Fortnite Road Trip secret Battle Star loading skin locations, and how to unlock the Enforcer skin
How to find Road Trip locations and their Battle Stars in Fortnite.
Fortnite Road Trip is an additional set of Challenges to complete as part of the Season 5 Battle Pass.
The aim is to complete all Challenges from any given week. Do this a total of seven times out of any 10 weeks from Season 5, and you'll unlock an exclusive skin - the Enforcer.
Not only that, but each stage of the Road Trip challenge gives you additional secret Battle Star locations to find from a Road Trip loading screen that unlocks.
Note this particular challenge is no longer able to be completed. What's new? Chapter 4 Season 2 has arrived! New additions include the Grind Rails and Kinetic Blades, along with the new Battle Pass, character collection and Eren Jaeger skin. It's a good idea to know how to get XP fast in Fortnite.
On this page:
- Fortnite Road Trip explained and how to unlock the Enforcer skin
- Road Trip Battle Star locations at a glance
- Road Trip Battle Star location 1
- Road Trip Battle Star location 2
- Road Trip Battle Star location 3
- Road Trip Battle Star location 4
- Road Trip Battle Star location 5
- Road Trip Battle Star location 6
- Road Trip Battle Star location 7
- Road Trip Battle Star location 8
- Road Trip Battle Star location 9
- Is there a Road Trip Battle Star location 10?
Fortnite Road Trip explained and how to unlock the Enforcer skin
Each completed stage of the Road Trip challenge - which requires you to complete all the Challenges in a specific week - unlocks a new loading screen. If you view these loading screens closely, it actually hints at the location of a secret Battle Star location (or from week 8 onwards, a banner) on the map.

Finding this in the game will then give you an additional Tier towards your Season 5 Battle Pass progress. Note that you need to have unlocked that specific loading screen before it will appear on the map.
When you have completed seven weeks out of 10, the Enforcer skin and Subjugator back bling is yours. Thanks to Lucas7Yoshi on Twitter for the first look:

When you get there, you don't have to collect the secret Battle Star locations for its to appear in your Locker - they are simply to progress your Battle Pass progress.
Though completing a complete set of challenges in a week isn't too difficult, it can be time intensive if you've left it until the last minute. You have until the next season to unlock it, otherwise it'll likely be gone forever. Good luck!
And if you were interested, Season 4 had a Battle Star / Loading Screen skin too, named The Visitor.
Road Trip Battle Star locations at a glance
Regardless of the order you'll complete a week of Season 5 Challenges, the order of the loading screens and their subsequent Battle Star locations will be the same.
Here they all are at a glance - up to Week 2, which is as far as Season 5 has reached at present, though datamines tease where future locations are - with more detailed descriptions afterwards.

If you have more than one unlocked, you are welcome to collect them in any order you like, too.
Road Trip Battle Star location 1
Road Trip loading screen 1:
Head to the umbrella-shaped hole in the north of the map, just west of Lazy Links. Stand in the top half of hole and the Battle Star will appear.
Road Trip Battle Star location 2
Road Trip loading screen 2:
You'll find this on the building directly north of the swimming pool in Lazy Links. Stand on the pointed part, and the Battle Star will appear.
Road Trip Battle Star location 3
Road Trip loading screen 3:
This secret Battle Star is located north-west of Wailing Woods, on the dirt patch next to the dilapidated building.

Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 1 is here! It brings a free Lego Insider skin and redemption codes with it, along with a new Victory Umbrella. We've also got pages on new features like Medallions, Weapon Mods, and how to complete a Train Heist. Meanwhile, learn what the best weapons are in the current season, how to get XP fast, and what the best PC settings are to help earn a Victory Crown.
Road Trip Battle Star location 4
Road Trip loading screen 4:
This secret Battle Star is found in the desert area of the map - specifically map quadrant G9, on a rock next to the side of the two-lane road in the far south-west.
Road Trip Battle Star location 5
Road Trip loading screen 5:
This secret Battle Star is found in the desert area of the map, just west of the race course on the other side of the road. You're looking for a shack surrounded by cacti. Climb the roof and the Battle Star will appear.
Road Trip Battle Star location 6
Road Trip loading screen 6:
Head to the red car parked inside Risky Reels, closest to the screen to the south:
Road Trip Battle Star location 7
Road Trip loading screen 7:
The Battle Star can be found at the hotel between Lazy Links and Junk Junction, near the swimming pool:
Road Trip Battle Star location 8
Road Trip loading screen 8:
The secret banner - which replaces the hidden Battle Star this week - can be found at Tomato Temple, just above headheight near the entrance as you face East:
Road Trip Battle Star location 9
Road Trip loading screen 9:
The secret banner - which replaces the hidden Battle Star this week - is found just south-east of Shifty Shifts, and south of the bridge. There is a cliff going east of the river, where you'll need to build up towards to make the banner appear:
Is there a Road Trip Battle Star location 10?
Road Trip loading screen 10:
There's no hidden star or banner this week, but there's still a secret loading screen. To get it, you need to complete all 9 of the above road trip challenges, which means completing all Fortnite weekly challenges, plus get all seven battle stars and both banners mentioned above on this page.
Pretty mysterious, right? It seems to be linked to the recent events at Loot Lake, which should lead up to Fortnite Season 6. Almost there!