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How to use the power of Khvarena in Genshin Impact

How to solve puzzles and complete quests with this Sumeru ability.

You need to use the power of Khvarena in Genshin Impact to reveal hidden areas and solve special puzzles for main story and side content.

Although you're asked to use the power after learning about it the first time in 'The Splendorous Sky That Day' part of the 'Khvarena of Good and Evil' World Quest, there's no actual explanation on how to do so, so we've detailed how to use the power of Khvarena to destroy Gray Crystals during this initial introduction in Genshin Impact below.

We've also explained how to use the power of Khvarena as Sorush, as you'll soon come across some puzzles that require you to use Sorush's Khvarena ability as well.

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How to use the power of Khvarena to destroy Gray Crystals in Genshin Impact

As part of 'The Splendorous Sky That Day' section of the 'Khvarena of Good and Evil' World Quest introduced in version 3.6, you're asked to use the power of Khvarena to destroy Gray Crystals. However, the tutorial that pops up only explains what Gray Crystals are, not how to use Khvarena.

During this initial introduction to Gray Crystals and Khvarena you need to destroy the rocks containing a floating orb of Khvarena to use the power of Khvarena.

Any other time you see a wall of Gray Crystals blocking your path in Genshin Impact, you'll either have to find a green floating orb of Khvarena and guide it to the crystals, or smash something in the environment to release the Khvarena orb first.

For this quest, once you destroy the structure, the green Khvarena orb will float over to the Gray Crystals and reveal an opening for you to walk through, and you can continue along the path.

You have to do this every time you come across Gray Crystals like this, even if you previously cleared them, as they will grow back when the Khvarena disappears.

Once you get Sorush, there's an alternate way your must use the power of Khvarena while controlling the gadget...

Version 5.4 with Mizuki is nearly here! For now, during version 5.3 we have Arlecchino and Clorinde. So don't forget to redeem new codes for Primogems to help pull them, and check out our regularly updated tier list. You need luck from the Pity and 50/50 systems to Wish with Fate for characters on Banners, and you always need the right Adventure Rank for events. Elsewhere, we have tips and tricks for beginners.

How to use the power of Khvarena as Sorush in Genshin Impact

Certain puzzles require you to use the power of Khvarena while controlling the Sorush gadget, such as the Burgeoning Spirit tree vines, Purple Mist, Mysterious Amrita Seal, and Udumbara puzzles.

We'll explain each of these puzzles in more detail below (and we've got a dedicated Udumbara explainer page), but in general, you have to find an object in the area to use the power of Khvarena as Sorush to solve them. You do this by tapping the button with the symbol of a flower on it. On PlayStation this is R2, and on PC this is 'E'. Mobile players only need to touch the symbol.

Use this flower button to unleash the power of Khvarena as Sorush.

For some of the puzzles, you'll actually have to hold this button down instead. This keeps Sorush in place so it can hold open doorways or special platforms for you.

How to solve Burgeoning Spirit puzzles as Sorush

For Burgeoning Spirit, you must get close to the green aura inside tree branches, then use the power of Khvarena on them by tapping the flower button.

This clears the green mist away from the tree vines, and when you clear them all in the correct order, a chest will appear.

However, there are alternate versions of this puzzle that require you to pick up a Farrick first and use its glow to reveal puzzle secrets and remove a substance from the tree vines so you can use Khvarena on it.

Farricks are small green orbs that you can pick up near some puzzle areas. You can carry it to Gray Crystal walls to reveal puzzle solutions.

Or, you can carry and place it near a tree vine to get rid of the substance around it, then use Sorush's power of Khvarena like normal on the tree vine.

How to solve Purple Mist in the Swamp puzzles as Sorush

For Purple Mist in the Swamp puzzles, you have to locate a Nirodha Fruit and pick it up with the power of Khvarena flower button.

Then, you can press the new fruit button that appears on your UI to destroy the purple blobs near the Purple Mist. Once all the blobs have been destroyed, the mist will clear and you'll have solved the puzzle.

How to solve Mysterious Amrita Seal puzzles as Sorush

You can only solve Mysterious Amrita Seal puzzles once Sorush gets the Twin-Horned Chaplet as part of the 'As the Khvarena's Light Shows' section of the 'Khvarena of Good and Evil' World Quest.

Once Sorush has the Twin-Horned Chaplet, all you have to do to solve Mysterious Amrita Seal puzzles is to hold down the power of Khvarena flower button near the yellow barrier to keep Surosh in place. The barrier will then disappear and you can go through the new gap.

There might be other puzzles that require you to use the power of Khvarena as Sorush that we haven't come across yet, but as long as you remember to either tap or hold the flower symbol button, and use Farricks or Nirodha Fruit if they're available, you should be able to solve all of them.

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