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Company makes real-life Fortnite - in Leicestershire

Moisty Maguire.

Fortnite is one of those rare games which somehow seems to leak beyond the digital into real life. Only the other day, when I was out walking the dog, I came across teens teaching their parents Fortnite dances in the middle of a field. Now, it seems a lot more people will be flossing in the countryside, as one company has created an outdoor laser tag version of the game.

The "Fortnite-themed" activity, inventively called "Battle Royale," promises an "epic experience" for guests. It's based in the UK (in Leicestershire, of all places) and according to its Facebook page, only set up shop a few weeks ago. Battle Royale offers hour-long slots of playtime, where guests can apparently play in "solos, duos or squads". There are three fighting zones and even a gift shop, aptly placed in "Retail Row". I wonder if they accept V-bucks?

Take a closer look at this fence.

From a glance at the video provided on Facebook, it looks like a lot of fun for kids, but also a legal nightmare. Not only does the video call it "Fortnite world", but there are decorative cut-outs of llamas, signs with images pulled straight from the game, and a site map with a lot of very familiar names.

I can't remember if I've seen that font somewhere before.

This is a pretty bold move, particularly as Epic has made trademark filings for everything from Junk Junction to Slurp Juice. The developer has also garnered something of a reputation for taking people to court - remember when it sued two alleged cheaters for copyright infringement?

Eurogamer contacted "Battle Royale" for comment on the matter, but is still waiting for a response. Might the "Battle Royale" laser tag experience be next to face Epic's fierce legal department?

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