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Twitch plays Dark Souls, we all die together

Don't you dare go hollow.

Streaming video service Twitch has allowed thousands of players to play the same game before with Twitch Plays Pokémon, an experiment later applied to Metal Gear, and now Twitch has faced its greatest challenge yet: Dark Souls.

From Software's classic action-RPG is so notorious for its punishing difficulty that its ad campaign bore the slogan "Prepare to die", a phrase later used a monicker for its Steam edition. Yet that hasn't stopped many a player from tackling it with even greater self-imposed challenges. Eurogamer contributor Rich Stanton completed the game without ever leveling up, and a pro player going by the handle Bearzly conquered it with hilariously inefficient guitar and bongo controllers.

This will be the greatest Dark Souls challenge yet and it needs all of us to work together as we stumble over one another's inputs and get killed by literally everything. The true dark souls begins here:

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