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Yes, Lionhead is working on something that isn't "Fable-esque"

"I wouldn't say that we're just Fable..."

Lionhead Studios is working on a non-Fable game, it has confirmed to Eurogamer.

The Microsoft-owned developer has two announced projects in the works: Fable Anniversary, a HD remake of the first Fable game, and Fable Legends, a multiplayer-focused game for Xbox One. But it's also got more going on, as Eurogamer discovered as part of an article profiling the studio published this morning.

Last week OXM spotted a Linkedin profile of a former Lionhead developer who said he had worked on Fable Legends and an "unannounced project". That set tongues wagging on what the studio had up its sleeve.

In an interview with Eurogamer, Lionhead boss John Needham said that while Lionhead was "primarily" the Fable studio, "we're working on other games, too."

"We're working on other different sorts of games as well that we're not talking about right now and won't be Fable-esque," he said.

Lionhead's first game was Black & White, published by EA in 2001. The first Fable game was released in 2004, a year before The Movies was published by Activision.

But since the studio was acquired by Microsoft in 2006 it has focused on Fable, releasing Fable 2, Fable 3, Fable Heroes and Fable: The Journey.

Stuart Whyte, studio director at Lionhead, added: "We've worked on a number of Fable games. We did The Movies. We did Black & White. We're not just a Fable studio. Judging by where we are at the moment we've had a lot of Fable games in recent times, but I wouldn't say that we're just Fable. I can't really say any more at this point!"

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