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PSA for Sonic Frontiers digital deluxe edition: install the DLC before playing

Also, get Sonic Adventure 2 kicks for free.

Heads up for anyone who bought the digital deluxe edition of Sonic Frontiers - you should install the DLC before starting a new game.

Sega posted the announcement yesterday, ahead of Sonic Frontiers' release today, to inform players how to access the DLC.

"DLC content will not be valid if installed after the tutorial area," Sega tweeted.

Our spoiler-free review of Sonic Frontiers on PS5.Watch on YouTube

Sega also reminded players to install the most recent patch of the game before installing any DLC.

The odd conditions will only affect the DLC contained within the digital deluxe edition of the game. It does not affect the free Monster Hunter DLC that will be available from 14th.

Sonic Frontiers newsletter subscribe for the Soap shoes

Speaking of free, unaffected DLC, here's a reminder that you can also get the Sonic Adventure 2 shoes by signing up to the Sonic Frontiers newsletter before 31st January 2023. According to Katie Chrzanowski, social media manager for Sonic on Twitter, the DLC code should arrive within one to two days of signing up.

We found Sonic Frontiers to be a mixed bag in our review, with satisfying combat and solid fundamentals but not enough polish or commitment to being a fully 3D Sonic game.

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