Fortnite camera locations: Where to dance in front of different film camera locations explained
Here are the many film cameras you can dance in front of in Fortnite.
Finding Fortnite camera locations is one of Fortnite's many Weekly Challenges.
Completing the dancing in front of different film cameras objective will give you additional XP to help go towards your many Season 4 rewards. Note you'll need to be a Battle Pass holder in order to undertake this challenge.
If you're just getting started, our Fortnite Battle Royale tips and tricks can provide some helpful hints.
Note this particular challenge is no longer able to be completed. What's new? Chapter 4 Season 2 has arrived! New additions include the Grind Rails and Kinetic Blades, along with the new Battle Pass, character collection and Eren Jaeger skin. It's a good idea to know how to get XP fast in Fortnite.
How does dancing in front of different film camera locations work?
For the Week 2 Challenges, you are tasked with the following:
- Dance in front of different film cameras (7 total, 5 Battle Stars)
Another on the list includes searching between a Scarecrow, Pink Hotrod and a Big Screen.
Across the map are film cameras, introduced as part of Season 4's many map changes. If you stand in front of one of these and use an emote (defaults to the B key on PC or Down on the console's D-Pad) you'll add one to your challenge total.

It's important to reiterate you should dance in front of the camera, not the behind or the sides, otherwise you won't count it towards your challenge progress!
Either way the game won't signify you have done this, so if you lose count how many you've done, you must check out your Challenges list back in the lobby.
Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 1 is here! It brings a free Lego Insider skin and redemption codes with it, along with a new Victory Umbrella. We've also got pages on new features like Medallions, Weapon Mods, and how to complete a Train Heist. Meanwhile, learn what the best weapons are in the current season, how to get XP fast, and what the best PC settings are to help earn a Victory Crown.
Fortnite camera locations: Where to dance in front of different film cameras in Fortnite
You have to find seven locations, and unlike previous challenges where you must find locations on the map, there is exactly seven to find - making your job a little more difficult as everyone scrambles to the same locations.
Cameras aren't visible on the map and can be easy to miss, and though you might have naturally spotted some over the course of playing, having guidance for all seven is useful:

Here's where they all are located, with screens showing distant then specific film camera positions:
1) North-east of Junk Junction is a smaller compound - visit the largest warehouse there.

2) Go through the front door of the mansion in Haunted Hills, and on the back wall is another camera.

3) By the giant dinosaur footprint in the south-west of the map (west of Greasy Grove).

4) Inside the north warehouse and in front of the green screen in Risky Reels.

5) On the west side of a bridge north of Moisty Mire.

6) In the northern part of Moisty Mire, it's outside and to the east of a warehouse.

7) In the south part of Moisty Mire, next to the film set with the helicopter.

As with other challenges, you must do these as you play matches (you cannot enter the map without other players), so you'll have to avoid combat encounters as you attempt to find each location.
If you're struggling to do this, it's worth going 'against' the flow of other players - so landing away from the location, then travelling in when they are quiet - otherwise you'll find each camera spot to be a bit of a bloodbath.
Note you need to complete the match in order for the challenge to be finished - quitting the match as soon as you collect it won't work.