Final Fantasy 12 Zodiac Spear location and Hunt Club prey locations explained
There's a change of how you get the infamous Zodiac Spear, thanks to Final Fantasy 12's Hunt Club.
Anyone who's played the original Final Fantasy 12 will probably remember the hubbub around the Zodiac Spear, a superpowered weapon that required you to fulfil a series of impossible-to-stumble-upon tasks in order to earn it.
Well, as with many things, the method for finding the Zodiac Spear in Final Fantasy 12 The Zodiac Age has changed - and the Spear itself has too. Here on this page we'll take you through the new method of finding it - the Hunt Club - and the changes to the Spear itself.
On this page:
For other tips and explainers meanwhile, head to our Final Fantasy 12 The Zodiac Age guide and walkthrough, where we cover plenty more.
How to get the Zodiac Spear in Final Fantasy 12 The Zodiac Age
The Zodiac Spear is infamous in Final Fantasy 12 because of its power - it's a 141 attack weapon and has a chance of disabling the enemy on hit, making it one of the most powerful in the game - and also one of the most difficult to get your hands on.
Note - if you are playing the original Final Fantasy 12 on PS2, the method of acquiring is different to that in the remaster The Zodiac Age. In short, you needed to have avoided specific chests in order for it to then appear in a late game chest in order to get it. It caused a lot of confusion and frustration, so understandably, things are a little easier in the remaster!
If you are playing The Zodiac Age, there are three methods to acquire it:
Zodiac Spear method 1: There's a 1% chance of the Zodiac Spear spawning in Henne Mines
The chest is in a locked area of the Henne Mines, which officially opens once you've got 10 Espers and have talked to the Geomancer in Jahara. However, you can also reach the location as soon as you've done the Mindflayer hunt then taking a long route.
Either way, you then need to check into the area over and over until it appears. Here's Kyr Cookies on YouTube explaining how to get it as soon as possible, and where to find the Zodiac Spear chest location:
Zodiac Spear method 2: Steal the Zodiac Spear from a Biding Mantis on Level 62 of the Trial mode
Ignore the bunny that spawns on Level 62 of Trial mode, find the Biding Mantis, and attempt to steal from it. If unsuccessful, then quit out of the game and reload to try again. Here's LemonEatingKow explaining how from the 4 minute mark:
Zodiac Spear method 3: Earn 30 Trophies from the Hunt Club
Play the Hunt Club until you have the maximum amount of Trophies - 30 - then give 10 Trophies to each brother. You then need to pay 999999 Gil. This is the more predictable, but a much longer winded, way of getting the Zodiac Spear, though you'll get other rewards along the way.
It also means you'll be locked out of getting a second pair of Genji Gloves (the other method is by stealing from Gilgamesh) which is arguably more useful if you can get the Zodiac Spear through the chest method.
If you want to get the Zodiac Spear via the Hunt Club, then here's how.
How to start the Hunt Club and Thalassinon location explained
To access Hunt Club you'll first need to deal with Doctor Cid in Draklor Laboratory, before heading back to the Clan encampment in Phon Coast.

Speak to the Huntmaster near the Hunt board and say "You're a bird of prey". You'll now be given the task of hunting down a Thalassinon - he'll tell you it can be found in Vaddu Strand, but that's all you'll get out of him.
Head to Vaddu Strand and stand on the tall hill in the area, and then wait ten seconds, and your prey will appear. Deal with it, grab the item it drops, and return to the Huntmaster with it. He'll welcome you to the Hunt Club, and then you need to speak to either Atak, Blok, or Stok for an explanation of the club's activities.
You'll soon find there's a list of 80 rare creatures to hunt, and bringing back up to 30 trophies from them - and giving those trophies to some combination of brothers - will allow you to purchase new and exciting items from the club's shop. Below is a table showing how many trophies you need to give to each brother to unlock which items - but note that there are only 30 trophies available, meaning it's impossible to unlock everything. You'll need to choose your rewards carefully!
