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Jumpgate: Evolution this year

NetDevil optimistic about space MMO.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

NetDevil is planning to launch persistent online space game Jumpgate: Evolution in the second half of 2008.

So said lead producer Hermann Peterscheck, who had a chat with videogaming247 about how it was a different kettle of fish to EVE Online.

"There are many differences between the two games," began Peterscheck. "Obviously the big difference is that in Jumpgate you fly the ship in a sort of action way, whereas EVE is much more of a strategy type game.

"It's also not a combat, quest, advance centric game. I would say we are much closer to Freelancer or Wing Commander with an online component than that we are EVE with an action component, if that makes sense."

Jumpgate: Evolution was picked up by Codemasters Online Gaming to sit alongside fantasy stalwart Lord of the Rings Online in its meaty MMOG catalogue.

And while EVE marks itself out as an obvious competitor, Peterscheck believes everything potentially blocks its path, although he feels there is a more casual and action-focused audience lurking in wait.

"I think that because we are seen as having good graphics and are focusing on a more action-friendly, low time-commitment gameplay, we hit a nerve with a lot of players," continued Peterscheck.

"There's also a much bigger ex-Wing Commander, ex-Privateer community out there than people would think - and these people tend to say things like, 'It's about time someone made a good space combat game again.' Well, we think so too.

He added: "If we make an exceptional game we will get people from all over and some whom have never played an online game. I sincerely hope we can make one of those exceptional games."

Warp over to the Jumpgate: Evolution page for fresh space news.

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