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Fortnite fans suspect an all-new game map is just around the corner

Farewell fields.

Two years and 10 seasons later, signs point to Fortnite's map changing for good at the end of the month.

Not the usual kind of change, where a corner of its world gets paved over by a new bit of snow or desert, but a map largely redrawn from scratch.

Fans have long wondered whether Fortnite would ever bring in a new map either in place of or alongside its own. Instead, Epic has constantly iterated on its current island - with changes big and small made every week.

The location is now littered with the footprints and relics of the past two years - a physical history of its many live events and changes.

But, after a season full of nostalgic returns for former places in time-twisted ways, the end seems nigh. The island is once again in peril and on the brink of destruction - via the exploding Zero Point energy floating about the Vault and the comet above Dusty Depot, both of which have been frozen in time since the start of the season.

This season's story has seen the mysterious Visitor character opening time rifts over the island in a bid to find a solution. Will he be successful?

Last week, a list of 10 new locations was found within the game files - enough to fill a fresh map.

Now, a leaked loading screen for this season's final week sees the battle royale's heroes waving goodbye, as its battle bus flies off into the sunset. The image is titled "Last stop, Thank you, Bus driver!" (Also, Drift and Brite Bomber being a couple now seems canon.)

Fans have noted a similar image has been part of the latest Battle Pass since the beginning of the season, and before that, part of the prophetic cave painting you could piece together back in season nine.

It is beginning to make sense from r/FortNiteBR

Whether the action moves over to a new island or this season's upcoming finale event refreshes the current map in its entirety, it's clear there are very big changes coming. And after a season full of nostalgia for the game's past - it feels time for Epic to look toward the future.

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