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Civilization Wii on indefinite hold

Firaxis focusing on 360 and PS3.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

2K Games has announced that the Wii version of Civilization Revolution has been put on hold indefinitely.

A spokesperson told Eurogamer developer Firaxis wants to put all of its efforts into building the "next-generation" versions.

Which means PS3 and 360 outings, plus a DS game, are still due out this spring.

Civilization Revolution is a fully-fledged instalment in the series - no worries about a quickly cobbled together and dumbed down port here. 2K Games is also keen to emphasise it is spending hours and hours on getting the interface right for consoles, believing few have nailed it so far.

Specifically it will have a strong online component, with streamlined games for fewer day-long head-to-head matches. On top of that will be voice and vision chat so you can see the effect of your plans on your opponent, and 16 civilizations to test your tactical tenacity with.

It looks frightfully handsome too, much like me. Ogle at it in our Civilization Revolution gallery.

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