Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Relic Point locations for Relic skill tree
All 15 Relic Point locations listed.
Relic Points are the currency you use to upgrade the Relic skill tree in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty.
These Relic Points are used in place of Attributes and Perk points, which means you can't progress this Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty skill tree by levelling up. Instead, you have to hunt down special restricted data terminals in Dogtown, and reach certain points in Phantom Liberty's main missions.
To help you get these handy new powers and bonuses quicker, we've got all Relic Point locations in Phantom Liberty listed below, and also have a quick explainer on how to unlock the Relic skill tree.
On this page:
How to unlock Relic skill tree in Cyberpunk 2077
To unlock the Relic skill tree in Cyberpunk 2077 you need to:
- Buy the Phantom Liberty DLC.
- Start Phantom Liberty's story.
- Meet Songbird outside of Dogtown as part of the 'Dog Eat Dog' mission.
This means you can only unlock the powers and bonuses in the Relic skill tree if you own the Phantom Liberty expansion for Cyberpunk 2077.

If you're starting a new playthrough, you have to wait until you complete the 'Transmission' main mission in Act 2 of the base game before you get the call from Songbird that unlocks Phantom Liberty's story.
Don't worry about saving your Attribute and Perk points for the Relic skill tree, as it uses Relic Points to unlock its powers and bonuses instead, and we've detailed all of these Relic Point locations below.
Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Relic Point locations 1 - 6
The first three Relic points are given to V by Songbird after she unlocks the Relic skill tree during the 'Dog Eat Dog' main mission. This means you can unlock one of the three main Relic powers as soon as you start Phantom Liberty.

However, the next three Relic Points obtained as part of the story don't come until 'Birds With Broken Wings', the eighth main mission in Phantom Liberty. Don't worry about missing these six Relic Points, as you get them automatically, no matter what ending you're aiming for in the DLC.
Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Relic Point location 7
This Relic Point restricted data terminal is easy to find, as it's just below the outside of your Hideout apartment in the western side of Dogtown, in the corner to the right of the Kress Street fast travel point.

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Relic Point location 8
To get this Relic Point restricted data terminal, you actually need to follow the green skull symbol to find the specific entrance to where the terminal is located. Luckily, it's pretty close to the Kress Street fast travel location near your Hideout apartment. Track that green skull to the base with the yellow wolf symbol, then go inside and follow the underground, lit up path.

The terminal is behind a door that you need 15 Technical Ability to open, but if you don't have these Attribute Points invested, then jump down and enter the 'Exit' grate below to find a yellow ladder that takes you to the control room that contains the Relic Point.

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Relic Point location 9
You'll have to do a bit of climbing to get to this restricted data terminal, as it's on top of the green Caliente building in the middle of Dogtown, up the steps in the exposed part of the building's top floor. You can use the nearby bridge to start your climbing path.

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Relic Point location 10
This Relic Point is found opposite the pyramid-shaped Heavy Hearts building, on its northwestern side. Look for the green crane and climb to the building above it to find the restricted data terminal near the edge of this exposed building.

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Relic Point location 11
This restricted data terminal is located to the very north, inside Dogtown's stadium, just past the automobile dealer. Go up the two sets of stairs after the automobile dealership and look to your right to see this Relic Point data terminal behind some large shelving. You can crouch down to fit through the shelf to reach the terminal.

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Relic Point location 12
You'll find this restricted data terminal inside an enemy base marked by a green skull symbol on the map, in the eastern corner of Dogtown. The Relic Point is up one floor, near stacked deck chairs by a side door.

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Relic Point location 13
This Relic Point restricted data terminal is at the back of an alcove near the main road under a tunnel in the southeastern border of Dogtown. It's up from the basketball court with the Tarot Card location where you meet Reed for the first time.

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Relic Point location 14
This Relic Point is found up the stairs in an enemy base marked by a green skull symbol on the map, in the southern corner of Dogtown. It's inside the building with the huge 'Massdrive' picture above the entrance, guarded by hostile enemies. The actual data terminal is inside a small room upstairs, by a turret.

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Relic Point location 15
You'll find this Relic Point in a parking lot accessed from a yellow staircase by the road, near a spherical statue in the middle of Dogtown. The restricted data terminal is one floor up, near two lockers.

Hope you enjoy your new Relic powers! For more help exploring Dogtown, we have pages on Tarot Card locations, how to get all endings, and the Voodoo Treasure location.