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Starfield Skills list and Skill Trees explained

All 82 Skills in Starfield listed.

An astronaut in a white space suit and helmet on looking up and to the right with a space background and ship flying in background with red trail behind it.
Image credit: Bethesda Softworks

Starfield lets you unlock Skills from its Skill Trees to help build characters in a large variety of ways.

Whether you want to be a smooth talker, tech wizard, or connoisseur of killing, you can focus on specific Skill Trees in Starfield to specialise in a particular playstyle, or you can mix it up by picking your favourites from each Skill Tree to assist in your unique journey across the stars.

To help you plan your character build, we've got a list of Skills in Starfield below, along with a Skills and Skill Trees explainer, and details on how to unlock and level up a Skill.

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Starfield Skills and Skill Trees explained

Starfield has 82 Skills in total spread across five different Skill Trees - Physical, Social, Combat, Science, and Tech.

Each Skill Tree is focused around a specific type of Skill. The Social Skill Tree, for example, allows you to unlock Skills like Persuasions and Intimidation which grant you more options when interacting with NPCs. Meanwhile, investing in the Combat Skill Tree can improve your capabilities with the various weapon types, such as Rifles, you can use in Starfield.

Main menu with the skills submenu option highlighted.
The tech skill tree menu.
Image credit: Bethesda Softworks

Each Skill Tree is also divided into four tiers, such as Advanced (second tier) and Expert (third tier). To access these tiers and their associated skills, you need to invest a certain number of Skill Points into a Skill Tree. This means that if you fancy being able to mind control creatures, for example, you need to invest enough Skill Points into the Social Skill Tree so you can access the Xenosociology skill on the highest tier.

Each Background for your character also comes with three Skills automatically unlocked, with said Skills being themed around the Background itself. The Diplomat Background, for example, begins with the Persuasion, Commerce and Wellness Skills since it's a role initially focused around communication. As you progress through Starfield, you'll be able to customise these Backgrounds by unlocking new skills.

Starfield Skill Ranks: How to unlock and level up a Skill in Starfield

You receive one Skill Point every time you level up in Starfield. This Skill Point can then either be used to unlock a new Skill or invested into one you already have, so you can level up that Skill.

To properly level up a Skill, and in doing so increase its ranking, you must spend one Skill Point and complete a Rank Challenge.There are four Ranks in total for every Skill and increasing a Skill's Rank will unlock more bonuses for said Skill.

A menu showing ranks of the security skill.
Image credit: Bethesda Softworks

The Rank Challenges are themed around the Skill itself, you can naturally complete them as you play Starfield, and become increasingly difficult as you progress to higher Ranks. The Rank 1 challenge for the Security Skill, for example, is 'Pick 5 locks' and then, for Rank 2, it becomes 'Pick 15 locks.'

Starfield Physical Skills list

Divided into the Physical Skill Tree's four tiers, below you'll find a list of all 16 Physical Skills in Starfield:

Starfield Physical Skills - Tier 1

Skill Name Description Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4
Boxing Once considered a "sport of kings," boxing is still practiced as a recreational competitive activity, but its combat applications can't be denied Unarmed attacks do 25% more damage. 25% less O2 used when using a power attack Unarmed attacks do 50% more damage. 50% less O2 used when using a power attack Unarmed attacks do 75% more damage. While in a fight and unarmed, running consumes 30% less O2 Unarmed attacks do 100% more damage and have a chance to knock down opponents
Fitness In space, the greatest commodity is oxygen, and the increased lung capacity gained by a regular physical fitness regimen is essential to survival You have 10% more oxygen available You have 20% more oxygen available You have 30% more oxygen available Sprinting and power attacks now use significantly less oxygen
Stealth For a combatant who values discretion above all else, the ability to approach a target while undetected and kill with a silenced weapon is as terrifying as it is effective Adds a Stealth Meter. You are 25% more difficult to detect when sneaking. Suppressed weapons do an additional 5% sneak attack damage Upgrades the Stealth Meter. You are 50% more difficult to detect when sneaking. Suppressed weapons do an additional 10% sneak attack damage Upgrades the Stealth Meter. You are 75% more difficult to detect when sneaking. Suppressed weapons do an additional 15% sneak attack damage You are 100% more difficult to detect when sneaking. Suppressed weapons do an additional 20% sneak attack damage. Doors you interact with while in stealth no longer alert enemies
Weight Lifting Weight training can significantly increase one's ability to carry weapons and equipment, both in space and on the ground Increase total carrying capacity by 10 kilograms Increase total carrying capacity by 25 kilograms Increase total carrying capacity by 50 kilograms Increase total carrying capacity by 100 kilograms. Gain 50% resistance to stagger
Wellness By embracing an active lifestyle and good nutrition habits, one may improve their overall sense of health, and even gain prolonged life expectancy Increase your maximum health by 10% Increase your maximum health by 20% Increase your maximum health by 30% Increase your maximum health by 40%

