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Van Halen, GH5, Band Hero for 2009

Publishing source identifies Hero titles.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Activision plans to expand the Guitar Hero range several more times before the end of the year according to a source close to the publisher.

Eurogamer has been told that Hard Rock Van Halen (August), Guitar Hero 5 (presumably a working title - September), DJ Hero (October), and Band Hero (November) are among games planned for release on PS3, Xbox 360, Wii and PS2 in 2009.

Following the release of Guitar Hero: Modern Hits, Activision also plans to release at least one more DS Guitar Hero title in 2009, the same source said.

Several of the above games are already in varying states of public undress. Activision Blizzard boss Bobby Kotick has spoken publicly about DJ Hero already, and mentioned Van Halen rather notably at an investor conference in early 2008.

Guitar Hero 5 and Band Hero (a trademark registered at around the same time as "Drum Hero") are supposedly separate titles due for the same spread of home consoles within the space of a few months, although our source was quiet on any specifics.

It would be no surprise, however, if Activision were to significantly ramp up the number of Guitar Hero releases given its importance to the company's bottom line. The impending Greatest Hits standalone disc and a Metallica title just months after Guitar Hero World Tour's late-2008 release suggest the company is eager to keep taking advantage of its breadwinner.

Activision told Eurogamer it does not comment on rumour and speculation.

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