How to beat Leviathan boss in Dead Space
How to kill this boss in Chapter 6.
The Leviathan is a boss in both the Dead Space remake, and the original.
Once you neutralise the eight Wheezers in Chapter 6, you can enter the Food Storage area in Hydroponics to try and eject the Leviathan.
Things don't go to plan, however, so we've detailed exactly how to beat the Leviathan boss in Dead Space below. Although this guide is for the remake, the general strategy to beat the Leviathan is the same if you're playing the original Dead Space.
If you're looking for the Remnant variation instead, we've got a page on the Leviathan Remnant boss fight in Chapter 8.
How to beat the Leviathan boss in Dead Space
The Leviathan is a huge boss at the end of Chapter 6 that you need to defeat while floating in zero gravity in the remake, or jumping between surfaces in the original.
Before approaching the Leviathan, we recommend aiming and using Stasis to bring containers and floating resources to you. It's also a good idea to use Stasis to bring the red canisters closer to you so they're easily accessible during the fight.

The Leviathan will wake up when you get close enough, and you'll know a tentacle is going to attack you when it screams. Click R3 to boost away at the end of this scream to dodge the attack.
The first thing you need to do to beat the Leviathan boss in Dead Space is wait until one of its tentacles attacks, then damage the glowing sacs on the attacking tentacle. You can use your long-ranged weapons like the Plasma Cutter or Contact Beam to damage the sac, or use Kinesis on the red canisters floating in the room, then throw them.

We can help guide you through the Ishimura with our weapons and suit locations, Marker Fragment locations for the secret ending, secret break room codes, Security Clearance Levels, Master Override, the Scientific Methods side quest, and the Peng Treasure location. We've also got solutions to the comms array satellites and Centrifuge puzzles, a Trophy and Achievements list, and strategies on how to beat the Hunter, Leviathan, and Leviathan Remnant bosses.
When you damage the Leviathan enough by shooting at its tentacles, they will retreat and the mouth in the middle will open, shooting projectiles at Isaac. We recommend using your strongest long-range weapons to attack this mouth when it's open. The Contact Beam is ideal for this.

In the remake, when you damage the Leviathan's mouth enough, gas will release and the tentacles will come back to attack you. There is no gas in the original, but the tentacles will also return.
This is the final phase of the Leviathan boss fight, and you have to swap between damaging the mouth and the glowing sacs on the tentacles when they appear to finally beat the Leviathan in Dead Space.

With the Leviathan dead, you can return to Hydroponics and conclude Chapter 6.