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CCP hints at EVE FPS

Footage shown at Fanfest.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

EVE Online developer CCP has hinted that an FPS based on the EVE universe is in development.

Footage was shown of a Halo-like shooter on a daylit, Earth-like planet surface. The architecture and gun designs were clearly redolent of the space MMO's art style.

There was also a third-person view of a land vehicle driving across the surface.

Earlier in the presentation on the future of EVE, CCP bosses Hilmar Petursson and Nathan Richardsson had mentioned that CCP has a "game console strategy", and a slide mentioning PS3 and 360 was shown.

It seems likely that the FPS is envisaged as a game console project. Petursson mentioned that the developer has "some other tricks up our sleeve" besides EVE Online and the other MMO it is known to be developing, World of Darkness.

However, Petursson was keen to point out that the developer's resources are very much focused on EVE Online's next expansion at the moment - so don't expect the FPS any time soon.

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