Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Sandwich making guide and best sandwich recipes
There’s a recipe for everything if you know how to make your sandwiches right.
Pokémon Scarlet and Violet sandwiches are part of the game's picnic feature, allowing you to feed your party Pokémon from anywhere in the world.
These sandwiches can give a number of benefits, from making it easier to catch Pokémon of certain kinds, to increasing the amount of Eggs you receive during picnics, and even improving your chances at getting a shiny.
However, there are a lot of recipes available in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, and when factoring in Creative mode - allowing you to make your own sandwiches - it’s not always easy to know what you should be cooking.
Firstly, make sure you’re stocked up on different ingredients from the various stores across Paldea, and don’t forget that more will unlock as you get more badges. Then, take a look for the goal you want to achieve to learn the best sandwiches you can use.
On this page:
- How to get more sandwich recipes
- How to make the best sandwiches for boosting encounter ratet
- How to make the best sandwiches for boosting capture rate
- How to make the best sandwiches for raising Egg Power
- How to make the best sandwiches for boosting Exp rate
- How to make the best sandwiches for boosting shiny encounter rate
How to get more sandwich recipes in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
The easiest way to have a variety of power boosting sandwiches in your arsenal is by increasing the amount of recipes you have in your standard menu.
New sandwiches can be found in a few places around Paldea. The main NPC for this can be found in the sandwich shops in major cities, called Every Wich Way.

He’ll give you new recipes based on what you’ve done in the game. For instance, getting new badges will unlock new recipes. Also, getting Herba Mystica from 5 star Tera Raids (which you can solo with a strong Iron Hands build) will unlock Master level recipes, which use these ingredients.

Your Mom also knows some sandwich recipes - you didn’t forget about her, did you? Fly to your house after progressing the story for some veggie sandwiches.

These will increase certain elements relating to Electric, Fairy, and Psychic types, depending on which version of the recipe you use.

There’s also a man near where the river joins the eastern shore of Casseroya Lake who will give you some sushi based recipes.
How to make the best sandwiches for boosting encounter rate in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
Your picnics can improve your chances at encountering certain types of Pokémon. These are the best recipes for each type, using the cheapest and fewest ingredients to make them easier to obtain and pile up without spilling.
Where possible, they avoid Herba Mystica, which is only obtainable in 5 star Tera Raid battles, and therefore after the Gym battles are completed.
Type | Sandwich | Ingredients | Seasoning |
Normal | Ultra Curry-and-Rice-Style Sandwich | Rice, Jalapeno, Tomato | Curry Powder, Mayonnaise |
Fire* | Pickle Sandwich | Pickle | Olive Oil |
Water* | Zesty Sandwich | Jalepeno, Onion, Herbed Sausage | Chili Sauce |
Grass | Great Klawf Claw Sandwich | Klawf Stick, Tomato, Lettuce | Salt, Olive Oil, Wasabi |
Electric | Master Klawf Claw Sandwich | Klawf Stick, Tomato, Lettuce, Yellow Bell Pepper | Salt, Olive Oil, Wasabi, Spicy Herba Mystica |
Ice | Ultra Sushi Sandwich | Rice, Smoked Fillet (x2), Klawf Stick (x2), Watercress | Salt, Vinegar, Wasabi |
Fighting | Ultra Refreshing Sandwich | Cherry Tomatoes, Avocado, Kiwi, Pickle | Marmalade, Salt |
Poison | Great Noodle Sandwich | Noodles, Lettuce | Olive Oil, Ketchup |
Ground | Great Herbed-Sausage Sandwich | Herbed Sausage | Ketchup, Mustard |
Flying | Great Egg Sandwich | Egg, Cucumber, Red Onion | Salt, Mayonnaise |
Psychic | Master Nouveau Veggie Sandwich | Watercress, Yellow Bell Pepper, Onion, Tomato, Cucumber | Olive Oil, Wasabi, Mayonnaise, Sweet Herba Mystica |
Bug | Ultra Potato Salad Sandwich | Potato Salad, Cucumber, Red Bell Pepper, Avocado, Red Onion | Mayonaisse |
Rock | Ultra BLT Sandwich | Bacon, Lettuce, Tomato, Basil, Cheese | Mayonnaise, Mustard |
Ghost | Great Vegetable Sandwich | Sliced Green Pepper, Tomato, Cucumber, Red Onion | Salt, Olive Oil, Vinegar |
Dark | Ultra Avocado Sandwich | Avocado, Smoked Fillet, Tomato, Lettuce | Salt |
Dragon | Great Avocado Sandwich | Avocado, Smoked Fillet, Tomato | Salt |
Steel | Master Hamburger Patty Sandwich | Hamburger, Onion, Watercress | Vinegar, Pepper, Horseradish, Sweet Herba Mystica |
Fairy | Ultra Ham Sandwich | Pickle, Ham, Prosciutto, Jalapeno | Mayonnaise, Mustard |
* While most of these recipes will give you Encounter Power Level 2, these sandwiches will only raise your Encounter Power to Level 1. So far there’s no way to get a higher Encounter Power for these Types.

