Dirt Rally rides onto PlayStation 4, Xbox One in April
Leaves Early Access road testing today on PC.
Codemasters' Dirt Rally will launch for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on 5th April 2016, the publisher has announced.

Today also marks the game's transition from Early Access to full release on Steam.
Dirt fans have been road testing this latest release for eight months, during which it has earned a positive reception.
The full version of the game also includes a Winter Wonderland update, which adds the icy Swedish Varmland region.
Codemasters recently reaffirmed its focus on driving games after the closure of its Malta-based studio which had been running virtual card game Battle Decks.
"There's no mistaking that this is anything other than a simulation," Martin warbled when he got his hands on the game's PC build back in April. "I don't think you've been able to say that of a rally game since 2004's much-loved Richard Burns Rally."
"It's the hardcore experience fans have been asking for ever since Codemasters' off-road series gained something of an American accent with 2007's Colin McRae: Dirt, and the team have arguably over-delivered when it comes to doubling down on real rally."