Battlefield Hardline misses its 2014 deadline
To implement player feedback from its beta.
EA's triple A first-person shooter Battlefield Hardline is going to miss its 2014 release, instead opting for an "early 2015" launch.

Why the delay, you ask? The developer, Visceral Games, received quite a lot of feedback from Hardline's beta last month that it's determined to use to improve the upcoming shooter.
"We've been pouring over the data and feedback, and have already been putting a lot of it right into the game and sharing it directly with you," explained DICE vice president Karl Magnus Troedsson in a blog post.
"This feedback also spurred us to start thinking about other possibilities and ways we could push Hardline innovation further and make the game even better. The more we thought about these ideas, the more we knew we had to get them into the game you will all be playing," he added. "However, there was only one problem. We would need more time. Time that we didn't have if we decided to move forward with launching in just a couple of months."
Troedsson noted that the delay will help "evolve the cops and criminals fantasy into a truly unique Battlefield Multiplayer experience", "support a deeper 'crime revenge' story" in its single-player campaign, and improve stability for the multiplayer so we won't have another Battlefield 4 fiasco on our hands.
What do you make of the delay? Are you glad EA is taking the time to polish it up rather than rush it out the door for a holiday release? Or are you bummed you won't be able to play cops & robbers with 63 other players this Christmas? Perhaps it's both? As The Simpsons' Comic-Book Guy once said, "There is no emoticon for what I am feeling."