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Pokémon Go Twinkling Fantasy Collection Challenge, field research tasks and bonuses

Hope you enjoy the Twinkling Fantasy event in Pokémon Go!

The Twinkling Fantasy event in Pokémon Go is the first big event of 2023!

Throughout this Pokémon Go event, you’ll be able to collect exclusive Twinkling Fantasy field research tasks and certain Pokémon are spawning more frequently in the wild — including some very rare Dragon-type Pokémon! There will also be some Fairy-types available, but we all know what we’re showing up for this week...

The Twinkling Fantasy event also sees the release of a new signature move for the fan-favourite legendary Pokémon Zekrom!

Here, we cover everything you need to know about the Twinkling Fantasy event in 2023, including all of the new spawns, the debut Pokémon and how to complete the Collection Challenge.

On this page:

Watch us battle Guzzlord - one of the Ultra Beasts in Pokémon GoWatch on YouTube

Twinkling Fantasy Collection Challenge Pokémon List in Pokémon Go

There is a Collection Challenge that you must complete before 10pm (local time) on Monday, January 16th 2023. If you miss this deadline, the challenge will expire and you won’t be able to earn all of the rewards it offers or add to your Medal collection.

Collection Challenges are exactly what they sound like – catch (or evolve) a set list of Pokémon during a given event.

You can see which Pokémon you need to find, and how to successfully tick them off, below:

    • Ralts – Wild spawn and monthly field research task (Spin 5 PokéStops or Gyms)
    • Dratini – Wild spawn, monthly field research task (Catch a Dragon-type Pokémon) and event research task (Make 3 Nice Throws)
    • Clefairy – Wild spawn, monthly field research tasks (Catch 5 Pokémon) and event research task (Make 3 Great Throws)
    • Jigglypuff – Wild spawn and monthly field research task (Catch 5 Pokémon)
    • Marill – Wild spawn
    • Bagon – Wild spawn, monthly field research task (Catch a Dragon-type Pokémon) and event research task (Catch 5 Fairy-type Pokémon)
    • Deino – Wild spawn
    • Dedenne – Wild spawn, monthly field research task (Trade a Pokémon) and event research task (Catch 5 Pokémon)
    • Togetic – Wild spawn
    • Clefable – Wild spawn

The rewards for the Twinkling Fantasy Collection Challenge are 50 Salamence Mega Energy, a Charged TM and a Fast TM.

Twinkling Fantasy field research tasks in Pokémon Go

You can collect event-exclusive field research tasks throughout the Twinkling Fantasy event by spinning PokéStops in Pokémon Go. These tasks can be saved in your field research collection and completed after the event ends if you so choose.

If, however, you complete the field research tasks during the Twinkling Fantasy event, you may find that the Pokémon encounter you're rewarded with will help you complete the Collection Challenge.

Here are the Twinkling Fantasy field research tasks:

  • Catch 5 Pokemon reward – Dedenne encounter
  • Catch 30 Pokemon reward – Goomy encounter
  • Catch 5 Fairy-type Pokemon reward – Bagon encounter
  • Make 3 Nice throws reward – Dratini encounter
  • Make 3 Great throws reward – Clefairy encounter

Thank you to SilphScience from reddit for the help with this information!

There are two things to note here, as they may influence which tasks you prioritise:

  1. Goomy is the only one of these which cannot be shiny
  2. The shiny form of Dedenne is being released as part of this event, which means that this is the first opportunity to get your hands on one!
There are some rare and powerful Pokémon on offer during this event, including the Dragon-types Goomy, and Bagon.

Featured attacks during the Twinkling Fantasy event in Pokémon Go


As per tradition, there will be a specific Pokémon in five-star raid that knows an exclusive move. In this instance, we’re looking at Zekrom.

Catch a Reshiram before January 18, 2023 at 10am (local time) and it will know its signature fire-type Charged Attack, Fusion Bolt. This rounds out the set, with Kyurem and Reshiram having received their exclusive moves Glaciate and Fusion Flare in the previous two events!

Fusion Bolt has the following Power in Pokémon Go:

  • Trainer Battles – 90 Power
  • Gyms and Raids – 140 Power

As with Reshiram before it, which got an attack with the same values, this is a nice buff to Zekrom. It’s a small upgrade over Wild Charge as it doesn’t come with the self-debuff, which is great to hear. Sadly though, it’s not enough of a bump to overtake the current meta champ in the Electric typing: Xurkitree.

The issue is that Zekrom’s current Fast move (Charge Beam) is pretty awful; however, assuming that it eventually gets Thunder Fang added to its move pool, it could overtake this Ultra Beast as the best of the best. This means you should probably try to catch a few if you think Zekrom could one day have a spot on your team!

For now, your optimal moveset now looks like this: Dragon Breath (Fast), Fusion Bolt (Exclusive Charged) and Crunch (Charged).

The Dual Destiny Season is here! The Scattered to the Winds event is currently running. You can now catch Dynamax Pokémon through Max Battles. First, however, you need to visit Power Spots to collect Max Particles and complete the To the Max! quest. Don't forget to try out Routes, Gift Exchange and Party Play while you're hunting down rare Pokémon, fighting in the Go Battle League or competing in PokéStop Showcases.

Everything else you need to know about the Twinkling Fantasy event in Pokémon Go

The Twinkling Fantasy event in Pokémon Go is running until Monday, 16th January at 10pm (local time) and you can enjoy the following features throughout the event:


Besides Reshiram, you can also battle the following Pokémon in raids throughout Twinkling Fantasy:

One StarThree StarFive StarMega
JigglypuffMawileZekromMega Salamence
Mega Salamence.

Wild spawns

The following Fairy- and Dragon-type Pokémon are appearing more frequently in the wild throughout the Twinkling Fantasy event:

  • Clefairy
  • Clefable
  • Jigglypuff
  • Dratini
  • Togetic
  • Marill
  • Ralts
  • Vibrava
  • Bagon
  • Deino
  • Dedenne

The following Dragon-type Pokémon are appearing as rare spawns in wild throughout the Twinkling Fantasy event:

  • Goomy
  • Noibat

All of these can be shiny, except for Goomy.

Pokémon debuts

Two Pokémon will be making their debut in Pokémon Go during this event: shiny Dedenne and Mega Salamence!

As you can see below, shiny Dedenne takes on a darker, mousey brown appearance. It’s a decent shiny and we’re big fans. Thanks to Reddit user yxalitis for the confirmation below.

Additionally, Mega Salamence can be acquired in the usual way; beat enough of them in raids to get enough Mega Energy to Mega Evolve it. If you need a primer on how to take down this pseudo-Legendary Mega Pokémon, we’ve got you covered – much like Mega Salamence’s back with that biologically dubious wing. Check out our Mega Salamence raid guide if you need some help picking out the strongest counters.

Other event bonuses

Finally, there are a few additional things to be aware of as you explore the world of Pokémon Go during this event:

  • Photobombs: Take a snapshot of your buddy for a surprise encounter with a Dragon or Fairy-type Pokémon.
  • Double Catch XP: Catch a Pokémon with a Nice, Great or Excellent throw to earn double the usual experience.
  • 'Additional' Candy: Catch a Pokémon with a Nice, Great or Excellent throw to earn additional Candy – we won‘t know how much more this gives until the event starts, or if one gives more candy than the other, so aim for those Excellent throws!
  • Increased chance for Trainers Level 31 and up to receive Candy XL for successfully catching Pokémon with a Nice, Great or Excellent throw.

Hope you enjoy the Twinkling Fantasy event!

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