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How to get the Sinnoh Stones in Pokémon Go, and which Pokémon do they evolve

How to get Gallade, Froslass and Tangrowth and more using a Sinnoh Stone.

Tangrowth, Lickilicky, Mamoswine, Gallade, Yanmega and Ambipom stood in a field.
Image credit: Niantic

Pokémon Go's Sinnoh Stone is a special evolution item that allows you to transform many of the game's existing creatures into Gen 4 versions.

Not only is it is exciting to see many fan favourites - such as Togetic and Magmar - be granted new forms, but it makes many of the game's best Pokemon even more powerful - including Rhydon.

There are many other special evolution items too - such as the Metal Coat for Steelix and Scizor, the Dragon Scale for Kingdra, the King's Rock for Slowking and Politoed, and the Up-Grade for Porygon2.

On this page:

How to get Sinnoh Stones

There are four possible ways to get a Sinnoh Stone:

This is different to other special evolution items - which require either the seventh day of your PokéStop Daily Bonus streak, or a rare drop from spinning standard Poké Stops and opening Gifts.

For now, it means it'll take some time for players to get every creature - right now, 11 weeks to be exact! (Unless, of course, you can trade some from others...)

The Dual Destiny Season is here! The Beloved Buddies event is currently running in Pokémon Go and sees the release of Dhelmise! You can now catch Dynamax Pokémon through Max Battles. First, however, you need to visit Power Spots to collect Max Particles and complete the To the Max! quest. Don't forget to try out Routes, Gift Exchange and Party Play while you're hunting down rare Pokémon, fighting in the Go Battle League or competing in PokéStop Showcases.

Which Pokémon evolve with a Sinnoh Stone

There are a staggering 18 Gen 4 creatures that evolve using Sinnoh Stones.

Note you'll also need to use 100 Candy to evolve them, and with some creatures, a specific gender:

...evolves into Ambipom using a Sinnoh Stone and 100 Candy
...evolves into Lickilicky using a Sinnoh Stone and 100 Candy
...evolves into Tangrowth using a Sinnoh Stone and 100 Candy
...evolves into Yanmega using a Sinnoh Stone and 100 Candy
Male Kirlia
...evolves into Gallade using a Sinnoh Stone and 100 Candy
Female Snorunt
...evolves into Froslass using a Sinnoh Stone and 100 Candy
...evolves into Rhyperior using a Sinnoh Stone and 100 Candy
...evolves into Electivire using a Sinnoh Stone and 100 Candy
...evolves into Magmortar using a Sinnoh Stone and 100 Candy
...evolves into Togekiss using a Sinnoh Stone and 100 Candy
...evolves into Mismagius using a Sinnoh Stone and 100 Candy
...evolves into Honchkrow using a Sinnoh Stone and 100 Candy
...evolves into Gliscor using a Sinnoh Stone and 100 Candy
...evolves into Weavile using a Sinnoh Stone and 100 Candy
...evolves into Porygon-Z using a Sinnoh Stone and 100 Candy
...evolves into Roserade using a Sinnoh Stone and 100 Candy
...evolves into Dusknoir using a Sinnoh Stone and 100 Candy
...evolves into Mamoswine using a Sinnoh Stone and 100 Candy

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