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Sifu breaks down its upcoming difficulty settings in new preview trailer

Update arriving next Tuesday, 3rd May.

We've known developer Sloclap's challenging kung-fu beat-'em-up Sifu would be getting much-requested difficulty settings for some time, but now, following the release of a new content roadmap earlier this week, Sloclap has offered a closer look at how they'll function when they arrive in a new update next Tuesday, 3rd May.

As we learned earlier this week, Sifu's new difficulty levels will come in three flavours - Student, Disciple, and Master - and Sloclap's latest preview trailer breaks each setting down in a little more detail. Disciple, for instance, will offer the "classic Sifu experience", and it's the option for those that want to continue playing the game as it is now.

Student, however, is designed for those wanting a slightly easier ride. It'll make the experience "more forgiving but still challenging", by increasing player health, making ageing more forgiving, and introducing weaker enemies with less aggressive AI that use simplified combos.

Sifu - Difficulty Settings Preview.Watch on YouTube

Master, though, sits at the other end of the scale, significantly ramping up the challenge for seasoned players seeking to take things to the next level. This makes the protagonist more vulnerable and features more aggressive enemies that fight with more intricate patterns.

Sifu's new difficulty settings will be introduced in a new update - the first of four major post-launch updates planned for the game - launching on PlayStation and PC next Tuesday, 3rd May.

As for the remaining three updates, summer will bring advanced scoring and gameplay modifiers, including the likes of one health point, no pendant, bullet time, and no guard. Then, in autumn, Sifu will receive a replay editor, and winter will introduce a new Arenas mode. Expect new outfits and new modifiers with each update from summer onward.

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