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Elden Ring patch adds NPC markers to map

Also balance changes, bug fixes, and speedrun item nerf.

A new Elden Ring patch, available today, brings significant changes to the game.

Among a number of new additions, the most interesting is the addition of NPC markers to the map. Where some players have lost the thread of in-game quests (even making an app for it), now it will be a lot easier to keep track of characters.

A new character has also been added, named Jar-Bairn, so keep a look out for them. There are also new quests for Diallos, Nepheli Loux, Kenneth Haight, and Gatekeeper Gostoc, suggesting these were planned but missed out on the game's launch.

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The patch notes make several other noteworthy amendments.

Crucially, there are bug fixes aplenty. Some of these are minor yet welcome, but importantly stat scaling has been fixed on a number of weapons. Players were noting that some weapons weren't scaling with attributes, or weren't scaling after strengthening - this is now fixed.

Hopefully with these bug fixes, PC players will have a smoother time too.

FromSoftware has also made some interesting balance changes.

Sorceries in particular have been upgraded, with increased damage and decreased FP consumption for many.

If you're looking to upgrade your weapons, then the drop rate of Smithing Stone for some enemies has been boosted.

Also worth noting is that the Ash of War Hoarfrost Stomp's has had its damage decreased and cast time increased. This has been a key ability in Elden Ring speedruns, so expect some new tactics to come to the fore in future runs.

The full list of patch notes can be found right here.

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