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How to find the Words of Attainment in Horizon Forbidden West Burning Shores

Find the Words of Attainment to get into the Ascension Hall in the Stars in Their Eyes quest.

Finding the Words of Attainment in the Stars in Their Eyes quest in Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores will allow Aloy and Seyka to get into the Hall of Ascension. Their new enemy is hiding something in there, and the duo are fighting to find out what it is.

Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores is set after the ending of the main story of Forbidden West. The DLC sees Aloy team up with a new ally after arriving at the Burning Shores while chasing a new, and dangerous foe.

There's quite a bit of information to absorb in this quest, so we're here to help you along by showing you how to find the Words of Attainment in Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores.

Spoilers Ahead: This guide is for one of the main quests for the Burning Shores DLC for Horizon Forbidden West. There are potential spoilers ahead for the end of the main game and for the DLC.

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Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores Launch Trailer.

How to find the Words of Attainment in Horizon Forbidden West Burning Shores

To find the Words of Attainment in Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores, you will need to watch all of the hologram displays in the room with the Devotee Quen. It's the one you are stuck in until you can get past Brenik to get into the Ascension Hall.

After you've watched all of the holograms (try to pay attention to them, they hide the answers), go and speak with either Kiral or Otosu. They are two NPCs in the hologram room that will be willing to help you. You can find them easily as they have a '!' above their heads.

Which one you choose does not matter as long as you give the correct answer to their question. If you get the wrong answer, you will need to go and speak to the other character to get it right.

horizon forbidden west burning shores kiral seyka aloy

If you get both answers wrong then open your pause menu, and select 'Restart from previous save'. This will take you to the moment just after Brenik first denies you access to the hall. This will reset the two NPCs and you can try to talk to them again.

Need some help getting through the Burning Shores DLC? Check our out main quest guides that show you how to disrupt the tower weapon, find the door code in Heaven and Earth, how to find the words of Attainment, disable the lockdown, and how to find the Armory and open the Volcano doors. If it's a side quest you're stuck on, take a look at our a Splinter Within and a Friend in the Dark walkthroughs. We also have guides that show you all aerial capture locations, plus a Cauldron THETA and Murmuring Hollow walkthrough too.

The correct answer for Kiral in Horizon Forbidden West Burning Shores

Kiral can be found near the door to the Ascension Hall. Face the door to the Hall and then turn to the right. A Quen will be standing by a hologram that's showing a timeline. This is Kiral.

horizon forbidden west burning shores words of attainment kiral

Go over to Kiral and interact with them to speak to them. You can skip through the dialogue or listen to them, whatever you prefer to do. Then, they will give you three options to pick an answer from.

The correct answer for Kiral is 'A New World'.

Answer correctly and Kiral will recite the Words of Attainment to you. Then, you can go and speak to Brenik. Quite reluctantly, they will then let Aloy and Seyka into the Hall.

The correct answer for Otosu in Horizon Forbidden West Burning Shores

Face the door into the Ascension Hall and then turn to your left to see a hologram of Londra sitting on a chair. Walk over to here and then look left, then down. You should see two Quen sitting on a chair in the lowered area.

horizon forbidden west burning shores words of attainment otosu

As you approach, one will leave. The one that remains sitting is Otosu. Speak to them. You can listen to the conversation or skip through it if you want to.

The correct answer for Otosu is 'They Were Dedicated'.

Once you give the correct answer, Otosu will tell you the Words of Attainment and you can smugly tell Brenik so that you can be let into the Ascension Hall.

horizon forbidden west aloy seyka brenik ascension hall door

After you learn the correct words, and quite smugly get let into the Hall, your quest will continue. Good luck!

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