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How to get Sealant in Starfield

Best places to find and farm Sealant in Starfield.

sealant menu image on a blurred background of mountains
Image credit: Eurogamer/Bethesda Softworks

Sealant is one of the most useful resources in Starfield, as you need it for building Outposts, making mods, and it's also required for completing certain quests, like First Contact.

To help you find and farm Sealant quicker, we've detailed all of the ways to get Sealant in Starfield that we know of below.

If you need more help exploring the Settled Systems and beyond, we've got pages on how to increase carry capacity, upgrade boost packs, and how to get Shielded Cargo.

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If you’d like more help in your galactic adventures, visit our Starfield guides, tips and tricks page.

How to get Sealant in Starfield

We've got more details on where to buy and how to farm Sealant further down, but at a glance, here's how to get Sealant in Starfield:

  • Buy from vendors
  • Search organic flora and fauna
  • Recieve as a gift from companions
  • Farm from Outposts
  • Search loot

Buy from vendors

The fastest way to get Sealant is to go to a Vendor who sells resources, then buy up their stock of Sealant and either use the 'Wait' function to pass two days, or go to other vendors and buy out their stock as well.

You just have to sit down on a chair or bench to wait in Starfield, but due to how easy it is to fast travel, you might just want to do the rounds and get Sealant that way instead - if you're close enough to fast travel to them that is. For specific vendors who sell Sealant, you can skip to our 'Where to buy' section.

first person view of jemison mercantile
Jemison Mercantile is an early vendor you can get Sealant from. | Image credit: Eurogamer/Bethesda Softworks

Search organic flora and fauna

Specific plants and animals are sources of Sealant, so a good way to get it without spending Credits is to go to a planet with flora and fauna that produces Sealant, then use your Scanner to locate them. Search the animal or plant when you're close enough to pick up Sealant as loot.

flying creature being scanned
first person view of flora
Image credit: Eurogamer/Bethesda Softworks

While there is some RNG when it comes to finding flora and fauna that drop Sealant, we've got specific planets you can visit to get Sealant in our 'Where to find and farm Sealant' section.

Receive as a gift from companions

Different companions give you different gifts after following you for long enough, and those with the 'Botany' trait - like Sarah Morgan - will occasionally give you organic resources as a gift - which includes Sealant.

While companions giving you Sealant is a nice perk, it's not the best way to get it, as you don't receive very much, and it's part of a loot pool with other resources. It can also limit what you can do if you're sticking to a specific companion.

Sarag morgan with her skills displayed.
Image credit: Bethesda Softworks

Farm from Outposts

Outposts are a tricky and expensive activity to master, but you can technically 'make' Sealant if you create an Outpost that gathers resources on the correct type of planet.

The Eridani IV planet in the Eridani system is a good place to try and get Sealant from an Outpost - but there's no guarantee that there will be Sealant here for you, as some aspects of Starfield are randomised.

Whether it be a bug, or by design, there's also no guarantee you'll get Sealant from setting up an Outpost on planets where you find Sealant from the local flora and fauna.

starfield exterior of outpost on a mountain
Image credit: Bethesda

Search loot

Sealant can also be found in containers, on corpses, out in the open in places like labs and crafting areas, and you can even get Sealant by pickpocketing people.

It's not the fastest way to get Sealant, but you will gather some for free without really trying if you're on the lookout for it while exploring.

first person view of looting sealant from container
Image credit: Eurogamer/Bethesda Softworks

Below, we've got locations and details of specific vendors and planets where you can get Sealant in Starfield.

Where to buy Sealant in Starfield

As long as you don't mind spending Credits, there are a lot of places you can purchase Sealant from, but here's some specific Vendors that are easily accessible where you can buy Sealant in Starfield:

Planet and Star System Landmark Where to Buy Sealant Stocked Picture
Jemison - Alpha Centauri system New Atlantis - Commercial District UC Distribution Center 22
first person view of uc distribution center
Image credit: Eurogamer/Bethesda Softworks
Jemison - Alpha Centauri system New Atlantis - Spaceport Jemison Mercantile 20
first person view of jemison mercantile
Image credit: Eurogamer/Bethesda Softworks
Gagarin - Alpha Centauri system Gagarin Landing - Near your ship Clint's Collectibles 22
first person view of gargarin shop
Image credit: Eurogamer/Bethesda Softworks
Mars - Sol system Cydonia - Central Hub UC Exchange 21
first person view of uc exchange
Image credit: Eurogamer/Bethesda Softworks
Akila - Cheyenne system Akila City - Main Square Shepherd's General Store 24
first person view of shepherds goods
Image credit: Eurogamer/Bethesda Softworks
Volii Alpha - Volii system Neon - Main Strip Newill's Goods 16
first person view of nron shop
Image credit: Eurogamer/Bethesda Softworks
Volii Alpha - Volii system Neon - Main Strip Sieghart's Outfitters 7
first person view of neon shop
Image credit: Eurogamer/Bethesda Softworks

Where to find and farm Sealant in Starfield

While there is some randomness on whether the specific flora and fauna that drops Sealant will spawn for you, we've listed a few planets below that are far more likely than others to have Sealant on them.

To find out what biome your landing spot is, just look at the landing spot's description above the 'Land' prompt. If it's not the one you're after, pick another spot on the planet and try again (trying where different minerals are located usually helps)

arrow pointing to a plant biome type
Image credit: Eurogamer/Bethesda Softworks

With that in mind, here's where to find and farm Sealant in Starfield:

Planet and Star System Biome Flora or Fauna to Farm Sealant
Andromas III - Andromas system
starmap view of systems
Image credit: Eurogamer/Bethesda Softworks
Any Herding Brainbimp Filterer (flying Fauna)
Arcturus II - Arcturus system
starmap view of systems
Image credit: Eurogamer/Bethesda Softworks
Sandy Desert or Mountain Hecate's Fireleaf (Flora)
Procyon III - Procyon A system
starmap view of systems
Image credit: Eurogamer/Bethesda Softworks
Frozen Plains Cold Cave Nettle (Flora)
Procyon III - Procyon A system
starmap view of systems
Image credit: Eurogamer/Bethesda Softworks
Wetlands Herding Coralcrawler Grazer (Fauna)
Gagarin - Alhpa Centauri
system map menu
Image credit: Eurogamer/Bethesda Softworks
Swamp Swamp Bottle Root (Flora)

Starfield Sealant item ID

If you're regularly using console command cheats then there's no need to bother with any of the other ways to get Sealant, as you can just spawn as much as you want with the right item ID!

The Sealant item ID in Starfield is: 000055CC.

So, the console command to get Sealant in Starfield is: additem 000055CC (Value). Just replace '(Value)' with the amount of Sealant you want.

For a list of other useful items, we've got a dedicated console commands item ID page.

Hope you enjoy the Outposts and mods you're making with Sealant!

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