Pokémon Hideaways spawn list in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
Which Pokémon you can catch in the Grand Underground explained.
Pokémon Hideaways are special caves located within the Grand Underground of Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl where you can catch Pokémon.
Each Pokémon Hideaway has a specific biome, such as the Dazzling Cave and Riverbank Cave, where Pokémon which don't appear in the Sinnoh Pokédex may spawn.
As you complete the game's storyline, a wider variety of Pokémon will spawn which is perfect for completing the National Pokédex.
Within this page, you'll find complete spawn lists for each of the Pokémon Hideaways, such as Spacious Cave, along with everything you need to know about the Pokémon Hideaways themselves.
On this page:
Pokémon Hideaway spawn tables:
Pokémon Hideaways in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl explained
Pokémon Hideaways are a new addition to the Grand Underground in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. In these caves you can battle and catch Pokémon which might not appear on the surface world of Sinnoh until you've unlocked the National Pokédex.

These Hideaways appear as squares on the Grand Underground map and each one contains a specific biome which determines the Pokémon you'll find there. Fire-type Pokémon, for example, are more likely to appear in the Volcanic Cave and Sandsear Cave.

A wider variety of Pokémon will also appear in each Pokémon Hideaway as you fulfill specific requirements in the game. These requirements are:
- Finding TM96 Strength at the Lost Tower
- Finding TM97 Defog at the Great Marsh
- Winning the Icicle Badge at Snowpoint City
- Finding TM99 Waterfall at Sunnyshore City
- Unlocking the National Pokédex
You can increase the chance of specific Pokémon types appearing by placing statues in your Secret Base.

When you enter a Pokémon Hideaway, there's also a chance that a rare Pokémon, which doesn't appear in the Sinnoh Pokédex, will appear. Since this isn't guaranteed, you can try leaving the Pokémon Hideaway and the Grand Underground itself multiple times to force this spawn. Some of these Pokémon will become easier to find once you've unlocked the National Pokédex.

The Pokémon you catch in the Grand Underground might also know one of its egg moves, so, if you're after a specific Pokémon, it's a good idea to catch multiple to see if you have the moveset you desire.

The levels of the Pokémon you encounter will match your progression through the Gyms and cap after you've defeated the Elite Four.
Below you can find the level ranges for the Pokémon in the Pokémon Hideaways and when you expect to encounter them:
- Levels 16 to 20 - One Gym Badge
- Levels 25 to 29 - Two Gym Badges
- Levels 29 to 33 - Three Gym Badges
- Levels 33 to 37 - Four Gym Badges
- Levels 36 to 40 - Five Gym Badges
- Levels 39 to 43 - Six Gym Badges
- Levels 42 to 46 - Seven Gym Badges
- Levels 50 to 55 - Eight Gym Badges
- Levels 58 to 63 - Defeat Elite Four and enter the Hall of Fame
Thank you to Kaphotics for the help with this information and Hematite for collating it into a spreadsheet.
There are 18 different Pokémon Hideaway biomes, some appearing multiple times, to explore across the Grand Underground:
Finally, you can also find rare items, like evolution stones, in certain Pokémon Hideaways. These items don't respawn, so use them carefully!
Pokémon exclusive to Pokémon Hideaways in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
There are a number of Pokémon which can only be found in the Pokémon Hideaways, some of which will be exclusive to a specific version, in the Grand Underground of Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
Here are the Pokémon which can be found in both games:

- Bulbasaur
- Charmander
- Squirtle
- Tangela
- Chikorita
- Cyndaquil
- Totodile
- Furret
- Pineco
- Shuckle
- Treecko
- Torchic
- Mudkip
- Poochyena
- Larion
- Tropius
- Glalie
- Walrein
- Turtwig
- Chimchar
- Piplup
- Gabite
- Tangrowth
In Brilliant Diamond, these Pokémon will appear exclusively in the Pokémon Hideaways:

- Caterpie
- Ekans
- Growlithe
- Gligar
- Elekid
- Pupitar
- Seedot
- Nuzleaf
- Mawile
- Zangoose
- Solrock
In Shining Pearl, the following Pokémon will appear exclusively in the Pokémon Hideaways:

