remedy
- 1x Blessed Bone Shard
Next, you'll need to head down some stairs to the fort basement. In front of you, you'll see a corpse with 1x Fireproof Pickled Liver on it. Then, head into the room on your left. Go down the ladder and take care of the group of soldier enemies waiting below. Two of them will hurl fire bombs at you, so watch out for those - and lure the others round the other side of the grate to avoid getting hit by the fire bombs.
Once they're all taken care of, you can grab 7x Smithing Stone (5) and 3x Spiritgrave Stone from the two corpses, and 1x Furnace Visage from inside the treasure chest.

Head back up the ladder now and leave the room using the door in front of you. There are two more soldiers round the corner standing over a corpse, and another two in the doorway. Take them all out and grab the 2x Festive Grease from the corpse.
Before you leave the room, however, activate your lantern and you'll see a hidden path you can take through the stash of cages. Jump up over them and follow the path round until you come to a hidden area with a treasure chest.

Open it, and retrieve the Flamedrake Talisman +3, which can boost your fire negation damage "by the utmost".
That's everything you can get in this part of the fort, so work your way back round to the staircase leading upwards. If you immediately turn left, you'll see a corpse at the end of the passageway with 1x Broken Rune on it. Watch out above, though, as there's another large knight standing above you who may drop down on your head unexpectedly when they see you. They're the same type of enemy as you fought in the courtyard, so you can use very similar tactics against them.
Alternatively, you can continue up the stairs to grab the 3x Dewgems on the nearby corpse hanging over the edge, and then double back on yourself to activate the Site of Grace 'Fort of Reprimand'. At the end of this platform, there's another corpse with 1x Blessed Bone Shard to loot.

All that's left now is to climb the tower to the south. As you enter the room at the end of the ramparts, though, be careful, as you'll find yourself in a short boss fight against Black Knight Edredd.
This Black Knight has a large twinblade spear at his disposal, and can charge at your with a flaming wing attack as well. We've got more tips on how to beat Black Knight Edredd in our dedicated guide, but on defeat he'll reward you with 4446 runes and a new Ash of War 'Aspects of the Crucible: Wings' - that very same wing attack he was just using on you.

Continue inside the room, and climb the stairs. Then climb the two pairs of ladders right to the top of the tower. There's a treasure chest at the top with the Battlefield Priest's Cookbook (2) inside it.
And that's it for the Fort of Reprimand! Feel free to make your way out of the fort and back to the Moorth Highway Site of Grace and continue your journey through Scadu Altus.
Fort of Reprimand walkthrough (approaching from Gravesite Plain)
You can also approach the Fort of Reprimand by unlocking one of the Sealed Spiritsprings in Gravesite Plain, allowing you to get to Scadu Altus without going through Castle Ensis. Using this route, you'll come up behind the fort, allowing you to activate the Site of Grace 'Behind the Fort of Reprimand'.

Around the corner you'll face a large knight enemy with a nasty-looking pair of colossal swords, but you can sneak up behind them for a critical hit if you're careful. If they drop down to the platform below, don't worry - you also need to follow this path, so feel free to drop down with them to finish the fight. There's nothing else up here to collect.
Once you've dropped down and beaten the knight, pick up the 1x Broken Rune on the corpse directly beneath you and follow the passageway. To your right there's a staircase leading downwards, and to your left there's another stairway leading up to the main part of the fort.
I'd recommend going up first, if only to grab the 3x Dewgems on the nearby corpse hanging over the edge, and activating the other main Site of Grace here to your right, 'Fort of Reprimand'.

Continue heading west past the Site of Grace and you'll see a corpse at the end of the tower. You can loot 1x Blessed Bone Shard from it, but watch out for the fire soldier to your left, as they'll hurl flaming grenades at you as soon as you come into view.
From here, we're effectively tackling the fort in reverse compared to the way you'd approach it normally from Scadu Altus, so head back down towards the Site of Grace and turn right. Head down toward the next tower and prepare yourself for a short boss fight against Black Knight Edredd.
He has a large twinblade spear, and a powerful flaming wing attack that can send him careening through the air at you. As long as you've got a good shield at your disposal, he shouldn't be too tricky to take down, but I'd recommend luring him out of the tower room and out onto the ramparts to give yourself a little more breathing room to dodge his attacks.

On defeat, you'll be rewarded with 4446 runes, as well as that very same flaming wing attack in the form of a new Ash of War 'Aspects of the Crucible: Wings'.

Go back into the tower where you first met Edredd and go up the stairs in the corner. Climb the pair of ladders up to the top of the tower and then open the treausre chest to get the Battlefield Priest's Cookbook (2).
Next, retrace your steps back to the Site of Grace 'Fort Reprimand'. You can rest here if you need it, but otherwise, go down the steps to that staircase down you passed earlier:

Deal with the two regular soldiers standing guard at the bottom of the stairs, and the next two standing over a corpse in the next room. Grab the 2x Festive Grease from said corpse, then activate your lantern to help you see a hidden path behind the cages in this dark chamber.

Clamber over the cages until you reach a hidden area with a treasure chest. Inside it is the Talisman Flamedrake Talisman +3, which boost your fire negation damage "by the utmost".
Then hop over the wall to the other side of the room, and head into the room on your right. There are no enemies in here, but there's another ladder leading down to a basement room. There are a couple of treasures in here, but first deal with the group of soldiers waiting for you on the other side of the grating. Two of them will hang back and hurl fire balls at you again, so try to keep moving (or lure the other two behind the grate) so their fireballs can't hit you.
Once the coast is clear, grab the 7x Smithing Stone (5) and 3x Spiritgrave Stone from the two corpses in the room, and open the treasure chest to get 1x Furnace Visage.
Climb back up the ladder and before you head up into the main courtyard, don't forget to grab the 1x Fireproof Pickled Liver on the corpse next to the wall of cages off to your right.
Now, head out into the courtyard to deal with another large masked knight. Again, you can sneak behind them to land a critical hit if you're quiet, but you'll still need to watch out for their fire breath attacks, and blood loss-inducing sword swings.

Once they've been defeated, you can hoover up all the other items on the six corpses nearby, including:
- 3x Grace Mimic
- 1x Broken Rune
- 1x Broken Rune
- 8x Throwing Daggers
- 1x Furlcalling Finger Remedy
- 1x Blessed Bone Shard
After that, there's everything you can get inside the Fort of Reprimand, meaning you're free to leave and continue your journey into Scadu Altus.
Your next destination will be Moorth Ruins and Moorth Ruins Cross (which is another Scadutree Fragment and Miquella's Cross location), but before you get there, you may encounter Scadu Altus' Ghostflame Dragon, which will drop a Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone if you manage to defeat it - but you can always ride past it and come back to it later if you'd prefer.
Next destination: Ruined Forge of Starfall Past and the east side of Shadow Keep.
Need more help? Improve your stats by finding all of Shadow of the Erdtree's Scadutree Fragment locations and Revered Spirit Ash locations. Alternatively, see which Erdtree bosses you've still got left to beat, and track down some great new early weapons to help you on your adventure.