How to make the best sandwiches for boosting capture rate in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
Sandwiches can also make you more likely to successfully catch Pokémon of certain types. This is especially helpful when searching for rare or even shiny Pokémon.
These are the best recipes for each type, again giving you the best chances for the fewest ingredients where possible, as well as avoiding Herba Mystica where possible.
Type | Sandwich | Ingredients | Seasoning |
Normal | Ultra Tower Sandwich | Hamburger, Noodles, Potato Salad, Rice, Klawf Stick, Tofu | Olive Oil, Salt, Curry Powder |
Fire | Ultra Classic Bocadillo | Prosciutto, Cheese, Potato Tortilla, Avocado | Olive Oil, Curry Powder |
Water | Master Tropical Sandwich | Klawf Stick, Avocado, Pineapple, Jalapeno | Marmalade, Sour Herba Mystica |
Grass | Master Ham Sandwich | Pickle, Ham, Prosciutto, Jalapeno | Mayonnaise, Mustard, Salty Herba Mystica |
Electric | Great Curry-and-Noodle-Sandwich | Noodles, Red Bell Pepper, Bacon, Yellow Bell Pepper, Jalapeno | Olive Oil, Salt, Curry Powder |
Ice | Ultra Dessert Sandwich | Apple (x2), Kiwi, Strawberry | Yogurt, Whipped Cream |
Fighting | Great Jam Sandwich | Strawberry | Jam, Yogurt |
Poison | Ultra Fruit Sandwich | Banana, Apple, Pineapple, Kiwi | Whipped Cream, Marmalade, Yogurt |
Ground | Great Tropical Sandwich | Klawf Stick, Avocado, Pineapple | Marmalade |
Flying | Great Dessert Sandwich | Apple (x2), Kiwi | Yogurt, Whipped Cream |
Psychic* | Nouveau Veggie Sandwich | Watercress, Yellow Bell Pepper, Onion, Tomato | Olive Oil, Wasabi |
Bug* | Jambon-Beurre | Ham | Butter |
Rock | Ultra Tropical Sandwich | Klawf Stick, Avocado, Pineapple, Jalapeno | Marmalade |
Ghost | Ultra Potato Salad Sandwich | Potato Salad, Cucumber, REd Bell Pepper, Avocado, Red Onion | Mayonnaise |
Dark | Ultra Jam Sandwich | Strawberry, Pineapple | Jam, Yogurt |
Dragon | Great Potato Salad Sandwich | Potato Salad, Cucumber, Red Pepper, Avocado | Mayonnaise |
Steel | Ultra Hefty Sandwich | Potato Tortilla, Fried Fillet, Prosciutto, Potato Salad, Herbed Sausage, Hamburger | Salt, Peanut Butter |
Fairy | Master BLT Sandwich | Bacon, Lettuce, Tomato, Basil, Cheese | Mayonnaise, Mustard, Sweet Herba Mystica |
* These sandwiches will only raise your Catching Power to Level 1. So far there’s no way to get a higher Catching Power for these Types.

