God of War: Ascension special editions detailed
Spartan offerings?
Well stab our brains with a sharp knife, God of War: Ascension is getting not one but two special edition versions.
Both will be available when the game launches on 13th March 2013, according to the EU PlayStation blog.
First there's the Special Edition, which contains the game in a Steelbook case, a soundtrack, a multiplayer double XP ticket, a PS3 theme and an avatar.
Then there's the Collector's Edition, so named because it is more special than the Special Edition. You get all of the above plus an exclusive eight-inch Kratos statue and a season pass for all future DLC content.
Available separately - and included in the Collector's Edition as part of the season pass - is the Mythological Heroes Multiplayer Pack. It contains four player skins for Achilles, Odysseus, Perseus and Orion. What stars.
Sony has said to keep an eye on retailers for pricing. If we see either of these pop up we'll update.