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Crytek's multiplayer swamp horror Hunt: Showdown starts its closed alpha this month

And you can sign up now.

Crytek has announced that its intriguing multiplayer swap horror, Hunt: Showdown, will enter closed alpha on January 31st, and players can sign up to participate now.

Hunt: Showdown debuted at last year's E3 and looks to offer an atmospheric blend of first-person PvE and PvP. When a match begins, up to five teams (consisting of either one or two players) must roam the thick Louisiana swampland in a bid to be the first locate and eliminate a specific, boss-like creature. The first team to fell the target gets the bounty, whereupon every other team on the map will turn their sights on the victors as they make their escape.

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Crytek plans to launch Hunt: Showdown in Steam Early Access prior to its full release. Before that, however, it will be holding closed alpha sessions with a select group of players. These early alpha phases are designed to test gameplay, balancing, and backend functionality, and to gather community feedback. New content - including weapons, equipment, traits, and ranks - will be continuously released and tested as the alpha progresses.

If you fancy getting involved in the closed alpha, you can sign up on the Hunt: Showdown website now. Closed alpha testers will be randomly selected from the sign-up list, and successful applicants will receive an email invite. Invitations will apparently be sent out in multiple waves, so there's still a chance to participate even if you're not selected immediately.

There's no release date for Hunt: Showdown yet, but Crytek says that the game will likely be in development for at least another 12 months once it hits in Steam Early Access, with the exact length being dependant on player feedback.

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