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New S.T.A.L.K.E.R movie released

Judge for yourself whether GSC's radioactive shooter deserves to be talked about in the same breath as the big guns of FPS.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

A new three and a half minute promo video of GSC's promising FPS mutation STALKER: Shadow Of Chernobyl hit the interweb today, and gives just a glimpse of what adequately specced PC owners can expect when the title hits the shelves in September.

We waxed at some length about the environment detail in our work in progress feature yesterday, and some of this comes across with plenty of bushy terrain and crumbling buildings in evidence.

What is also clear from this typically action packed trailer is the excellent facial detail which GSC is keen to show off via a number of sniper mode close ups. The narrative elements - largely lacking from our playtest session - also raises hope that the game will have a decent story to back the tech, although the distinctly non Ukranian accents spells out the THQ influence loud and clear.

One of the less impressive elements of STALKER currently are the mutant character models, which don't appear to be in the same league as other top notch shooters - both in terms of lacking a certain imagination and appearing to lack convincing animation in this rather choppy video. Oddly, the human characters displayed a great deal of detail and animation in our playtest by comparison, so we hope that it's just a case of our eyes deceiving us, rather than a genuine concern.

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