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Watch Dogs runs at 1080p 60fps on PlayStation 4, Sony says

UPDATE: Listing has removed this boast.

UPDATE 13/05/2014 12.06am: Sony's listing for Watch Dogs has since omitted the line about it running in 1080p at 60fps.

We've requested comment from both Sony and Ubisoft about what's going on here and will update as we hear back.

ORIGINAL STORY 12/05/2014 8.17am: The PlayStation 4 version of Watch Dogs will run at 1080p and 60 frames per second, Sony has said.

Writing on, the company boasted that this meant the game would run "in a way that only PS4 can provide" - suggesting other platforms may not be up to scratch.

Watch Dogs is also due to be released on PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Xbox One and - later this year - on Wii U.

Ubisoft has so far kept quiet on how the various versions of the game line-up - although it is working with graphics card company NVIDIA to make the PC version as shiny as possible.

In other news, Sony's site reveals that the game's four PlayStation-exclusive missions are actually timed-exclusives, which will also be available on PC.

We're checking with Ubisoft now on the game's specs for other platforms, and which other consoles (if any) will see the game's timed-exclusive content.

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