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Guitar Hero III world record broken

Man gets insane score on Dragonforce tune.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Are you good at Guitar Hero III? Not by the standards of a man named Daniel Johnson, you're not, because if you were you'd be the world record holder. He's broken the world record for a Guitar Hero III score, is what we're saying.

He scored 890,971 on the Xbox 360 version of the game doing the "Through the Fire and Flames" song by Dragonforce on Expert level. That's completely insane. The previous record-holder was a guy called Chris Chike, who scored 880,920 in March.

According to Guinness, who were on hand to record his achievement, Johnson was competing at a Guitar Hero 24-Hour Marathon presented by Blockbuster in Dallas. The idea was to drum up awareness for Education is Freedom, a non-profit foundation that does something to do with children. We didn't bother to learn.

If you're interested in videogame world records, incidentally, be sure to check out The King of Kong, a documentary about two guys competing for the Donkey Kong world record. It's brilliant and out on Region 2 DVD on 16th June.

Or you could buy the Guinness World Records Gamer's Edition 2008, which features contributions from a number of Eurogamer regulars. Just in case you ever wanted Wikipedia in hardback.

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