How to complete the Team Cece or Team Reede side quest in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom
Where to find all eight Reede supporters day or night.
Team Cece or Team Reede is a side quest in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom that puts Link in the middle of a power struggle in Hateno Village. More specifically, this is the first quest of the Mayoral Election quests that will decide if Hateno will have a new Mayor.
If you need a break from beating Bokoblins, then this Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom quest will be a welcome change. All you need to do for this one is run around Hateno Village and change Reede supporters into Cece ones.
Without further ado, we're going to show you how to complete the Team Cece or Team Reede quest in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
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If you'd like to learn more about Link's adventure, visit our Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom walkthrough.
How to start the Team Cece or Team Reede quest in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom
To start the Team Cece or Team Reede side quest in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, you need to head to Hateno Village. Hateno Village is south of Mount Lanayru Skyview Tower, north east of Rabella Wetlands Skyview Tower, and it's between Mount Lanayru and East Necluda.
We've marked its exact location on the map below and the coordinates for Hateno Village are (3366, -2147, 0119).

Once you've found Hateno Village, you need to head to Cece's Shop. We've marked its location on the map below and the coordinates for Cece's Shop are (3358, -2135, 0120).

When you get to Cece's Shop, speak to the group of people outside and eventually you'll be let into the shop.

Once inside, speak to Cece at the rear of the shop and Reede will then appear.
Follow the conversation and pick any response option you want (we chose 'Undecided') and then Cece will give you some Hylian Mushrooms to give to Reede supporters to change their opinion of her. The mushrooms are definitely not a bribe. Definitely not.
How to find all Team Reede candidates in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom
There are eight Reede supporters in Hateno, and luckily, you have exactly eight Hylian Mushrooms to deliver to them.
All you have to do is find the supporters and speak to them, then give them the mushroom when prompted to.
Here are the locations of all eight Reede supporters in Hateno in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom:

During the day and night, you can find Worten standing outside Hateno Inn (3465, -2105, 0127) or working behind the desk inside. If it's raining and they're not working behind the desk, you can find Worten in the right-hand room of the Inn after entering through the main door.


If you've not done the 'A Letter to Koyin' side quest, then you can find Koyin standing on the dock on the edge of Lake Sumac in Hateno Pasture at (3632, -2047, 0175.)

If you have completed the side quest mentioned above, then you can find Koyin inside the house in Hateno Pasture at (3622, -2048, 0177.)


During the day, you can find Dantz tending to the cattle in Hateno Pasture.

At night, Dantz can be found in the house in Hateno Pasture at (3622, -2048, 0177.)


During the day if it's dry, you can find Tamana sweeping the area around her house or looking after her Cuccos near Hateno Village West Well (3352, -2080, 0110.)

If it's raining during the day, like it was for us, then you can find Tamana standing under the shelter outside her house or in her house.
At night, you can find Tamana sweeping near the Village Entrance at (3278, -2137, 0101.) that's facing Ginner Woods


Tokk has quite a busy day. In the morning, you can find them sitting by the cooking pot in Hateno Pasture at (3621, -2112, 0176.)

Then, Tokk will take a walk up the main signposted road to Hateno Ancient Tech Lab at (3781, -2115, 0250) and spend most of the day there before making their way back down to Hateno Pasture in the late afternoon.

Tokk sleeps all night in the house in Hateno Pasture, so it's better to track them down during the day.

During the day and often into late evening, you can find Medda tending to their crop of Hylian Tomatoes slightly south east of Hateno Village West Well at (3381, -2092, 0120.)

At night, if Medda isn't at the Tomato patch, you can find them in their house at (3351, -2215, 0130) near Hateno Village South Well.


During the day, Leop can be found wandering around the main street of Hateno Village. When we found him, he was outside the Dye Shop.
At night, you can find Leop either asleep or eating vegetables at the Inn at (3465, -2105, 0127).


During the day, you can find Uma in the field at (3345, -2033, 0117) that's slightly south west of Hateno School.

At night, you can find Uma inside her house opposite Hateno East Well at (3503, -2176, 0130). She may be asleep, so we recommend heading to find her during the day.

Once you've visited all eight of Reede's supporters and given them a Hylian Mushroom each, head back to Cece at her shop and speak to her to get a Big Hearty Truffle as a reward.
That's it for this specific side quest. If you want a change of pace, or indeed armor, check out our guides that show you how to get the Zora Armor or the Phantom Armor. Alternatively, you can always learn how to get a Golden Horse if you fancy it.