Starfield Physical Skills - Tier 2

Skill Name Description Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4
Energy Weapon Dissipation Considering the widespread use of energy weapons in the Settled Systems, specialized training to minimize damage is considered invaluable Energy damage is reduced by 5% Energy damage is reduced by 10% Energy damage is reduced by 15% 25% chance to reflect energy damage back to an attacker when your health is below 50%
Environmental Conditioning In the Settled Systems, even oxygen-rich planets and moons may have an atmosphere that is hazardous to human beings Gain 10 resistance to Airborne environmental damage Gain 10 resistance to Thermal environmental damage Gain 10 resistance to Corrosive and Radiation environmental damage Reduced chance to gain afflictions from environmental damage sources
Gymnastics From navigating the elevations of alien landscapes to exploring derelict ships in Zero-G, gymnastic training is invaluable for improving both safety and maneuverability Unlock the ability to combat slide. Take 15% less fall damage Move faster in Zero-G. Take 20% less fall damage Become more stable when firing in Zero-G. Take 30% less fall damage. Replenish some O2 after mantling Increased jump height. Run faster after combat sliding or mantling
Nutrition Advanced nutritional science is no substitute for good life choices, and knowing how much and when to eat can be just as important as the food itself Food and drink are 10% more effective Food and drink are 20% more effective Food and drink are 30% more effective Food and drink are 50% more effective
Pain Tolerance Pain hurts - but only if you're not strong enough to take it Physical damage is reduced by 5% Physical damage is reduced by 10% Physical damage is reduced by 15% 5% to ignore physical damage when your health is low

Starfield Physical Skills - Tier 3

Skill Name Description Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4
Cellular Regeneration Whether through secret experimentation or just plain healthy living, boosting the body's ability to naturally recover from injuries can mean the difference between life and death Slightly increased chance to recover from injuries naturally Moderately increased chance to recover from injuries naturally Noticeably increased chance to recover from injuries naturally 20% chance of not gaining an injury when you otherwise would
Decontamination Through a deliberate regiment of conditioning and antibody therapy, one may effectively combat even the Settled Systems' unseen threats Slightly increased chance to recover from infections naturally Moderately increased chance to recover from infections naturally Noticeably increased chance to recover from infections naturally 20% chance of not gaining an infection when you otherwise would
Martial Arts There are currently hundreds of martial arts practiced in the Settled Systems, some originating on ancient Earth, some newly created, almost all effective in combat 15% increased chance to crit with a melee or unarmed attack 15% increased chance to disarm an opponent with a melee or unarmed power attack While unarmed or wielding a melee weapon, take 10% less damage Reflect 50% damage back when blocking a melee or unarmed attack

Starfield Physical Skills - Tier 4

Skill Name Description Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4
Concealment Few skills capture the imagination like the ability to remain undetected, used by assassins, special forces operatives, and simple thieves alike for centuries You no longer set off enemy mines. Ranged sneak attacks do 2.5x normal damage and your melee sneak attacks do 4x normal damage Running while sneaking doesn't affect stealth. Ranged sneak attacks do 3x normal damage and your melee sneak attacks do 5x normal damage You gain a Chameleon-like ability when completely still and sneaking. Ranged sneak attacks do 3.5x normal damage and your melee sneak attacks do 8x normal damage Engaging stealth causes distant enemies to lose you. Ranged sneak attacks do 4x normal damage and your melee sneak attacks do 10x normal damage
Neurostrikes Once considered the realm of fiction, the ability to disable an opponent without using a weapon is terrifyingly effective when performed by a skilled practitioner 10% chance to stun an NPC with an unarmed attack Unarmed attacks now do additional EM damage 20% chance to stun an NPC with an unarmed attack After stunning an enemy, you also knock down any enemies within close range
Rejuvenation Utilizing both ancient meditation techniques and newly developed breathing exercises, it's possible fore one to actually trigger their body's natural healing ability Slowly regenerate health outside of combat Regenerate health more quickly outside of combat Regenerate health much faster outside of combat. You can now slowly regenerate health while in combat Regenerate health even faster outside of combat. You can now regenerate health quickly while in combat
Punching an enemy while in first person.
Image credit: Bethesda Softworks