Hunt Club weapon rewards explained
Item | Cost (Gil) | Atak | Blok | Stok |
Thief's Cuffs | 3600 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Golden Amulet | 5400 | 0 | 0 | 15 |
Platinum Armor | 8370 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Kiku-ichimonji | 9450 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
Ruby Ring | 10200 | 0 | 0 | 5 |
Minerva Bustier | 11160 | 0 | 5 | 0 |
Turtleshell Choker | 11160 | 5 | 5 | 12 |
Holy Lance | 13050 | 5 | 0 | 0 |
Ame-no-Murakumo | 13500 | 10 | 0 | 0 |
Black Mask | 18600 | 5 | 12 | 5 |
Opal Ring | 19200 | 0 | 0 | 10 |
Maximillian | 20400 | 5 | 10 | 5 |
White Mask | 21750 | 0 | 10 | 0 |
Stoneblade | 29250 | 15 | 0 | 0 |
Cat-ear Hood | 36000 | 0 | 0 | 20 |
Bubble Belt | 47520 | 0 | 0 | 25 |
Orochi | 49500 | 20 | 0 | 0 |
Aegis Shield | 57600 | 0 | 15 | 0 |
Indigo Pendant | 60000 | 1 | 1 | 25 |
Artemis Bow | 61600 | 12 | 5 | 5 |
Eight-fluted Pole | 70200 | 10 | 5 | 0 |
Ultima Blade | 75000 | 25 | 0 | 0 |
Gastrophetes S | 104000 | 25 | 1 | 1 |
Dueling Mask | 117000 | 0 | 20 | 0 |
Grand Helm | 123750 | 0 | 25 | 0 |
Lordly Robes | 132000 | 1 | 25 | 1 |
Grand Armor | 162000 | 0 | 30 | 0 |
Nihopalaoa | 360000 | 0 | 0 | 30 |
Genji Gloves | 447000 | 5 | 5 | 15 |
Masamune | 700000 | 30 | 0 | 0 |
Zodiac Spear | 999999 | 10 | 10 | 10 |
For more help with? Final Fantasy 12? Our Final Fantasy 12 The Zodiac Age guide, walkthrough, Switch and Xbox differences gives an overview of the game to get you started. Elsewhere, there's our hidden Espers strategy and locations and Elite Hunts and Marks pages, how to get the best Zodiac Jobs for each character, advice on farming LP from Jellies and even how to get the Zodiac Spear.
Final Fantasy 12 Hunt Club prey locations
Each of the creatures spawns in specific locations under certain conditions, and tracking them down can be very time consuming. Any that have a certain spawn percentage simply require going in and out of an area a few times until they show up, but bear in mind that a "20% chance" doesn't guarantee it'll appear once every five visits - you're somewhat at the mercy of RNJesus, so to speak - and some also won't appear until you've joined the Hunt Club.
While there are only 30 trophies to be gathered for the Hunt, there's also a separate PlayStation Trophy available for killing one of each - so completionists are going to need a lot of luck!
Name | Location | Condition |
Minibug | Barheim Passage - East-West Bypass | 20% spawn chance. |
Ishteen | Barheim Passage - East-West Bypass, The Zeviah Span | Hunt Club sidequest accepted. Wait. |
Ithuno | Barheim Passage - Special Op Sector 5 | 20% chance of appearing in a random chest. |
Bluesang | Cerobi Steppe - Crossfield | 40% spawn chance. |
Aspidochelon | Cerobi Steppe - Feddik River | 40% spawn chance. |
Etherian | Cerobi Steppe - The Northsward | Kill all other mobs in the area. |
Greeden | Dalmasca Estersand - Bank of the Nebra | Stay in the area for three minutes without killing any Cactoids. |
Terror Tyrant | Dalmasca Estersand - Broken Sands | 40% chance of spawning in place of a Wild Saurian. |
Nekhbet | Dalmasca Estersand - Sand-swept Naze | 20% chance of spawning after defeating a Cockatrice. |
Ripe Rampager | Dalmasca Estersand - Yardang Labyrinth | 33% chance of spawning per Cactite or Cactoid killed. |
Kaiser Wolf | Dalmasca Westersand - Corridor of Sand | Kill Lindbur Wolf in the Shimmering Horizons area, then there's a 40% chance of it spawning in the Corridor of Sand area. |
