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Uncharted 2 beta starts this Wednesday

Competitive and co-op playlist details.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Update: Sony UK has confirmed that our beta kicks off tomorrow as well.

Original story: Sony has announced that the Uncharted 2 beta test will begin this Wednesday, 3rd June, and offers two playlists - co-operative and competitive.

The competitive mode consists of two maps and two game-types - deathmatch and plunder - while co-op takes place in a war-town city with up to three people controlling a mixture of Drake, Sully and Chloe.

On the competitive side, deathmatch is self-explanatory, but plunder is a Naughty Dog spin on CTF, where each team tries to bring a neutral treasure home to its treasure chest, even throwing it the last few feet if necessary.

Multiplayer designer Justin Richmond, writing on the US PlayStation blog, advises people to "keep thinking three dimensionally". "There are many, many different places to climb, hide, and shoot from above ground level. The best advice I can give: remember to look up."

In co-op, players can revive one another if downed, although if you're all killed off three times then it's Game Over.

While you're alive, you fill up a combo meter by collecting treasure and completing objectives, and the points you earn here - along with medals conferred - go towards ranking up. You also have a multiplier, and enemy kills are worth different amounts of points based on your choice of weapon.

In competitive, you also rank up by earning cash, and by scoring kills. But if you suck, you can at least turn on Boosters to help yourself out.

And community options? Well, if you hit triangle on the lobby screen, you get a friends list and this can be used to send out invites, join parties and check other players' profiles. The maximum party size for competitive is five players, and three for co-op.

Check out our extensive Uncharted 2 hands-on for more on the multiplayer.

We'll get in touch with Sony in the morning about European plans, but we've been invited to join the beta on 3rd June, so presumably any of you who got a code through picking up inFamous at specific retailers will do as well.

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