Starfield Social Skills list

Divided into the Social Skill Tree's four tiers, below you'll find a list of all 16 Social Skills in Starfield:

Starfield Social Skills - Tier 1

Skill Name Description Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4
Commerce In the Settled Systems' free market economy, almost anyone with the right skillset can open and run a successful business Buy for 5% less and sell for 10% Buy for 10% less and sell for 15% Buy for 15% less and sell for 20% Buy for 20% less and sell for 25%
Gastronomy Access to brand new worlds means access to brand new ingredients, and there is almost no limit to the delicious foods and drinks a talented chef can prepare You can craft speciality food and drinks, and research additional recipes at a Research Lab You can research and craft gourmet food and drinks You can research and craft food and drink delicacies Crafting food and drinks occasionally doesn't use up resources. You can research and craft exotic recipes
Persuasion In the Settled Systems, the nuanced ability to listen and discuss can often accomplish far more than simply shooting first and asking questions later 10% increased chance of success when persuading someone 20% increased chance of success when persuading someone 30% increased chance of success when persuading someone 50% increased chance of success when persuading someone
Scavenging There are those who can find just about anything, and their success is usually dependent on incoming how, and where, to look There's a chance you'll find extra credits when searching containers There's a chance you'll find extra ammo when searching containers There's a chance you'll find extra aid items, like Med Packs or chems, when searching containers Tracked resources will get highlighted when using the hand scanner
Theft While not entirely honorable, and certainly not legal, it is nonetheless occasionally necessary to discreetly remove property from someone's person Unlock the ability to pickpocket targets 10% greater chance to successfully pickpocket 30% greater chance to successfully pickpocket 50% greater chance to successfully pickpocket. Can now pickpocket holstered weapons

Starfield Social Skills - Tier 2

Skill Name Description Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4
Deception Smuggling and piracy are both immoral and highly illegal, and considered plagues upon the Settled Systems. But certain undercover work may require a certain criminal skillset Ships 10% stronger will automatically surrender to piracy demands. Enemy contraband scans are 10% less effective Ships 20% stronger will automatically surrender to piracy demands. Enemy contraband scans are 20% less effective Ships 30% stronger will automatically surrender to piracy demands. Enemy contraband scans are 30% less effective Ships 50% stronger will automatically surrender to piracy demands. Enemy contraband scans are 50% less effective
Diplomacy When a situation calls for words and not weapons, it's best to rely on those trained in statecraft and de-escalation You can force a target NPC at or below your level to stop fighting for a while You can force a target NPC up to 10 levels higher than you to stop fighting for a while You can force a target NPC up to 20 levels higher than you to stop fighting for a while You can force target NPCs to permanently stop fighting (unless they're attacked again)
Intimidation The ability to strike fear into an opponent, causing them to flee so that you can escape or attack first, can prove critical in a battle You can force a target NPC at or below your level to flee for a limited time You can force a target NPC up to 10 levels higher than you to flee for a limited time You can force a target NPC up to 20 levels higher than you to flee for a limited time Intimidated targets now flee for substantial amount of time
Isolation By eschewing team tactics and embracing the advantages of "lone wolf" operations, one can vastly improve their combat effectiveness Do +10% weapon damage and gain 15 Damage Resistance for each Spacesuit and Helmet equipped when you don't have a companion or any crew Do +20% weapon damage and gain 30 Damage Resistance for each Spacesuit and Helmet equipped when you don't have a companion or any crew Do +30% weapon damage and gain 45 Damage Resistance for each Spacesuit and Helmet equipped when you don't have a companion or any crew Do +40% weapon damage and gain 60 Damage Resistance for each Spacesuit and Helmet equipped when you don't have a companion or any crew
Negotiation In certain, more challenging communication, skillfully supplementing words with credits may help achieve the desired results You now have access to Bribery in speech challenges Reduces bribery cost by 25% Reduces bribery cost by 50% Occasionally, bribery won't cost any money