- Weedle
- Sandshrew
- Sandslash
- Vulpix
- Teddiursa
- Magby
- Lotad
- Lombre
- Sableye
- Seviper
- Lunatone
- Shelgon
Interestingly, both Aron and Mightyena only appear in the Pokémon Hideaways in Shining Pearl, but, thankfully, you can use other means - be it through eggs, evolution or catching them in the wild - to obtain these Pokémon in Brilliant Diamond.
It’s time to revisit Sinnoh! Our now complete Diamond and Pearl walkthrough to the main story is where to start. Your journey begins with selecting your starter Pokémon near Twinleaf Town, before visiting Sandgem Town and Jubilife City. To become a Pokémon Master, you need to defeat the Gym Leaders in Oreburgh City, Eterna City, Veilstone City, Pastoria City and Hearthome City, along with three others.
Aside from badges, you’ll want to grab Mystery Gift codes, complete the Sinnoh Pokédex by using Honey Trees, visiting the Great Marsh and the Pokémon Hideaways in the Grand Underground. Take the time to catch Gible, Spiritomb andDrifloon! Finally, you can now catch Arceus.
Big Bluff Cavern spawns in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
The Big Bluff Cavern in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl can spawn rare Pokémon like Scyther and Pinsir depending on which version you're playing and if you meet the requirement to unlock them.
To help you know which Pokémon might be exclusive to your version, we've marked these Pokémon with either 'BD' or 'SP' to stand for their respective game. Some of the rare encounters will also appear more frequently once you've unlocked the National Pokédex.
Here are the Big Bluff Cavern spawns organised by rare encounters and then requirement:
Thank you to Kaphotics for the help with this information and Hematite for collating it into a spreadsheet.
Looking for a different Pokémon Hideaway? Then return to the contents and, remember, BD and SP stand for Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
Bogsunk Cavern spawns in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
Lickitung and Tropius are among the Pokémon spawning in Bogsunk Cavern, as long as you meet the requirements, in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
To help you know which Pokémon might be exclusive to your version, we've marked these Pokémon with either 'BD' or 'SP' to stand for their respective game. Some of the rare encounters will also appear more frequently once you've unlocked the National Pokédex.
Here are Bogsunk Cavern spawns organised by rare encounters and then requirement:
Thank you to Kaphotics for the help with this information and Hematite for collating it into a spreadsheet.
Looking for a different Pokémon Hideaway? Then return to the contents and, remember, BD and SP stand for Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
Dazzling Cave spawns in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
The Dazzling Cave Pokémon Hideaway can spawn Pokémon like Togepi and Smoochum in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
To help you know which Pokémon might be exclusive to your version, we've marked these Pokémon with either 'BD' or 'SP' to stand for their respective game. Some of the rare encounters will also appear more frequently once you've unlocked the National Pokédex.
Here are the Dazzling Cave spawns organised by rare encounters and then requirement:
Thank you to Kaphotics for the help with this information and Hematite for collating it into a spreadsheet.
Looking for a different Pokémon Hideaway? Then return to the contents and, remember, BD and SP stand for Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
Fountainspring Cave spawns in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
The Fountainspring Cave in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl can spawn Swablu, Ralts and many others if you meet the correct requirements.
To help you know which Pokémon might be exclusive to your version, we've marked these Pokémon with either 'BD' or 'SP' to stand for their respective game. Some of the rare encounters will also appear more frequently once you've unlocked the National Pokédex.
Here are the Fountainspring Cave spawns organised by rare encounters and then requirement:
Thank you to Kaphotics for the help with this information and Hematite for collating it into a spreadsheet.
Looking for a different Pokémon Hideaway? Then return to the contents and, remember, BD and SP stand for Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
Glacial Cavern spawns in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
Within the Glacial Cavern Pokémon Hideaway, you can catch Snorunt and Mr.Mime if you meet the correct requirements in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
To help you know which Pokémon might be exclusive to your version, we've marked these Pokémon with either 'BD' or 'SP' to stand for their respective game. Some of the rare encounters will also appear more frequently once you've unlocked the National Pokédex.
Here are the Glacial Cavern spawns organised by rare encounters and then requirement:
Thank you to Kaphotics for the help with this information and Hematite for collating it into a spreadsheet.
Looking for a different Pokémon Hideaway? Then return to the contents and, remember, BD and SP stand for Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
Grassland Cave spawns in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
The Grassland Cave can contain Pokémon like Absol if you meet the right requirements in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
