Pokémon Go Evolving Stars Collection Challenges and field research tasks
It’s time to add Cosmoem to your Pokédex!
The Evolving Stars event in Pokémon Go is, as the name suggests, themed around evolving Pokémon from across the many different regions of the Pokémon universe.
It has also brought us quest steps 5 to 8 of the A Cosmic Companion special research quest, which involves adding the newly released Cosmoem to your Pokédex.
As you continue Cosmog’s storyline in Pokémon Go, you can also complete four Evolving Stars Collection Challenges and a selection of event-exclusive field research tasks.
The Mega Gyarados Raid Day is also occurring during the Evolving Stars event, which is perfect for anyone wanting to collect this Pokémon’s Mega Energy.
On this page:
- Evolving Stars Eevee Challenge Pokémon list
- Evolving Stars Trade Challenge Pokémon list
- Evolving Stars Sinnoh Challenge Pokémon list
- Evolving Stars Unova Challenge Pokémon list
- Evolving Stars field research tasks in Pokémon Go
- Mega Gyarados Raid Day in Pokémon Go explained
- Everything else you need to know about the Evolving Stars event in Pokémon Go
Evolving Stars Eevee Challenge Pokémon list in Pokémon Go
Evolving Stars: Eevee Challenge is one of the four Collection Challenges released as part of the Evolving Stars event in Pokémon Go. Due to this, you must complete this challenge by 8pm (local time) on Tuesday, 11th October.

Since the theme of this Collection Challenge is eeveelutions, we recommend visiting our how to evolve Eevee page. Thankfully Eevee is appearing more frequently in the wild during this event, so you can just keep evolving them until you get the right eeveelutions.
Here are the Pokémon in the Evolving Stars: Eevee Challenge, along with how to find them:
- Vaporeon - Evolve Eevee using 25 Eevee Candy (randomly selected)
- Jolteon - Evolve Eevee using 25 Eevee Candy (randomly selected)
- Flareon - Evolve Eevee using 25 Eevee Candy (randomly selected)
Rewards: One Up-Grade and one Metal Coat.
Evolving Stars Trade Challenge Pokémon list in Pokémon Go
Evolving Stars: Trade Challenge is the second Collection Challenge for the Evolving Stars event in Pokémon Go and you have until 8pm (local time) on Tuesday, 11th October to complete it.

This challenge revolves around getting two of the Gen 1 Pokémon which, in the mainline games, can only be obtained via trading. In Pokémon Go, you either need 100 Candy for their evolutions or you can remove this requirement by trading them with another player before completing the evolution yourself.
Here are the Pokémon in the Evolving Stars: Trade Challenge, along with how to find them:
- Gengar - Evolve Haunter using 100 Gastly Candy or receive from another player to remove candy requirement
- Alakazam - Evolve Kadabra using 100 Abra Candy or receive from another player to remove candy requirement
Rewards: One Dragon Scale, one Sun Stone and one King’s Rock.
Evolving Stars Sinnoh Challenge Pokémon list in Pokémon Go
Evolving Stars: Sinnoh Challenge is one of the Evolving Stars event Collection Challenges in Pokémon Go. You have until 8pm (local time) on Tuesday, 11th October to complete this challenge or else you’ll miss out on the rewards.

For this challenge, you need to earn four Pokémon which can only reach their final evolution using the Sinnoh Stone in Pokémon Go. The catch, however, is these Pokémon will only count towards this Collection Challenge if you obtain them via evolution.
Thankfully, all of their first stage evolution, such as Rhyhorn, are appearing more frequently throughout the Evolving Stars event, so shouldn’t have much trouble gathering their candy.
Here are the Pokémon in the Evolving Stars: Sinnoh Challenge, along with how to find them:
- Rhydon - Evolve Rhyhorn using 25 Rhyhorn Candy
- Piloswine - Evolve Swinub using 25 Swinub Candy
- Kirlia - Evolve Ralts using 25 Ralts Candy
- Dusclops - Evolve Duskull using 25 Duskull Candy
Rewards: Four Sinnoh Stones.
Evolving Stars Unova Challenge Pokémon list in Pokémon Go
Evolving Stars: Unova Challenge is the last of four Collection Challenges released during the Evolving Stars event in Pokémon Go. Like the previous challenges, you must complete the Unova Challenge before 8pm (local time) on Tuesday, 11th October to earn its rewards.