Starfield Social Skills - Tier 3

Skill Name Description Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4
Instigation When combat is required, it can be advantageous to convince others to do the fighting for you You can force a target NPC at or below your level to attack their allies for a limited time You can force a target NPC up to 10 levels higher than you to attack their allies for a limited time You can force a target NPC up to 20 levels higher than you to attack their allies for a limited time Enemies affected by Instigation will attack their allies until they are dead
Leadership Teamwork is the cornerstone of galactic survival, and nothing motivates a team more than a trained, decisive leader Companions gain affinity 25% faster Companions have 50 more health and 50kg more carrying capacity Companions will occasionally heal you when you get low health Doubles the bonuses of Combat and Physical Crew Skills on Companions. Companions have a chance to pick themselves up from a downed state
Outpost Management While constructing an outpost offers its own challenges, properly managing that outpost takes a special personality type, and specialized training Additional cargo links can be placed at outposts Additional robots can be constructed at outposts Additional crew can be assigned at outposts Outpost extractors produce twice as fast

Starfield Social Skills - Tier 4

Skill Name Description Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4
Manipulation Recent studies have shown that suggestion is not an art, but a science, and as such can be weaponized to exert control over the susceptible You can force a target NPC at or below your level to obey commands for a limited time You can force a target NPC up to 10 levels higher than you to obey commands for a limited time You can force a target NPC up to 20 levels higher than you to obey commands for a limited time Manipulated targets now obey commands for a substantial amount of time
Ship Command They say a ship is only as good as its crew, but that is contingent upon that crew having the right captain to lead them You can have up to four active crew members You can have up to five active crew members You can have up to six active crew members You can have up to eight active crew members
Xenosociology While sentient life has yet to be discovered, the galaxy's alien species are generally intelligent enough to be susceptible to the power of suggestion You can force a target alien creature up to 10 levels higher than you to flee for a limited time You can force a target alien creature up to 10 levels higher than you to stop fighting for a limited time You can force a target alien creature up to 10 levels higher than you to attack their allies for a limited time You can force a target creature up to 10 levels higher than you to obey commands for a limited time
Using persuasion skill in dialogue.
Image credit: Bethesda Softworks

Starfield Combat Skills list

Divided into the Combat Skill Tree's four tiers, below you'll find a list of all 17 Combat Skills in Starfield:

Starfield Combat Skills - Tier 1

Skill Name Description Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4
Ballistics Centuries of conflict have proven that when it comes to threat elimination, few things stack up to the reliable power of high-speed projectiles Ballistic weapons do 10% more damage Ballistic weapons do 20% more damage Ballistic weapons do 30% more damage Ballistic weapons range is increased by 30%
Dueling Considered by many to be a lost art, close attacks with a melee weapon can often be deadlier than ranged combat when carried out by a skilled practitioner Melee weapons do 25% more damage. Take 10% less damage while wielding a melee weapon Melee kills make you run 20% faster for 10 seconds Melee weapons do 50% more damage. Take 15% less damage while wielding a melee weapon Melee kills heal you for 10% of your health
Lasers Personal laser weapons are in widespread use across the Settled Systems, and specialized training can greatly increase their effectiveness Laser weapons do 10% more damage Laser weapons do 20% more damage Laser weapons do 30% more damage Laser weapons have a 5% chance to set a target on fire
Pistol Certification Considering the popularity of the personal sidearm in the Settled Systems, familiarity with such weapons is often considered essential Pistols do 10% more damage Pistols do 25% more damage Pistols do 50% more damage Pistol kills grant +25% critical hit chance for 5 seconds
Shotgun Certification The cornerstone of close quarters combat, or CQC, the shotgun has proven a simple, deadly weapon for hundreds of years Shotguns do 10% more damage Shotguns do 20% more damage Shotguns do 30% more damage Shotgun kills grant a small chance to stun additional targets with shotguns for a limited time

