Where to visit cherry blossom tree displays in Fortnite
How to complete this Spring Breakout challenge.
Visit cherry blossom tree displays in Fortnite is one of the Spring Breakout challenges in Fortnite Chapter 4, Season 2.
There's five possible cherry blossom trees you can visit, so we'll detail every cherry blossom tree display location in Fortnite below.
Unlike other Spring Breakout challenges, like gathering laid eggs, you don't get XP for completing this quest. Instead, you'll receive the Bloomback Sack Back Bling as a cosmetic reward. You can get two mote Spring Breakout cosmetics by completing 22 Spring Breakout challenges in total.
Where to visit cherry blossom tree displays in Fortnite
There are five cherry blossom tree display locations in Fortnite, but you only need to visit three of them to complete this Spring challenge.
Visiting a cherry blossom thankfully doesn't require any more steps - just get close to a pink tree to mark off a location as being visited.
You'll find the cherry blossom tree displays in Fortnite at:
- Shattered Slabs
- The Citadel
- Anvil Square
- Brutal Bastion
- Slappy Shores

Some of the cherry blossoms are hidden in smaller areas, so here's exactly where to find each location:
Shattered Slabs
The cherry blossom tree display at Shattered Slabs is on the bottom floor of the quarry, near the entrance to a cave.

The Citadel
Outside, almost at the top of the Citadel building on the northside, near a vending machine.

Anvil Square
Anvil Square's cherry blossom tree display is between the outside of a few houses in the middle of the location, up the stairs.

Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 1 is here! It brings a free Lego Insider skin and redemption codes with it, along with a new Victory Umbrella. We've also got pages on new features like Medallions, Weapon Mods, and how to complete a Train Heist. Meanwhile, learn what the best weapons are in the current season, how to get XP fast, and what the best PC settings are to help earn a Victory Crown.
Brutal Bastion
Outside on the bottom floor of the Brutal Bastion area, in between two inside areas and close to the bounty board.

Slappy Shores
You'll find the Slappy Shores cherry blossom display right beside the house in the middle with graffiti of a tree and a robot sprayed on its side.

Remember, you only have to visit three of these locations to complete the Spring Breakout challenge, so try and pick three that are close together and inside the storm circle if you want to complete the task quickly.
If you would like to learn more about Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 2, visit our guides on Loot Island, hot springs, Battle Pass skins, the Eren Jaeger skin, and Augments.