Spider-Man Miles Morales Time Capsules locations: How to unlock the time capsule challenge set and the location of every time capsule explained
Where to find every time capsule in Manhattan.
A collection of time capsules can be found throughout Manhattan in Spider-Man Miles Morales.
These time capsules were hidden by a younger Miles and Phin, with each one giving you more insight into their friendship. You'll also be rewarded with Activity Tokens and XP every time you find one.
Below you can discover the exact location of every time capsule, along with how to unlock the ability to find them in the first place.
On this page:
Time capsule locations:
- Central Park time capsule location in Spider-Man Miles Morales
- Chinatown time capsule locations in Spider-Man Miles Morales
- Financial District time capsule locations in Spider-Man Miles Morales
- Greenwich time capsule location in Spider-Man Miles Morales
- Harlem time capsule location in Spider-Man Miles Morales
- Hell's Kitchen time capsule locations in Spider-Man Miles Morales
- Midtown time capsule locations in Spider-Man Miles Morales
- Upper East Side time capsule locations in Spider-Man Miles Morales
- Upper West Side time capsule location in Spider-Man Miles Morales
Time capsules and how to unlock this challenge set in Spider-Man Miles Morales explained
Growing up Miles and Phin hid time capsules all over Manhattan and now, in Spider-Man Miles Morales, Miles wants to unearth them all.

If you want to find the time capsules though, you must first complete the sixth main mission - Reconnecting.
After this, the general location for each time capsule will appear on the main map. This doesn't, however, mean that the map shows you exactly where each time capsule is nor does it ensure that they'll be easy to find.

There's 16 time capsules for you to find in total throughout Spider-Man Miles Morales and, for every one you find, you'll receive 100 XP and three Activity Tokens. This makes collecting time capsules a great way to both level up Miles and unlock new Spider-Man suits.
Spider-Man Miles Morales has arrived, so check our mission flow guide to learn about the story unlocks and main campaign. After that, discover more about the Spider-Man suits Miles’ can wear, including how to unlock the Bodega Cat suit, Into the Spider-Verse suit, Purple Reign suit, and the Winter suit. We also have guides on the location for every postcard, sound sample and time capsule.
Central Park time capsule location in Spider-Man Miles Morales
You can find one time capsule in Central Park in Spider-Man Miles Morales.
To find this time capsule you need to climb up the left-hand side of the southern part of the contemporary art museum.

The time capsule itself is hidden amongst the rungs of the wooden decorations on the front of the building.

Chinatown time capsule locations in Spider-Man Miles Morales
Within Chinatown you can find two time capsules in Spider-Man Miles Morales.
The first time capsule is located on the bottom rung of the bridge leading out of Chinatown and can be easily reached by climbing or web slinging.

The second time capsule is a little harder to get as it's located on the boat sailing around the edge of Chinatown.

You can slowly swim out to the boat, but it's faster to time a web sling over to the old thing and then collect the time capsule from where it sits near the boat's fans.

Financial District time capsule locations in Spider-Man Miles Morales
Hidden within the Financial District you can find two time capsules in Spider-Man Miles Morales.
The first time capsule is located in the middle of the Financial District beneath the fountain that's being repaired.
You can reach it by moving the gears of the cane and then sticking them in place with your web.

Once that's done, the time capsule is yours.

The second time capsule is located atop a chimney in the Financial District.

Greenwich time capsule location in Spider-Man Miles Morales
There's only one time capsule for you to find in Greenwich in Spider-Man Miles Morales.
The time capsule is located out on the furthest post in the Hudson river and you can reach it from jumping from one pole to the next.

Harlem time capsule location in Spider-Man Miles Morales
There's one time capsule for you to find in Harlem in Spider-Man Miles Morales.
You may find yourself waiting around for the Harlem time capsule to appear, because it's hidden between the second and third train carriage of the train that stops there.
To collect this time capsule, wait at the train station for the time capsule to arrive and then jump onto the third carriage, so that you can quickly grab the capsule that's tapped to it.

Hell's Kitchen time capsule locations in Spider-Man Miles Morales
You can find two two time capsules in Hell's Kitchen in Spider-Man Miles Morales.
The first time capsule is located in the southern part of Hell's Kitchen beneath a bridge. To reach it, you'll first need to pull the wall apart and, afterwards, you can climb up to reach it.

The second Hell's Kitchen time capsule is located behind a pile of rubbish stuffed in a pipe in the northern part of the district.
You'll have the choice of two pipes - the time capsule is hidden in the left-hand pipe.

Midtown time capsule locations in Spider-Man Miles Morales
There's a grand total of three time capsules for you to hunt down in Spider-Man Miles Morales.
The first Midtown time capsule is located in the park on the border of Greenwich and Midtown.
To find it you need to pull the Christmas train out of the way and collect the time capsule hidden beneath.

The second time capsule is located in the middle of some construction work and the workers don't want to be disturbed, so to find it you need to use your camouflage powers.

Simply go invisible, run up to the time capsule and collect it.

The final Midtown time capsule is located between two of the billboards in Times Square. You can easily reach it by climbing up the billboards themselves and grabbing it when you're close by.

Upper East Side time capsule locations in Spider-Man Miles Morales
You can find two time capsules in the Upper East Side in Spider-Man Miles Morales.
The first time capsule in the Upper East Side can be found in the northern edge of the district near its border with Harlem.
Look for a building with a small roof courtyard and, there, you'll find the time capsule hidden by a tree.

The final time capsule in the Upper East Side is hidden near the park area of the east side of the district.
You'll find the time capsule sitting in front of a statue in a small courtyard.

Upper West Side time capsule location in Spider-Man Miles Morales
Miles and Phin hid only one time capsule in the Upper West Side in Spider-Man Miles Morales.
To find the time capsule head to the park area next to the river and where you'll find a large rock.
Walking around this rock, you'll find an entrance to the cave hidden inside and, in here, you'll find the time capsule.

If you'd like to learn more about Spider-Man Miles Morales, then check out our guide on the main campaign mission flow and how to complete the sound sample challenge set.