Starfield Combat Skills - Tier 2

Skill Name Description Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4
Demolitions With the proper adjustment of chemical mixtures, coupled with modifications to the detonation mechanism, explosives can produce an even greater destructive yield Throwing grenades now shows a trajectory arc. Explosions have a 25% larger radius Explosives do 25% more damage Reduce damage taken from explosives by 25% All previous bonuses are doubled
Heavy Weapons Certification Oversized weapons may prove cumbersome to wield, but their excessive damage output can't be ignored, especially in the hands of a trained combatant Heavy weapons do 10% more damage Heavy weapons do 20% more damage Heavy weapons do 30% more damage Gain 25% Physical resistance while aiming down sights with a heavy weapon
Incapacitation EM weapons are generally employed to damage robots, but can also be used to render human beings unconscious EM weapons do 5% more damage EM weapons do 10% more damage EM weapons do 15% more damage EM weapons have a 15% chance to do 300% EM damage
Particle Beams While considered by some to be exotic, particle weapons can be a devastating combat option, subjecting a target to multiple forms of damage Particle beam weapons do 10% more damage Particle beam weapons do 20% more damage Particle beam weapons do 30% more damage Particle beam weapons have +5% crit chance
Rifle Certification Whether used for combat, hunting, or some other deadly purpose, the rifle has become a mainstay of Settled Systems weaponry Rifles do 10% more damage Rifles do 20% more damage Rifles do 30% more damage Reload rifles 30% faster while you're standing still

Starfield Combat Skills - Tier 3

Skill Name Description Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4
Marksmanship Perhaps no combat scenario is more frightening, or lethal, as a single-shot weapon wielded by someone skilled in critical shot placement Increase critical hit chance with non-automatic ranged weapons by 3% Increase critical hit chance with non-automatic ranged weapons by 8% Increase critical hit chance with non-automatic ranged weapons by 15% Critical hits using a non-automatic ranged weapon without a scope do double damage and those with scopes knock down enemies on the next shot
Rapid Reloading In the chaos of combat, the seconds needed to reload your weapon could be the difference between life and death Reload Ballistic weapons 30% faster Reload Energy and EM weapons 30% faster Reload Particle Beam weapons 30% faster. 50% chance to avoid getting interrupted while reloading Chance on hitting enemies to increase reload speed for all weapons by 50% for 15 seconds
Sniper Certification Only a trained sniper truly understands all the elements necessary to patiently and effectively neutralize a target at excessive range Scoped weapons are steadier and have less sway You can hold your breath longer with scoped weapons Headshots while aiming with a scoped weapon have a +25% critical hit chance Scoped weapons do 50% more damage while using the scope
Targeting While careful aiming is generally preferred in combat, "shooting from the hip" can prove a fast and deadly alternative with sufficient training Increased accuracy and range when shooting without aiming. Marks up to one enemy within 25m that damages you Notably increased accuracy and range when shooting without aiming. Marks up to two enemies within 50m that damage you Greatly increased accuracy and range when shooting without aiming. Marks up to three enemies within 75m that damage you 10% chance to disarm targets hit when shooting without aiming. Marks up to four enemies within 100m that damage you

Starfield Combat Skills - Tier 4

Skill Name Description Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4
Armor Penetration By identifying gaps or weak points in body armor, an attacker can often gain a tactical advantage in combat Attacks ignore 15% of a target's armor Attacks ignore 30% of a target's armor Attacks ignore 50% of a target's armor Enemy armor is decreased by 25% for 6 seconds
Crippling Specifically targeting the pressure points and nerves of various limbs can disable an opponent, limiting their combat effectiveness Human enemies have 30% increased chance to enter a downed state after taking enough damage Humanoid enemies have a 50% increased chance to not naturally recover from a downed state Human enemies now can enter a downed state earlier Previous ranks now apply to all enemy types. You now do 100% more damage to downed enemies
Sharpshooting For those who specialize in precise targeting that maximizes damage, combat is often a quickly efficient affair Increase headshot critical damage by 50% with ranged weapons Increase critical damage to enemy legs by 50% with ranged weapons Increase all critical damage to enemies by 50% with ranged weapons Ranged critical hit kills increase your critical hit chance with all ranged weapons by 25% for 20 seconds
Ballistics challenge progress bar in a small menu on the left while in first person shooting an enemy.
Image credit: Bethesda Softworks

Starfield Science Skills list

Divided into the Science Skill Tree's four tiers, below you'll find a list of all 16 Science Skills in Starfield:

