Fortnite Corrupted Area locations and Shadow Stones explained
Where to find Corrupted Area locations across Fortnite.
Finding the Corrupted Area locations and Shadow Stones are objectives in Fortnite's many Weekly Challenges.
Completing them will give you additional XP to help go towards your many Season 6 rewards. Note you'll need to be a Battle Pass holder in order to undertake this challenge.
Note this particular challenge is no longer able to be completed. What's new? Chapter 4 Season 2 has arrived! New additions include the Grind Rails and Kinetic Blades, along with the new Battle Pass, character collection and Eren Jaeger skin. It's a good idea to know how to get XP fast in Fortnite.
Fortnite Corrupted Area locations
You need to find seven Corrupted Area locations as part of the Week 2 Challenges. If you've already been playing Season 6, you've probably been staring at them on the map this whole time - they are the purple patches, and are clearly visible from above.
To make it clearer, here's a Corrupted Area locations map:

As with other location-based challenges, it should tick off when you get towards it, and you'll have to be physically close - not just glide over from high above from the Battle Bus.
Though you can take as many matches as you like to find all seven areas - they don't have to be done in one go - you should complete the match once one has been found, to make sure it gets added to your total.
Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 1 is here! It brings a free Lego Insider skin and redemption codes with it, along with a new Victory Umbrella. We've also got pages on new features like Medallions, Weapon Mods, and how to complete a Train Heist. Meanwhile, learn what the best weapons are in the current season, how to get XP fast, and what the best PC settings are to help earn a Victory Crown.
Fortnite Shadow Stones explained
Another Week 2 Challenge is finding and using Shadow Stones in different matches.
This is a new collectable introduced in Season 6, not unlike Hop Rocks from Season 3. They are found on the map, and when consumed, give you a buff for a short amount of time.

This buff allows you to turn mostly invisible when you stand still, gain a mobility and jump boost, and a phase move that allows you to boost forward through walls and other objects. The catch, of course, is you can't use your weapons - but should certainly make exploration more enjoyable.
Shadow Stones are found at the Corrupted Areas across the map, which are located earlier in this article. So if you want to complete the challenge, visiting these areas is where you need to go.

Remember, you have to do it across different matches - so it'll require at least three match completions to tick this off the list. And as always, even though the tracker will come up mid-match when you're successful, completing the match is required in order for it to count, so be sure to keep playing.