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Fortnite adds vehicles, refuelling and radio stations

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Fortnite's vehicle update is now live, and it weighs in at around 2.3GB on PC.

With it, the game's first four proper road vehicles are unlocked. The flat bed Bear truck shown in the video below has a beefy 1000 health and can speed along at 50mph.

On the downside, you'll need to stop off at one of the island's petrol stations to keep it topped up with fuel. There, players must grab a nozzle and waggle it at the car to fill up. There are four tanks within the car - so a full squad can refuel simultaneously to save time.

Another new addition is the game's first radio station, which you can switch on or off from within a car. At the moment, the only station available appears to be the mix of in-game music available via Party Royale - though it sounds like licensed tunes will be featured in the future, as a note given to content creators has warned some music will be copyrighted.

Leaks have pointed to several upcoming car-based game modes, including a Mario Kart-esque racing offering and another based on Crazy Taxi. There's no word yet on when these will go live.

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