Starfield Science Skills - Tier 1

Skill Name Description Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4
Astrodynamics Advanced technology is one thing, but it takes skill, patience, and a little bit of love to coax even more capability out of a ship's grav drive Increase grav jump range of jump drives by 15% Reduced fuel cost of jump drives by 15% Increased grav jump range and reduced fuel cost of jump drives by 30% Reduced fuel cost of jump drives by 50%
Geology Newly discovered minerals mined from alien planets and moons have directly led to some incredible technological advancements Get more common and uncommon inorganic resources from surface objects Get more rare inorganic resources from surface objects Get more exotic inorganic resources from surface objects Occasionally harvest additional rarer resources from surface objects
Medicine Only through advancements in medical training and technology has humanity been able to withstand the galaxy's many dangers Med Packs, Trauma Packs, and Emergency Kits restore 10% additional Health 10% faster Med Packs, Trauma Packs, and Emergency Kits restore 20% additional Health 20% faster Med Packs, Trauma Packs, and Emergency Kits restore 30% additional Health 30% faster Med Packs, Trauma Packs, and Emergency Kits restore 50% additional Health 50% faster, and have a chance to cure an affliction
Research Methods By skillfully employing both new and time tested methods, a researcher may complete projects faster, and even gain unexpected insights Resources required to craft items and complete research projects is reduced by 10% Resources required to craft items and complete research projects is reduced by 20% Resources required to craft items and complete research projects is reduced by 40% Sudden developments during research are twice as common. Resources required to craft items and complete research projects is reduced by 60%
Surveying Humanity now has access to untold alien worlds, and the ability to decipher all that data while on the ground has become an essential skillset Adds an optional zoom to the hand scanner, and scan distance is increased by 20 meters Adds another level of zoom to the hand scanner, and scan distance is increased by 30 meters Adds another level of zoom to the hand scanner, and scan distance is increased by 40 meters Adds another level of zoom to the hand scanner, and scan distance is increased by 50 meters

Starfield Science Skills - Tier 2

Skill Name Description Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4
Botany The scientific study of flora, while important on Earth, became even more essential as humanity began exploring alien worlds Get more common and uncommon organic resources from plants, learn additional info about them from the scanner, and allows some plants to be cultivated at your outposts Get more rare organic resources from plants, and learn information about them more quickly using the scanner Get more exotic organic resources from plants, and learn information about them more quickly using the scanner Occasionally harvest additional rarer resources from plants, and learn information about them more quickly using the scanner
Scanning While anyone can use a ship's scanner, it takes a specially trained operator to detect hard-to-find planetary resources, or uncover the details of nearby ships You can detect uncommon inorganic resources on planet and moon surfaces, and more information about ships in space You can detect rare inorganic resources on planet and moon surfaces, and more specific information about ships in space You can detect exotic inorganic resources on planet and moon surfaces, and gain better combat information about ships in space You can detect unique inorganic resources on planet and moon surfaces, and gain a complete list of cargo on ships in space
Spacesuit Design While a basic spacesuit can protect one from the vacuum of space, it takes a specialized design to withstand the rigors of many alien worlds You can craft improved spacesuit, helmet, and pack mods, and research additional mods at a Research Lab You can research and craft superior spacesuit, helmet, and pack mods You can research and craft cutting-edge spacesuit, helmet, and pack mods Construction of spacesuit, helmet, and pack mods occasionally doesn't cost resources
Weapon Engineering Life in the 24th century can be exceedingly dangerous, and the ability to maintain and modify personal weapons can be essential to one's survival You can craft improved weapon mods at a Weapon Workbench, and research additional weapon mods at a Research Lab You can research and craft superior weapon mods You can research and craft cutting-edge weapon mods You can research and craft master-level weapon mods
Zoology No one could have expected the number of new species encountered on alien worlds, or the importance of those skilled in their behavior and domestication Get more common organic resources from creatures and harvest from them without harming them, learn additional info about them from the scanner, and allows you to produce animal resources at your outposts Get more uncommon organic resources from creatures, and learn information about them more quickly using the scanner Get more rare organic resources from creatures, and learn information about them more quickly using the scanner Occasionally harvest additional rarer resources from creatures, and learn information about them more quickly using the scanner

Starfield Science Skills - Tier 3

Skill Name Description Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4
Astrophysics A ship's scanner receives vast amounts of data, but it takes a trained mind to efficiently analyze it all You can scan the moons of your current planet. You have a 10% chance to discover a trait when scanning You can scan any planet or moon in this system. You have a 20% chance to discover a trait when scanning You can scan any planet or moon within 16 Light Years. You have a 30% chance to discover a trait when scanning You can scan any planet or moon within 30 Light Years. You have a 50% chance to discover a trait when scanning
Chemistry When crafted by the skilled and safety conscious, chems can be used to enhance health and performance across the Settled Systems You can create improved chems, and research additional chems at a Research Lab You can research and create superior chems You can research and create cutting-edge chems Crafting chems occasionally triples the amount created
Outpost Engineering Proper construction of habitation modules is essential to one's survival on any alien world You can construct improved outpost modules, and research additional modules at a Research Lab You can research and construct superior outpost modules You can research and construct cutting-edge outpost modules Outpost modules now cost 50% fewer resources to build