To help you know which Pokémon might be exclusive to your version, we've marked these Pokémon with either 'BD' or 'SP' to stand for their respective game. Some of the rare encounters will also appear more frequently once you've unlocked the National Pokédex.
Here are the Grassland Cave spawns organised by rare encounters and then requirement:
Thank you to Kaphotics for the help with this information and Hematite for collating it into a spreadsheet.
Looking for a different Pokémon Hideaway? Then return to the contents and, remember, BD and SP stand for Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
Icy Cave spawns in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
The Icy Cave Pokémon Hideaway can spawn Delibird and Sneasel if you meet the correct requirements in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
To help you know which Pokémon might be exclusive to your version, we've marked these Pokémon with either 'BD' or 'SP' to stand for their respective game. Some of the rare encounters will also appear more frequently once you've unlocked the National Pokédex.
Here are the Icy Cave spawns organised by rare encounters and then requirement:
Thank you to Kaphotics for the help with this information and Hematite for collating it into a spreadsheet.
Looking for a different Pokémon Hideaway? Then return to the contents and, remember, BD and SP stand for Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
Riverbank Cave spawns in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
A wide variety of Pokémon can spawn in the Riverbank Cave, such as Silcoon and Cascoon, depending on whether you're playing Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
To help you know which Pokémon might be exclusive to your version, we've marked these Pokémon with either 'BD' or 'SP' to stand for their respective game. Some of the rare encounters will also appear more frequently once you've unlocked the National Pokédex.
Here are the Riverbank Cave spawns organised by rare encounters and then requirement:
Thank you to Kaphotics for the help with this information and Hematite for collating it into a spreadsheet.
Looking for a different Pokémon Hideaway? Then return to the contents and, remember, BD and SP stand for Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
Rocky Cave spawns in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
By exploring the Rocky Cave Pokémon Hideaway in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl you can catch Pokémon like Shuckle and Rhyhorn - if you meet the correct requirements, of course.
To help you know which Pokémon might be exclusive to your version, we've marked these Pokémon with either 'BD' or 'SP' to stand for their respective game. Some of the rare encounters will also appear more frequently once you've unlocked the National Pokédex.
Here are the Rocky Cave spawns organised by rare encounters and then requirement:
Thank you to Kaphotics for the help with this information and Hematite for collating it into a spreadsheet.
Looking for a different Pokémon Hideaway? Then return to the contents and, remember, BD and SP stand for Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
Sandsear Cave spawns in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
In the Sandsear Cave in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, you may find Houdnoom and Skorupi if you meet the correct requirements or are lucky.
To help you know which Pokémon might be exclusive to your version, we've marked these Pokémon with either 'BD' or 'SP' to stand for their respective game. Some of the rare encounters will also appear more frequently once you've unlocked the National Pokédex.
Here are the Sandsear Cave spawns organised by rare encounters and then requirement:
Thank you to Kaphotics for the help with this information and Hematite for collating it into a spreadsheet.
Looking for a different Pokémon Hideaway? Then return to the contents and, remember, BD and SP stand for Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
Spacious Cave spawns in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
Within the Spacious Cave Pokémon Hideaway in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl you can find a variety of Pokémon, including Magnemite and Chingling, if you meet the correct requirements.
To help you know which Pokémon might be exclusive to your version, we've marked these Pokémon with either 'BD' or 'SP' to stand for their respective game. Some of the rare encounters will also appear more frequently once you've unlocked the National Pokédex.
Here are the Spacious Cave spawns organised by rare encounters and then requirement:
Thank you to Kaphotics for the help with this information and Hematite for collating it into a spreadsheet.
Looking for a different Pokémon Hideaway? Then return to the contents and, remember, BD and SP stand for Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
Stargleam Cave spawns in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
The Stargleam Cave can contain a wide range of Pokémon, like Duskull and Poochyena, if you meet the correct requirements in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
To help you know which Pokémon might be exclusive to your version, we've marked these Pokémon with either 'BD' or 'SP' to stand for their respective game. Some of the rare encounters will also appear more frequently once you've unlocked the National Pokédex.
Here are the Stargleam Cave spawns organised by rare encounters and then requirement:
Thank you to Kaphotics for the help with this information and Hematite for collating it into a spreadsheet.
Looking for a different Pokémon Hideaway? Then return to the contents and, remember, BD and SP stand for Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
Still-Water Cavern spawns in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
Within the Still-Water Cavern you can catch Pokémon like Gible and Mantyke by meeting the correct requirements in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
To help you know which Pokémon might be exclusive to your version, we've marked these Pokémon with either 'BD' or 'SP' to stand for their respective game. Some of the rare encounters will also appear more frequently once you've unlocked the National Pokédex.
Here are the Still-Water Cavern spawns organised by rare encounters and then requirement:
Thank you to Kaphotics for the help with this information and Hematite for collating it into a spreadsheet.
Looking for a different Pokémon Hideaway? Then return to the contents and, remember, BD and SP stand for Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
Sunlit Cavern spawns in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
The Sunlit Cavern can contain rare Pokémon, like Gligar and Teddiursa, depending on whether you're playing Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl if you meet the requirements.
To help you know which Pokémon might be exclusive to your version, we've marked these Pokémon with either 'BD' or 'SP' to stand for their respective game. Some of the rare encounters will also appear more frequently once you've unlocked the National Pokédex.
Here are the Sunlit Cavern spawns organised by rare encounters and then requirement:
Thank you to Kaphotics for the help with this information and Hematite for collating it into a spreadsheet.
Looking for a different Pokémon Hideaway? Then return to the contents and, remember, BD and SP stand for Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
Swampy Cave spawns in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
From Venonat to Zubat, a range of Pokémon can appear in the Swampy Cave Pokémon Hideaway if you meet the correct requirements in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
To help you know which Pokémon might be exclusive to your version, we've marked these Pokémon with either 'BD' or 'SP' to stand for their respective game. Some of the rare encounters will also appear more frequently once you've unlocked the National Pokédex.
Here are the Swampy Cave spawns organised by rare encounters and then requirement:
Thank you to Kaphotics for the help with this information and Hematite for collating it into a spreadsheet.
Looking for a different Pokémon Hideaway? Then return to the contents and, remember, BD and SP stand for Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
Typhlo Cavern spawns in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
Typhlo Cavern in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl will spawn a selection of rare Pokémon, including Torchic and Chimchar, once you meet the correct requirements.
To help you know which Pokémon might be exclusive to your version, we've marked these Pokémon with either 'BD' or 'SP' to stand for their respective game. Some of the rare encounters will also appear more frequently once you've unlocked the National Pokédex.
Here are the Typhlo Cavern spawns organised by rare encounters and then requirement:
Thank you to Kaphotics for the help with this information and Hematite for collating it into a spreadsheet.
Looking for a different Pokémon Hideaway? Then return to the contents and, remember, BD and SP stand for Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
Volcanic Cave spawns in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
The Volcanic Cave Pokémon Hideaway contains a range of Pokémon, like Charmander and Cyndaquil, once you meet the right requirements in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
To help you know which Pokémon might be exclusive to your version, we've marked these Pokémon with either 'BD' or 'SP' to stand for their respective game. Some of the rare encounters will also appear more frequently once you've unlocked the National Pokédex.
Here are the Volcanic Cave spawns organised by rare encounters and then requirement:
Thank you to Kaphotics for the help with this information and Hematite for collating it into a spreadsheet.
Looking for a different Pokémon Hideaway? Then return to the contents and, remember, BD and SP stand for Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
Whiteout Cave spawns in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
The Whiteout Cave has the chance of spawning either Pachirisu and Munchlax if you meet the correct requirements in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
To help you know which Pokémon might be exclusive to your version, we've marked these Pokémon with either 'BD' or 'SP' to stand for their respective game. Some of the rare encounters will also appear more frequently once you've unlocked the National Pokédex.
Here are the Whiteout Cave spawns organised by rare encounters and then requirement:
Thank you to Kaphotics for the help with this information and Hematite for collating it into a spreadsheet.
Looking for a different Pokémon Hideaway? Then return to the contents and, remember, BD and SP stand for Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
Have fun exploring the Pokémon Hideaways!