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Prey gets ATI E3 unveiling

A bit like Half-Life 2. Which is an expression they'll hope we use again. Game's due out on PC and "a next-gen console" in 2006.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

As revealed here last week (altogether now: "ooooOOOooooOOOoh! Hark at her!" ["Him", Tom; you're a bloke -Ed]), Take-Two's 2K Games label has announced that it will publish resurrected 3D Realms-owned first-person shooter Prey for the PC and a next-generation console system in 2006.

The game is being developed by Human Head Studios and will be on display at this year's E3 showcase next month at an ATI "movie theatre-style exhibition". Half-Life 2 was of course first shown in all its glorious, er, glory in a similar arrangement on ATI's stand at E3 2003.

"The initial concept for Prey had been incubating for a while, waiting for the right opportunity to come along," said 3D Realms president George Broussard. "We jumped at the chance to create this game with a talented developer like Human Head Studios and next-generation technology like the Doom 3 engine."

"With their help, Prey is sure to breathe new life into the first person shooter genre with a compelling story, innovative gameplay mechanics and dazzling imagery, which is powered by our significantly enhanced version of id Software's original Doom 3 engine," Human Head CEO Timothy Gerritsen added.

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