Starfield Science Skills - Tier 4

Skill Name Description Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4
Aneutronic Fusion It is possible to maximize a ship's energy output by specifically directing the unique nuclear processes that occur within its reactor Ship reactors produce 1 extra unit of power Ship reactors produce 2 extra units of power Ship reactors produce 3 extra units of power Ship reactors produce 5 extra units of power
Planetary Habitation While outpost building is always challenging, doing so on a world with a dangerous environment requires specialized training You can build outposts on planets with extreme temperatures (Deep Freeze and Inferno). Increase the maximum number of Outposts you can build by 4 You can build outposts on planets with extreme pressure. Increase the maximum number of Outposts you can build by 8 You can build outposts on planets with toxic or corrosive atmospheres. Increase the maximum number of Outposts you can build by 12 You can build outposts on planets with extreme gravity. Increase the maximum number of Outposts you can build by 16
Special Projects Big guns are great, but in the Settled Systems, sometimes the best weapon is simply an old adage: "Knowledge is Power" You can research experimental projects at a Research Lab You can craft rare manufactured components at an Industrial Workbench You can craft exotic manufactured components at an Industrial Workbench You can craft unique manufactured components at an Industrial Workbench. Outpost extractors have a chance to produce additional resources
starfield exterior of outpost on a mountain
Image credit: Bethesda

Starfield Tech Skills list

Divided into the Tech Skill Tree's four tiers, below you'll find a list of all 17 Tech Skills in Starfield:

Starfield Tech Skills - Tier 1

Skill Name Description Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4
Ballistic Weapon Systems While there have been significant advancements in ship-borne weaponry, sometimes the simplest tool is the most effective Ballistic ship weapons have 10% increased damage and cost 20% less to use in Targeting Mode Ballistic ship weapons have 20% increased damage and recharge 15% faster Ballistic ship weapons have 30% increased damage and recharge 30% faster Ballistic ship weapons do 50% more damage to individual systems
Boost Pack Training Specialized training and innovations in personal mobility systems have allowed for unfettered exploration on alien worlds You can now utilize boost packs Using a boost packs expends less fuel Boost pack fuel regenerates more quickly Doubles previous bonuses
Piloting As more people journey into space, the number of those certified to effectively pilot various types of spacecraft has increased dramatically You can now utilize ship thrusters Increased ship turning rate and maneuverability Unlock the ability to pilot Class B ships Unlock the ability to pilot Class C ships
Security While the standardized digital locking mechanism is renowned for its security, any code can be broken with the proper training You can attempt to hack Advanced locks, and 2 auto attempts can be banked You can attempt to hack Expert locks, and 3 auto attempts can be banked. Rings now turn blue when the pick can be slotted You can attempt to hack Master-level locks, and 4 auto attempts can be banked Expend a digipick to eliminate keys that aren't required to solve the puzzle. 5 auto attempts can be banked
Targeting Control Systems Missile weapons are favoured because they can lock onto an enemy ship, but an intimate knowledge of tracking systems can make then even more effective Unlocks ship targeting functionally Time to lock onto enemy ships is reduced by 15%. Target-locked ships fire at you 25% slower Time to lock onto enemy ships is reduced by 30%. You have a 10% increased chance of critically hitting a target-locked ship Time to lock onto enemy ships is reduced by 60%. Deal 20% increased system damage in targeting mode

