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Fortnite adds Capture the Flag-style mode Getaway

Jewel be playing it today!

There's a new mode in Fortnite's 5.40 patch, which has just rolled out to the game's servers. It's called Getaway, and it's a little Capture the Flag-like.

You need to capture llama-shaped jewels found in supply drop safes then deposit them at flying getaway vans. Jewels will slow you down while carrying them, and vans will require building to reach. Securing a jewel will net you victory.

It won't be easy - other tweaks include supply drops with long-range weapons to help stop jewel-carriers from afar, while rifts and launchpads have been disabled to stop sneaky jewel deposits.

Patch 5.40 also adds in the previously-detailed Grappler item, which will have 15 charges. You use it to attach and pull yourself towards any other nearby object, and can chain shots together.

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New rewards will drop from challenges associated with the mode. And there are, of course, new skins to spend your money on. Beardy strokey man here is my favourite.

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