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No Man's Sky dev's stunt racer Joe Danger now free to play in browsers

Touch and Infinity both available.

If you're in the mood for some entertainment that's both fun and free, you might like to point your browser in the direction of No Man's Sky studio Hello Games, which has just made the two mobile instalments of its very excellent arcade stunt racer series Joe Danger playable on the web for the grand total of zero pee.

More specifically, those with a hankering for some stuntery and a browser within arms reach can test their racing mettle in Joe Danger Touch and its follow-up Joe Danger Infinity, which were initially released on iOS in 2013 and 2014.

Both games, you might recall, unceremoniously vanished from the App Store in 2017, following Apple's decision to end support for 32-bit apps with iOS11. But in a lovely moment at the start of this year, they each received a surprise re-release. "It's always been a secret shame of ours that the success of No Man's Sky left Joe Danger unloved," Hello Games' Sean Murray explained at the time. "For the last two years we've had a hobby project of bringing Joe Danger back to life. Slowly rebuilding it piece by piece through eight years of Unity changes."

Joe Danger and Joe Danger Infinity got an unexpected iOS makeover earlier this year.Watch on YouTube

It's these faintly new-fangled versions that are now playable via your web browser of choice. However, if you'd rather be less reliant on an internet connection to get your arcade stunt racing fix, Joe Danger Touch and Joe Danger Infinite remain available on iOS for £1.99 apiece.

It has, of course, been a busy year for Hello Games; not only has the studio continued to update No Man's Sky with a wealth of new features, it's also found time to bring the wonderful exploratory space sim to Switch. No Man's Sky will continue to spread its wings in 2023, with a new iPad release on the way, alongside an enhanced version for PSVR2.

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