Resident Evil 4 Large Cave Shrine and Small Cave Shrine symbol puzzle solutions
How to get the key to the church.
You have to solve the Large Cave Shrine and Small Cave Shrine symbol puzzles in Resident Evil 4 to get the key to the church and progress with the story in Chapter 4.
Even if you've spotted the correct symbols, they're messier than the pictures on the actual pedestal, and some are split across two locations, so it's easy to pick the wrong ones.
To help you get the key to the church, we've detailed both the Large Cave Shrine puzzle solution and Small Cave Shrine puzzle solution in Resident Evil 4 below.
Please note that this is a guide for the remake of Resident Evil 4 so the solution or puzzle might not be the same in the original version.
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For more help, you can visit our Resident Evil 4 walkthrough.
Resident Evil 4 Large Cave Shrine symbol puzzle solution
At the start of Chapter 4, you come across a map near a strange shrine with two hands. This map marks the Large Cave Shrine and Small Cave Shrine for you, and your new objective is to investigate the two locations.
Once you use the boat to get to the Large Cave, there will be a group of enemies waiting for you. If you want to save ammo, you can run right to the top of the cave and input the puzzle solution without them being able to hit you.

To open the door beside the pedestal in the Large Cave Shrine, you need to press the three symbols that match the printed yellow symbols displayed on the cave.
The first symbol is opposite the pedestal and door, and is split across two columns.

The second symbol is down the path to the left if looking at the first symbol, opposite a ladder.

The third symbol is on the wall beside the ladder that leads up to the left-hand side of the pedestal.

Now that you know the symbols, go back to the pedestal marked on your map. The correct solution to the Large Cave Shrine puzzle is:
- Top-right symbol
- Bottom symbol
- Top-left symbol
Here's a picture of the correct Large Cave Shrine puzzle solution if you prefer to see it:

When you enter the three correct symbols the door will open and you can go inside to collect the 'Apostate's Head' key item.

Resident Evil 4 Small Cave Shrine symbol puzzle solution
It's quicker to navigate the Small Cave Shrine, and there aren't any enemies, but it's easier to mess up the symbols.

The correct symbols to the puzzle are still printed in yellow on the cave, but you need to be looking at two symbols from the correct angles to see what they really are.
The first symbol is correctly displayed on its own beside the ladder.

The second symbol is split into two above the ladder, so you need to climb up to see it properly printed across the cave and wooden wall.

The third symbol is also split into two, to the left of the second symbol. Get close to the door at the top of the shrine to see it properly printed across the cave and wooden wall.

Now that you know all the symbols, go back down to the pedestal at the bottom of the shrine. The correct solution to the Small Cave Shrine puzzle is:
- Bottom-left symbol
- Left symbol
- Bottom-right symbol
Here's a picture of the correct Small Cave Shrine puzzle solution if you prefer to see it:

When you enter the three correct symbols the door will open and you can go inside to collect the 'Blasphemer's Head' key item, and the Hexagon Piece C item if you want to solve the optional hexagon puzzle near the Merchant for some treasure.

Our Resident Evil 4 walkthrough can help you through the village with guides on the Large and Small Cave Shrine puzzle solutions, the Church dial puzzle, and Del Lago, El Gigante, and Méndez bosses. When you reach the castle, you have to tackle the Treasury sword, Wall With Four Slots, Dining Hall bell, and Grandfather Clock correct time puzzles, along with the Dungeon Garrador, two giants, and Ramón Salazar bosses. The island is up next, and there's still brain teasers with callibration puzzles, keycard locations, and a hidden wrench, along with final bosses Krauser and Sadler.
How to get the key to the church in Resident Evil 4
Now that you've solved the two shrine cave puzzles and have the Apostate's Head and Blasphemer's Head key items, head back to the Mural Cave in your boat.

Go to the shrine and place the heads on the two large stone hands. Once you do, you'll automatically acquire the Church Insignia, which is the key you need to enter the church and look for Ashley.

You might be able to place the heads in either hand, but here's where we placed them in case their position does matter:
- Blasphemer's Head - Place on right hand
- Apostate's Head - Place on left hand
If you'd like more help with the Resident Evil 4 remake, you can visit our walkthrough for more puzzle solutions, boss guides, and Request help.