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Shadowrun Returns Kickstarter funded in 28 hours

"Wow, that was incredible."

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Harebrained Schemes' Kickstarter drive to crowfund a new Shadowrun RPG has raced past its $400,000 goal in just 28 hours.

At the time of writing, it had secured pledges totaling $457,433 from 10,109 backers.

Unsurprisingly, the studio is rather pleased.

"From the bottom of our hearts, we'd like to say THANK YOU to everyone who has backed us so far," read an update on its Kickstarter page.

"If we weren't working our butts off on our new game, we'd be dancing around the Closet (our tiny office) with tears of joy streaming down our faces. Instead, the team is heads-down at their computers, sniffling loudly and wiping their eyes with their shirt-sleeves."

However, it has its sights set higher. The more cash raised, the more the scale of the project can grow. A Mac version now already appears to be a lock, with a Linux port also likely.

While we're on the topic, here's a quick update on a few of the other recent gaming-related Kickstarters.

The Leisure Suit Larry remake has raised $184,005 towards its $500,000 goal, with 26 days of fundraising still to come.

MonkeyPaw's bid to bankroll Japanese RPG localisation looks a little shaky - it's managed $61,897 of its $500,000 goal with 21 days left to run.

Sierra veteran Jane Jensen's call for cash to get her new adventure game studio off the ground has raced to $52,897 of its $300,000 total with 43 days to go.

Finally, Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds lead Garry Gaber has amassed $7947 towards his pet Starlight Inception project. He's got another 33 days to reach his $150,000 goal.

As already reported, Double Fine Adventure, Wasteland 2 and Christian Allen's Takedown tactical shooter project have already secured the cash they need to get up and running.

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