Starfield Tech Skills - Tier 2

Skill Name Description Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4
Energy Weapon Systems In the 24th Century, advancements in energy weapons technology have revolutionized combat, as much in space as on the ground Energy ship weapons have 10% increased damage and cost 15% less to use in Targeting Mode Energy ship weapons have 20% increased damage and cost 30% less to use in Targeting Mode Energy ship weapons have 30% increased damage and cost 45% less to use in Targeting Mode Energy ship weapons recharge 30% faster
Engine Systems Space is both vast and dangerous, and the ability to push a ship's engine to increase speed can be done safely and effectively, with the right training Your ship's top speed is increased by 10% Ship boosts last longer and the cooldown is shorter Your ship's top speed in increased by 20% While boosting, all enemies disengage the player and can only reacquire them as a target after the player stops boosting
Payloads Any pilot can haul cargo, but it takes special determination and training to maximize cargo space Ship cargo holds have 10% more capacity Ship cargo holds have 20% more capacity Ship cargo holds have 30% more capacity Ship cargo holds have 50% more capacity
Shield Systems Regardless of the power allocated by the reactor, a ship's shields can be further bolstered by direct manipulation of the system's harmonics Your ship has 20% increased shield capacity Your ship has 40% increased shield capacity Your ship has 60% increased shield capacity Your shields will occasionally resist 100% of all damage received

Starfield Tech Skills - Tier 3

Skill Name Description Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4
Missile Weapon Systems In space, few weapons can match the range and destructive power of missiles, especially in the hands of a skilled tactician Ship missile weapons do 10% more damage, and their Targeting mode cost is reduced by 20% Ship missile weapons do 20% more damage, and their Targeting mode cost is reduced by 40% Ship missile weapons do 30% more damage, and their Targeting mode cost is reduced by 60% Ship missiles have 20% increased Range, Travel Speed, and Reload Speed
Particle Beam Weapon Systems Ship weapons utilizing particle beam technology are the preferred choice for captains who prefer to damage multiple ship systems at once Ship particle beam weapons do 10% more damage, and Targeting mode cost is reduced by 10% Ship particle beam weapons do 20% more damage, and Targeting mode cost is reduced by 20% Ship particle beam weapons do 30% more damage, and Targeting mode cost is reduced by 30% Increased critical hit chance with ship particle beam weapons
Robotics In an age where robots and autonomous turrets are employed in a combat capacity, the study of robotics can be instrumental in gaining a tactical edge You deal 10% more damage to Robots and Turrets. You can force a target robot up to 10 levels higher than you to stop fighting for a limited time You deal 20% more damage to Robots and Turrets. You can force a target robot up to 10 levels higher than you to flee for a limited time You deal 30% more damage to Robots and Turrets. You can force a target robot up to 10 levels higher than you to attack their allies for a limited time You can force a target robot up to 10 levels higher than you to obey commands for a limited time
Starship Design As with "car culture" on Earth centuries ago, there are those who pride themselves on the ability to modify their own spaceships Allows the installation of improved ship modules Allows the installation of superior ship modules Allows the installation of cutting-edge ship modules Allows the installation of experimental ship modules
Starship Engineering It takes skilled hands to not only make a ship's systems more resistant to damage, but to repair those systems efficiently when damage does occur All ship systems repair 10% faster Ship systems have 25% increased damage mitigation All ship systems repair 25% faster Occasionally, repairing one block of a system will repair the entire system

Starfield Tech Skills - Tier 4

Skill Name Description Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4
Automated Weapon Systems Turret weapons are known for their easy-to-use, autonomous nature, but they can be made even deadlier with some specific technical adjustments Automated ship weapons do 10% more damage and reduce all targeting mode costs by 20% Automated ship weapons do 20% more damage and reduce all targeting mode costs by 30%. Your ship takes 20% less damage while in targeting mode Automated ship weapons do 30% more damage and reduce all targeting mode costs by 40%. Increases crit chance against targeted sub-systems by 20% Ship turret weapons recharge 40% faster and do 20% more damage to targeted sub-systems
Boost Assault Training Combat training with boost packs allows for more shock and awe tactics Nearby enemies take damage when you boost and have a chance to catch on fire Chance to knockdown nearby enemies when you boost Aiming down sights while boosting will let you hover in place. Fuel is still expended until empty While hovering, time slows down and the world moves 70% slower around you
EM Weapon Systems In the hands of a capable pilot, no weapons can disable an enemy ship faster than those that deliver electromagnetic damage EM ship weapons have 10% increased damage and cost 15% less to use in Targeting Mode EM ship weapons have 20% increased damage and cost 30% less to use in Targeting Mode EM ship weapons have 30% increased damage and cost 45% less to use in Targeting Mode EM ship weapons have a small chance of instantly disabling enemy engines
In the digilock lockpicking menu.
Image credit: Bethesda Softworks

All the best building your skills in Starfield!

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