Disney Dreamlight Valley Stars to Guide Us Walkthrough for Simba quest
Hakuna matata!
Completing Stars to Guide Us will allow you to add Simba to your valley in Disney Dreamlight Valley.
Before you can unlock Simba, however, you must unlock The Lion King Realm in Disney Dreamlight Valley and complete Eyes in the Dark to bring Nala to the valley.
Below you’ll find our Stars to Guide Us walkthrough for Disney Dreamlight Valley, so you add Simba to your character collection and have a lion pride in your valley!
On this page:
How to start Stars to Guide Us and get Simba in Disney Dreamlight Valley
To unlock Simba in Disney Dreamlight Valley, you must first bring Nala to the valley by completing the Eyes In The Dark quest. Once you’ve completed this quest, you’ll automatically begin the Stars To Guide Us quest which, when completed, will properly unlock Simba.
So it’s time to return to the Lion King Realm to talk to Simba! After talking to him, follow Simba deeper into the jungle and talk to him again.

Since this seems to be a magical problem, it’s time to visit Merlin back in the valley.
Disney Dreamlight Valley's December update is here! You can now add Jack Skellington to your valley, use multiplayer and remove villagers. For more help, check out our recipe list, how to upgrade your house, have multiple player homes, critters' favourite foods and redemption codes. Finally, don't forget to visit our future and current character list to see who might be visiting the valley next!
How to make Rafiki’s Walking Stick in Disney Dreamlight Valley
To help Simba in Disney Dreamlight Valley, you need to make a Rafiki’s Walking Stick.
First, however, you need to collect:
- 5 Softwood
- 5 Fiber
- 2 Purified Night Shard

Softwood can be found in the Plaza, Peaceful Meadow, Forest of Valor and Glade of Trust so you shouldn’t have any problems finding it. Just keep an eye out for the light brown sticks on the ground! You can also purchase it from Kristoff’s stall for 5 Gold per piece and, luckily, it’s one of the items which is available every day.

Fiber can be crafted at a workbench and you need one Seaweed to do so as this will give you the five Fiber you need. Seaweed can be found on the beach or from fishing at the beach. You can also craft Seaweed by using one Red Algae at a workbench.
Fiber can also be purchased from Kristoff’s stall for 6 Gold, but, since it’s one of rotating items, it might not be available.

Purified Night Shards are also crafted at workbenches and, to make two, you need 10 Night Shard and 2 Dream Shards. Night Shards can be found by using the shovel on various digging hotspots throughout the valley. Meanwhile Dream Shards are found by feeding critters, removing Night Thorns or, again, by using the shovel on the digging hotspots.

After gathering these items you’ll be able to craft Rafiki’s Walking Stick from any workbench. It can be found under the Potion and Enchantment tab.
Now it’s time to return to The Lion King Realm once again!
Return to where you left Simba in the deepest part of the jungle, which is over the log you dropped down during Eyes in the Dark, past the waterfall and near the large rib bone.
Talk to Simba and, once you’re done, interact with the small stone mound in front of him to place Rafiki’s Walking Stick. With that done, it’s time to talk to Simba again and, after watching a short cutscene, return to the dried-out oasis at the beginning of the realm.

How to clean up the dried-out oasis in Disney Dreamlight Valley
If you want Simba to join your village in Disney Dreamlight Valley, you first need to clean up the dried-out oasis.
After talking to Simba, he’ll ask you to collect the following seeds using the Royal Shovel:
- 3 Jungle Fern Seed
- 3 Waterfall Plant Seed
- 3 Clearing Tree Seed

Jungle Fern Seeds can be found by digging up the small purple plants in the jungle part of the realm.
You can find the first by a tree at the bottom of the path which leads deeper into the jungle. The second is located against the southern wall of the deeper jungle section. The final Waterfall Plant Seed is in the same area, but is located near the little stream running close to where Simba used to stand.

To find Waterfall Plant Seeds you need to dig up the tall green plants.
The first can be found by the first tree you encounter in the jungle area, with the second being north-east from this tree by some rocks. The final Waterfall Plant Seed is located in the deeper jungle section - you need to look near the tree on the left-hand side of the waterfall there.

For the Clearing Tree Seeds, you need to dig up the small samplings.
The first is located at the left-hand side of the path leading to the deeper part of the jungle - directly opposite the first Waterfall Plant. The final two Clearing Tree Seeds can be found close to where you placed Rafiki’s Walking Stick.

Seeds in hand, it’s time to return to the dried-out oasis to talk to Simba again. He’ll ask you to plant the seeds around the oasis and, don’t worry, it doesn’t matter where you put them. When you’re done it’s time to, once again, talk to Simba who will ask you to break the rock to his right.

With the oasis revived, it’s time to talk to Simba. Again. He’ll agree to live in the valley, so now you just need to go there and Simba will be added to your villager roster! You do have to talk to him for one final time though.

Now you’re free to work through Simba’s friendship quests and unlock Lion King items through them.
Good luck unlocking Simba in Disney Dreamlight Valley!