Dustia | Dalmasca Westersand - Corridor of Sand | A party member must have less than 10% HP. |
Lindbur Wolf | Dalmasca Westersand - Shimmering Horizons | Defeat 20 Wolves in the Dalmasca Westersand. |
Fideliant | Dalmasca Westersand - The Midfault | 20% spawn chance. |
Dreadguard | Feywood - Walk of Dancing Shadow | 40% chance of spawning in place of a Mirrorknight. |
Crypt Bunny | Feywood - Walk of Stolen Truths | Kill all Tartaruses and 6 Cerberuses in the Walk of Stolen Truths area, then Crypt Bunny has a 20% chance of spawning. |
Juggernaut | Feywood - White Magick's Embrace | Game clock (in the pause menu) must be between :00 and :10 minutes. |
Gavial | Garamsythe Waterway - No. 10 Channel | Stand in the most southwesterly area and wait. |
Drowned | Garamsythe Waterway - No.4 Cloaca Spur | Stay in the Garamsythe Waterway for five minutes. |
Razorfin | Garamsythe Waterway - North Spur Sluiceway | 10% chance of spawning instead of a Ichthon. |
Nazarnir | Giza Plains - Starfall Field | 40% chance of spawning instead of a Sleipnir. |
Rain Dancer | Giza Plains - Starfall Field, Warrior's Wash, Toam Hills | 20% chance of spawning during the wet. |
Midgardsormr | Golmore Jungle - Paths of Chained Light | 20% chance of spawning. |
Phyllo | Golmore Jungle - The Branchway | 20% chance of spawning. |
Biding Mantis | Golmore Jungle - The Needlebrake | Game clock must be between :30 and :59. |
Grave Lord | Golmore Jungle - The Rustling Chapel | Get a kill chain of 21. |
Glaring Eye | Henne Mines | 10% chance of spawning after defeating a Hecteyes. |
Melt | Henne Mines - Pithead Junction B | After joining the club it has a 50% chance of spawning when you flip the switch. |
Bombshell | Lhusu Mines - Lasche Span | 20% chance of spawning. |
Aerieel | Lhusu Mines - Oltam Span | 20% chance of spawning. |
Gemhorn | Lhusu Mines - Site 11 | Kill all enemies in Site 11. |
Disma | Lhusu Mines - Site 5; Lhusu Mines - Site 6 South | 5% chance of spawning instead of a Dark Lord. |
Grey Molter | Mosphoran Highwaste - Empyrean Way | Game clock must be between :10 and :20 minutes. |
Dheed | Mosphoran Highwaste - Skyreach Ridge | 40% chance of spawning. |
Wary Wolf | Mosphoran Highwaste - Summit Path | 7% chance of spawning instead of a Worgen. |
Velelu | Nabreus Deadlands - The Fog Mutters | A party member must have less than 20% HP. |
Arioch | Nabreus Deadlands - The Slumbermead | 40% chance of spawning. |
Megabomb | Nam-Yensa Sandsea - Demesne of the Sandqueen | Get a kill chain of 21. |
Imdugud | Nam-Yensa Sandsea - Withering Shores | Kill all the Bagolies in the Withering Shores area, then move onto the middle of the circular platform and wait. |
Victanir | Nam-Yensa Sandsea - Yellow Sands | 40% chance of spawning. |
Helvinek | Necrohol of Nabudis | Kill 6 Oversouls in the Necrohol of Nabudis. |
Vorres | Necrohol of Nabudis - Hall of the Ivory Covenant | Kite a Dark Elemental close to the Cloister of Reason entrance. |
Pineapple | Ogir-Yensa Sandsea - Platform 1 Refinery | 20% chance of spawning. |
Urutan Exile | Ogir-Yensa Sandsea - Platform 2 Refinery | Kill 100 Urutan-Yensa in the Ogir-Yensa Sandsea. |
Bull Chocobo | Ogir-Yensa Sandsea - South Tank Approach | 40% chance of spawning. |
Bull Croc | Ozmone Plain - The Shred | 20% chance of spawning. |
Aeros | Ozmone Plain - The Shred | Kill Bull Croc. |
