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Sony Pictures pulls NXE Netflix content

Hundreds of films temporarily axed.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Netflix has pulled all content by Sony-owned Columbia Pictures from the on-demand New Xbox Experience film streaming service.

The movie rental company blames licensing problems, although other Netflix-enabled streaming platforms such as PCs and TVs are unaffected.

"As watching instantly becomes a more prominent part of the Netflix service, our goal is to have all of our streaming content licensed for all of our partner devices," Netflix told MTV Multiplayer. "We're doing well in this area, but it will take some time before we fully achieve that goal."

"Today, titles regularly come in and out of license and there is a natural ebb and flow to what we have on license at any given point in time. In the case of Xbox 360, a few hundred titles are temporarily unavailable to be streamed via the Xbox game console."

Among those "few hundred" are films such as Superbad and the entire Karate Kid trilogy.

Of course, the Netflix streaming service is only available in the US, so none of this affects us. Unfortunately, there are also no plans for a similar operation here.

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