This challenge revolves around getting two Pokémon which require the Unova Stone for their final evolutions, but you don’t actually need a Unova Stone. Just remember - you need to earn these Pokémon through evolution to complete this Collection Challenge!
Thankfully, like the previous challenge, their first stage evolutions, like Litwick, have an increased spawn rate during the Evolving Stars event, which will make them far easier to find.
Here are the Pokémon in the Evolving Stars: Unova Challenge, along with how to find them:
- Elektrik - Evolve Tynamo using 25 Tynamo Candy
- Lampent - Evolve Litwick using 25 Litwick Candy
Reward: Two Unova Stones.
The Dual Destiny Season is here! The Beloved Buddies event is currently running in Pokémon Go and sees the release of Dhelmise! You can now catch Dynamax Pokémon through Max Battles. First, however, you need to visit Power Spots to collect Max Particles and complete the To the Max! quest. Don't forget to try out Routes, Gift Exchange and Party Play while you're hunting down rare Pokémon, fighting in the Go Battle League or competing in PokéStop Showcases.
Evolving Stars field research tasks in Pokémon Go
You can collect event-exclusive field research tasks by spinning PokéStops throughout the Evolving Stars event in Pokémon Go. While these tasks can be completed once Evolving Stars ends, we recommend completing them during the event as they’ll supply you with the candy and evolution items you need to complete this event’s Collection Challenges.
Here are the Evolving Stars field research tasks:
- Catch 3 Eevee reward - 20 Eevee Candy
- Spin 10 PokéStops or Gyms reward - 1 King’s Rock or 1 Dragon Scale
- Spin 15 PokéStops or Gyms reward - 1 Sinnoh Stone
- Spin 20 PokéStops or Gyms reward - 1 Unova Stone
- Evolve 1 Pokémon reward - 500 Stardust
- Evolve 3 Pokémon reward - 2000 Stardust
- Power up Pokémon 5 times reward - 25 Venusaur, Charizard, Blastoise, Steelix, Kangaskhan or Aerodactyl Mega Energy
- Power up Pokémon 7 times reward - 25 Gyarados or Altaria Mega Energy
Thank you to SilphScience for the help with this information!

Mega Gyarados Raid Day in Pokémon Go explained
The Mega Gyarados Raid Day runs on Saturday, 8th October between 2pm to 5pm (local time).
Mega Gyarados will be appearing more frequently in raids during this time period, which makes it the perfect opportunity to collect its Mega Energy - especially if you’re yet to complete this Mega Evolution for the first time.
If you’re planning on partaking in this mini-event, make sure you collect the additional five Raid Passes by spinning Gym Photo Discs.
Finally, Gyarados has an increased shiny rate during this Raid Day, so here’s to hoping you encounter the elusive red Gyarados!
Everything else you need to know about the Evolving Stars event in Pokémon Go
The main feature of the Evolving Stars event in Pokémon Go is the update for the A Cosmic Companion special research quest, which sees the release of quest steps 5 to 8.
Completing these new quest steps will allow you to add Cosmeom - the evolved form of Cosmog from Gen 7 - to your Pokédex!
If you’ve already completed the previous quest steps, you’ll find that quest step 4 finally has a challenge you can only and, after doing so, you’ll can continue forward with the quest. If you’re yet to start A Cosmic Companion, however, you can simply play straight through to quest step 8 to ensure you’re ready for the next and final set of quest steps.
It’s important to remember that, while A Cosmic Companion has no deadline, you must unlock it by logging into Pokémon Go by Thursday, 1st December at 9:59am (local time) or else you won’t be able to add Cosmog, and now Cosmoem, to your Pokédex!
Visit our dedicated A Cosmic Companion page to find all of the currently released quest steps!

The shiny form of Xerneas has also been released as part of this event, with this legendary taking over five-star raids from Yveltal on Saturday, 8th October.
In one-star raids, you’ll find Slowpoke, Onix, Scyther, Porygon and Sunkern. The Pokémon starring in three-star raids are Magneton, Rhydon, Togetic and Piloswine, so, if you’re missing any of their evolution, try partaking in a raid to gather the candy you need.
Mega Lopunny will be appearing in Mega Raids until Saturday, 8th October at 10am (local time), at which point Mega Manectric will take the spotlight.
Meanwhile, the following Pokémon will be appearing more frequently in the wild throughout the Evolving Stars event:

- Kakuna
- Pidgeotto
- Poliwhirl
- Kadabra
- Haunter
- Rhyhorn
- Seadra
- Scyther
- Eevee
- Swinub
- Ralts
- Duskull
- Tynamo
- Litwick
- Helioptile
Finally, from Thursday, 6th October until Thursday, 13th October, you can partake in the Evolution Cup in the Go Battle League.
Have fun during the Evolving Stars event!