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David Hayter takes on the Internet

Voice of Snake responds to reports.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Solid Snake voice man David Hayter has written an open letter to the Internet after comments he made at the Anime Expo recently were apparently "misinterpreted".

Hayter claimed his "acerbic" sense of humour was taken out of context, leading to stories portraying him as unhappy at some dramatic decisions by Metal Gear Solid creator Hideo Kojima. Others even suggested he was homophobic for joking about a homoerotic scene being "humiliating".

"Let me say, here and now, that that is the most ridiculous, untrue, and personally offensive thing ever said about me. I have nothing but love for the gay community (and pretty much every community, in principle). If I can clear up one gross misconception from this mess, please let it be that," said Hayter in his open letter on 1UP.

"I believe Mr. Kojima to be a true genius, and I regard his artistic choices as sacrosanct and entirely justified in every sense. It is his game, his world, and if he says that Otacon and Snake ride off into the sunset together, then that is the exact, right choice.

"I not only owe a huge portion of my career to Metal Gear and to Hideo Kojima - the genius who created them, but I am also a rabid fan of the games," he added.

Hayter went on to reveal he has Metal Gear posters on his wall, but clarified that despite his adoration for the series, he did not start a petition to write the Metal Gear screenplay.

"I pitched a Metal Gear movie outline to the MGS producers a few months back, and they opted not to hire me. That is a choice they are entirely free to make. I am not, nor will I ever be, 'petitioning' anyone to hire me for anything," explained Hayter.

"I am not suffering for screenwriting offers. I just thought I had something to offer that particular film, given my peculiar history. If someone else writes the film, then I wish him or her nothing but success. I want to see a good MGS film as much as any fan."

Hayter will be adapting Capcom game Lost Planet for the big screen, though, or so he suggested at the same US event recently. Capcom has said nothing so far, but rumours expect the publisher lift the curtain on it at E3 next week.

We also think David Hayter happens looks like a younger Ricky Gervais, but with a gravelly voice Tom keeps trying to recreate.

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