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Metal Gear Solid 5 is certainly a Hideo Kojima game where it matters most

Created and directed by...

Konami has removed superstar game designer Hideo Kojima from the cover of Metal Gear Solid 5 and the Metal Gear Solid website, but his name is plastered all over the game where it matters most.

There may be spoilers ahead.

Eurogamer's Chris Bratt put together the video, below, that shows MGS5 mentions Hideo Kojima a whopping 12 times before you even get to Mother Base around two or three hours into the game.

MGS5 is structured in a way reminiscent of a TV series. Missions begin and end with credits displaying on-screen, and in all cases Hideo Kojima, creator, director and writer, is front and centre.

We also see Kojima Productions and its logo name-checked. Kojima Productions was the Konami-owned developer of the Metal Gear series, among other games. It was recently disbanded.

Kojima is reportedly set to leave Konami before the end of the year, so while the company previously assured fans the franchise would continue, Metal Gear Solid 5 is likely his last in the series.

Do you think Kojima's making a point? Nah, surely not.

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