Killbug | Ozmone Plain - The Switchback | Found in a larger than normal treasure chest when the game clock is between :10 and :39 minutes. |
Ancbolder | Paramina Rift - Karydine Glacier | Kill all enemies in the Karydine Glacier. |
Anchag | Paramina Rift - Karydine Glacier | Kill all enemies in the Karydine Glacier. |
Vishno | Pharos - First Ascent - Wellspring Ravel - 4th Flight | Kill 10 Deidars in the Pharos. |
Avenger | Pharos - Second Ascent - Station of Ascension | Kill all enemies in the Station of Ascension, enter the Reach of the Damned, and return to Station of Ascension. |
Vagrant Soul | Pharos - Subterra - Abyssal - North | After Shadowseer is defeated, 25% chance of spawning. |
Luxollid | Pharos - Subterra - Umbra - South | Kill Vagrant Soul. |
Tower | Pharos - Third Ascent - Spire Ravel - 2nd Flight | 20% chance of spawning. |
Skullash | Phon Coast - Cape Tialan | 40% chance of spawning. |
Apsara | Phon Coast - The Mauleia Strand | Kill 10 Piranhas in the Phon Coast. |
Thalassinon | Phon Coast - The Vaddu Strand | Wait at the top of the hill for ten seconds. |
Pallicant | Ridorana Cataract - City of Other Days | Kill all enemies in the City of Other Days, leave, then reenter. |
Abelisk | Ridorana Cataract - Echoes from Time's Garden | 30% chance of spawning. |
Wood Toad | Salikawood - Corridor of Ages | 20% chance of spawning. |
Rageclaw | Salikawood - Piebald Path | Don't kill any enemies in the Salikawood and wait one minute. |
Spee | Salikawood - Sun-dappled Path | 15% chance of spawning after defeating a Wyrdhare. |
Wendice | Sochen Cave Palace - Destiny's March | Kill 3 Wendigos in Destiny's March. |
Anubys | Sochen Cave Palace - Mirror of the Soul | Enter the Mirror of the Soul via the Falls of Time. |
Cubus | Sochen Cave Palace - Temptation Eluded | Kill all Pit Fiends and Wendigos in the Temptation Eluded area. |
Matriarch Bomb | Stilshrine of Miriam - Ward of Measure | Enter the secret passage on the right side of Cold Distance. |
Negalmuur | Stilshrine of Miriam - Ward of the Sword-King | Stay in the Stilshrine of Miriam for thirty minutes, and defeat the Darkmare in the Ward of the Sword-King. |
Myath | Stilshrine of Miriam - Ward of Velitation | Kill 3 Dragon Aevises in the Ward of Velitation area, then exit and reenter. |
Tarasque | Tchita Uplands - Garden of Life's Circle | Get a kill chain of 22 Serpents or Malboro Overkings. |
Kris | Tchita Uplands - The Highland | 40% chance of spawning. |
Grimalkin | Tchita Uplands - Uazcuff Hills | 10% chance of spawning instead of a Coeurl. |
Evil Spirit | The Great Crystal | 5% chance of spawning instead of a Forbidden. |
Larva Eater | The Great Crystal | Kill all Necrophobes in the area with the Leo Gate Stone, then move between the area with Leo Gate Stone and the Waystone XIV area. |
Crystal Knight | The Great Crystal | Move from Way Stone XX to the Sagittarius Gate Switch and back in a clockwise loop. |
Zombie Lord | The Tomb of Raithwall - Northfall Passage | Game clock must be between :00 and :29 minutes. |
Barmuu | Tomb of Raithwall - Royal Passage | Get a kill chain of 12. |
Cultsworn Lich | Tomb of Raithwall - Southfall Passage | 20% chance of appearing when the Lich uses Divide. |
Molen | Zertinan Caverns - Hourglass Basin | Enter northernmost part of the area through the hidden passage and wait. |
Alteci | Zertinan Caverns - The Undershore | Get a kill a chain of 12. |