How to make the best sandwiches for raising Egg Power in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
Egg Power increases your odds of finding Eggs in the picnic basket when you have compatible Pokémon. Check out our breeding guide for full information on how that works.
Egg Power also decreases the amount of time it takes to hatch Eggs once you have them.
Fruit ingredients are the most common to raise Egg Power. The cheapest sandwich recipe for reaching Egg Power Level 2 is the Great Peanut Butter Sandwich. This is simply one Banana ingredient with one Peanut Butter and one Butter condiment.

How to make the best sandwiches for boosting Exp rate in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
If you want to level up your Pokémon more quickly, there’s sandwiches for that. You’ll need to have a sandwich which raises your Exp. Point Power for whatever Pokémon you’ll be battling. This will cause them to give you more Exp. once defeated. This is useful if you know you’ll be challenging a certain Gym, for example.
These are the best recipes for gaining Exp. Point Power Level 2 of each type. Once more, I’ve tried to avoid Herby Mystica recipes where I can, as well as giving the simplest recipe available.
Type | Sandwich | Ingredients | Seasoning |
Normal | Master Egg Sandwich | Egg, Cucumber, Red Onion, Cheese | Salt, Mayonnaise, Salty Herba Mystica |
Fire | Ultra Noodle Sandwich | Noodle, Lettuce, Chorizo | Olive Oil, Ketchup |
Water* | Great Zesty Sandwich | Jalapeno, Onion, Herbed Sausage, Sliced Green Pepper | Chili Sauce |
Grass | Ultra Avocado Sandwich | Avocado, Smoked Fillet, Tomato, Lettuce | Salt |
Electric | Master Noodle Sandwich | Noodles, Lettuce, Chorizo | Olive Oil, Ketchup, Bitter Herba Mystica |
Ice | Great Decadent Sandwich | Smoked Fillet, Klawf Stick, Watercress, Basil, Tofu | Vinegar, Olive Oil, Salt |
Fighting | Master Herbed-Sausage Sandwich | Herbed Sausage, Lettuce | Ketchup, Mustard, Bitter Herba Mystica |
Poison | There are no sandwiches that raise Exp. Point Power for Poison types. | n/a | n/a |
Ground | Ultra Herbed-Sausage Sandwich | Herbed Sausage, Lettuce | Ketchup, Mustard |
Flying | There are no sandwiches that raise Exp. Point Power for Flying types. | n/a | n/a |
Psychic | Master Smoky Sandwich | Smoked Fillet, Watercress, Red Onion, Basil | Vinegar, Pepper, Salt, Salty Herba Mystica |
Bug* | Great Cheese Sandwich | Cheese, Avocado | Cream Cheese, Pepper, Salt |
Rock | Ultra Curry-and-Noodle Sandwich | Noodles, Red Bell Pepper, Bacon, Yellow Paper, Jalapeno, Egg | Olive Oil, Salt, Curry Powder |
Ghost | Great Smoky Sandwich | Smoked Fillet, Watercress, Red Onion | Vinegar, Pepper, Salt |
Dark | Ultra Smoky Sandwich | Smoked Fillet, Watercress, Red Onion, Basil | Vinegar, Pepper, Salt |
Dragon | Ultra Cheese Sandwich | Cheese, Avocado, Basil | Cream Cheese, Pepper, Salt |
Steel | Ultra Egg Sandwich | Egg, Cucumber, Red Onion, Cheese | Salt, Mayonnaise |
Fairy | There are no sandwiches that raise Exp. Point Power for Poison types. | n/a | n/a |
* Most of these recipes will get you to Exp. Point Power Level 2, but these sandwiches will only get you to Level 1. So far there’s no way to get a higher Exp. Point Power for these Types.

How to make the best sandwiches for boosting shiny encounter rate in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
The final effect you’ll find when perfecting your sandwich recipes is Sparkling Power, which raises your chances of finding shiny Pokémon in the wild.

Find out a full guide on shinies here, but in terms of the best sandwiches, you’ll need Herba Mystica, which can be obtained from 5 star Tera Raids (which you can solo with a strong Iron Hands build) after you complete the eight Gym battles.
As previously mentioned, if you have them in your inventory, you can get the recipes from the NPC in the sandwich shops, but you can also just use the Herba Mystica in Creative mode to get the effect.
You will need at least two Herba Mystica to get the Sparkling Power effect.