Disney Dreamlight Valley Staking Your Territory walkthrough
This is no time for Lion around, you need to help Nala feel at home.
The Staking Your Territory quest in Disney Dreamlight Valley is the first quest you get from Nala after she agrees to come and live in the Valley with you. Nala feels that the Valley isn't quite suited to Lions just yet, but she knows you're the one to help!
As with many quests in Disney Dreamlight Valley, there are quite a few steps to completing this one. From wearing whiskers for an important Lion-based lesson, to teaching Nala about the food you can offer her, there is a lot for you to do.
Without further ado, we're going to show you how to start and how to complete the Staking Your Territory quest in Disney Dreamlight Valley.
On this page:
- How to start the Staking Your Territory quest in Disney Dreamlight Valley
- How to make Dazzle Beach Lion friendly
- How to find Rustic Clothes and Whiskers
- How to find Fish
- How to make a Fish Dish
How to start the Staking Your Territory quest in Disney Dreamlight Valley
To start the Staking Your Territory quest in Disney Dreamlight Valley, you need to have unlocked the Lion King realm and completed the Eyes in the Dark quest to bring Nala to your valley. You also need to have progressed your friendship with Scrooge McDuck (we are at level four and it let us do this), and you need to have the Dazzle Beach Biome.
You can do this quest without completing the Stars to Guide Us quest for unlocking Simba, so you don't need to worry about that if you don't want to.

You can begin the Staking Your Territory quest once you reach friendship level two with Nala. You can quickly do this by having a daily discussion with her and bringing her a present. Once you reach this, you can speak to her to begin the quest.
There are quite a few steps to this quest, and we recommend having at least 5,000 Coins before beginning as you will need them later.
Disney Dreamlight Valley's December update is here! You can now add Jack Skellington to your valley, use multiplayer and remove villagers. For more help, check out our recipe list, how to upgrade your house, have multiple player homes, critters' favourite foods and redemption codes. Finally, don't forget to visit our future and current character list to see who might be visiting the valley next!
How to make Dazzle Beach Lion friendly for the Disney Dreamlight Valley Staking Your Territory quest
After speaking to Nala to start the quest, you will learn that she wants you to make some changes to Dazzle Beach to make it more Lion friendly. You need to decorate the beach to create an area that she can use for practicing hunting.
The first thing you need to do is go to Scrooge McDuck's store. When you are here, speak to Scrooge and say you want to 'Order Some Items'. Then, select the 'Furniture' option and you should instantly see a request from Nala under the 'Requests' section.

Order Scar's Lounging Rock for 4,600 Coins, but if you already have the rock somewhere else in the valley feel free to use that one instead. If you do order it, it will appear in your furniture inventory after you have paid for it.
Once you have done that, it's time to head down to Dazzle Beach. To complete this portion of the quest, you will need to place down:
- Scar's Lounging Rock
- Seven Landscaping Items
Due to the amount of items Nala wants you to put down, we found it easiest to decorate the area near the cave that has/had Ursula in it near the Forest of Valor.

Once you have found an area you want to decorate, enter your 'Furniture' menu and you should see two requests from Nala. One of these is Scar's Lounging Rock, which you can place down anywhere you want.
The second request will be some landscaping items that Nala likes. We recommend sticking to this selection of items if you can, it makes decorating in a theme a lot easier.

Now, all you have to do is place down seven items from this section to pass the quest. We spent a little extra time here, and we put down a few more items than needed but we think it turned out pretty good.
After you have met the requirements, go back and speak to Nala again.
How to find Rustic Clothes and Whiskers for the Disney Dreamlight Valley Staking Your Territory quest
Nala will then tell you that you need to wear some Rustic clothes to protect yourself from the sun and some whiskers for a very important lesson. Don't worry, finding Rustic clothes is easier than you think.
Enter your 'Wardrobe' option from your side menu and, if you own Rustic clothes, you should instantly see a 'Request' from Nala. Here, you will see all of the clothing items you have that match the requirements. You only need to wear two Rustic clothes to clear this bit.

If you don't have Rustic clothes, then pay a visit to Mr. McDuck's store again. This time, talk to him about ordering items but choose the 'Clothing' option instead. Then, select which clothing item you want (a Shirt, Coat, anything you want).
When you've selected which item type you want, look at the top of the screen. You should see a control command to use a 'Filter' on the clothes. Use this command and then scroll down all of your options until you reach the one for 'Rustic'. Select this and then go back to the clothing items. The only things showing for that section now will be Rustic items.

Then, it's time to get some whiskers. Only, this time, they're not actually whiskers - you need a Moustache! To get one, open up your 'Wardrobe' from the side menu again and you should have a second request from Nala. Select this and pick one of the Moustaches from here if you're not already wearing one.

When you are ready, go and find Nala again.
How to find Fish for the Disney Dreamlight Valley Staking Your Territory quest
After speaking to Nala again, it's time to go fishing. Luckily, everything you need can be caught in the waters off of Dazzle Beach.
You need to catch:
- Three Common or Uncommon Fish
- Three Rare of Unique Fish
To complete this quest, we caught three Herrings and three Shrimps. There are plenty of bubbles off the coast of Dazzle Beach, so it shouldn't take you long at all to catch what you need.

When you have everything you need, go and find Nala once again.
How to make a Fish Dish for the Disney Dreamlight Valley Staking Your Territory quest
After you take the fish back to Nala, you get the bright idea to make it into a full blown meal for her. Follow the conversation and pick any option you want, this will have no impact on what you need to make.
Then, you need to find a Stove to make a Fish dish for Nala. You can make any Fish dish that you want to to fulfill this quest, we made her a Fish sandwich.
Here are the ingredients for a quick Fish Sandwich:
- A Fish
- Wheat

Once you have done this, take the dish back to Nala and speak to her again to finish the quest.

Now that you've completed the Staking Your Territory quest by knowing how to find Rustic clothes and how to make Dazzle Beach more Lion Friendly, are you ready to take on another job? Check out our A Three Course Thank You walkthrough to learn how to complete another Disney Dreamlight Valley quest.